TV Radiation & Parrots is This a Problem


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Jul 5, 2017
Virgo Supercluster
Jack - African Grey or is he a Red-tailed hawk
TV Radiation & Parrots

I know this may be a little to far out on the perimeter. You know out here there are no stars. Out here we is stoned immaculate.

[ame=""]The Doors The Wasp (Texas Radio And The - YouTube[/ame]

However I have been studying this de-feathering syndrome everyone has been describing. A lady at work showed me a pic of a bald eclectus. In the pic I noticed an old style CRT TV. It sat on a stand right next to the cage. So I asked "does he like TV?" and her reply was "yes we leave it on all day so he can watch cartoons".

TV Radiation | EM Watch

I know why they took canaries into the mines long ago. Is it possible, however far fetched, that these little guys are suffering from low level radiation exposure?

The attached article seems to indicate the possibility. It is about human exposure but as with the canary first alert system of long ago maybe what is low risk to humans is quite hazardous to a tiny avian.

The article goes on to say that many electronic devices also emit certain levels of radiation. Things we may never think of such as wifi routers, smart TVs, smart phones and other low output EMF devices.

I have no way to test my theory as I don't own a one eyed monster (TV). A quick read of a few blogs seemed to indicate many parrots do in deed enjoy all day TV entertainment.

I would wager a bet that there are those birds that have a higher tolerance to these high energy particles and there are those that do not. In other words native species to higher latitudes may not agree with the suns radiation as well as those native to the Amazon, Congo and equatorial latitudes.

Are Ekkies more susceptible to this than say grey's or Amazons?

This is a theory of course and is open for scientific debate. Someone living with a bald bird in a dwelling with zero electronic devices could end the debate quick. On the other hand if no one makes that claim then what? I wouldn't knowingly expose any animal to radiation to find out. Eliminating possibilities seems like a good place to start though.

I'm not suggesting we shut down modern society by pulling the plugs on all electronics. I do believe they deserve their personal space. Except for my iPhone I can't live without.

It would be interesting to see how many birds watch tv. Out of that how far away they are from the source. And out of that do they pluck. And out of that what species. Then nail down the devices.

I know there are volumes of information about plucking. It appears that certain remedies work better than others. I also know that many do not. There is a common denominator in this problem. Since I have never seen a bald adult Avian in the wild (easy prey so look fast) I have to wonder if we are unknowingly causing this irritation with our high tech electronic entertainment.

It is 02:00 (am) and I'm worrying about everyone else's birds. Yikes! I've got it bad.

I remember when I was a kid, back in the dark ages of Apollo, Vietnam and peace signs, my dad would make us sit as far away from our new Quasar TV as possible. I wanted to see Spock close up in color! He told me that TV and the new microwave would fry my brain. Well the TV didn't but other forms of 60s entertainment eventually did.....excuse me while I kiss the sky

[ame=""]The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh man, Jimi could play!

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TV Radiation & Parrots

I know this may be a little to far out on the perimeter. You know out here there are no stars. Out here we is stoned immaculate.

The Doors The Wasp (Texas Radio And The - YouTube

However I have been studying this de-feathering syndrome everyone has been describing. A lady at work showed me a pic of a bald eclectus. In the pic I noticed an old style CRT TV. It sat on a stand right next to the cage. So I asked "does he like TV?" and her reply was "yes we leave it on all day so he can watch cartoons".

TV Radiation | EM Watch

I know why they took canaries into the mines long ago. Is it possible, however far fetched, that these little guys are suffering from low level radiation exposure?

The attached article seems to indicate the possibility. It is about human exposure but as with the canary first alert system of long ago maybe what is low risk to humans is quite hazardous to a tiny avian.

The article goes on to say that many electronic devices also emit certain levels of radiation. Things we may never think of such as wifi routers, smart TVs, smart phones and other low output EMF devices.

I have no way to test my theory as I don't own a one eyed monster (TV). A quick read of a few blogs seemed to indicate many parrots do in deed enjoy all day TV entertainment.

I would wager a bet that there are those birds that have a higher tolerance to these high energy particles and there are those that do not. In other words native species to higher latitudes may not agree with the suns radiation as well as those native to the Amazon, Congo and equatorial latitudes.

Are Ekkies more susceptible to this than say grey's or Amazons?

This is a theory of course and is open for scientific debate. Someone living with a bald bird in a dwelling with zero electronic devices could end the debate quick. On the other hand if no one makes that claim then what? I wouldn't knowingly expose any animal to radiation to find out. Eliminating possibilities seems like a good place to start though.

I'm not suggesting we shut down modern society by pulling the plugs on all electronics. I do believe they deserve their personal space. Except for my iPhone I can't live without.

It would be interesting to see how many birds watch tv. Out of that how far away they are from the source. And out of that do they pluck. And out of that what species. Then nail down the devices.

I know there are volumes of information about plucking. It appears that certain remedies work better than others. I also know that many do not. There is a common denominator in this problem. Since I have never seen a bald adult Avian in the wild (easy prey so look fast) I have to wonder if we are unknowingly causing this irritation with our high tech electronic entertainment.

It is 02:00 (am) and I'm worrying about everyone else's birds. Yikes! I've got it bad.

I remember when I was a kid, back in the dark ages of Apollo, Vietnam and peace signs, my dad would make us sit as far away from our new Quasar TV as possible. I wanted to see Spock close up in color! He told me that TV and the new microwave would fry my brain. Well the TV didn't but other forms of 60s entertainment eventually did.....excuse me while I kiss the sky

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze (Music Video) - YouTube

Oh man, Jimi could play!
I would think that her electus doesn't watch tv! And is featherless with stress from a tv constantly making a din beside his cage! Giving him no peace ...

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It's a conditional NO.

A cathode ray tube or a "oldie timey" TV shoots an electron beam at a screen covered with phosphorus and a few other ...lets call them dyeing chemicals.

Now that being said, if the TV is like from the 70's or before... then yes there was some x-rays emitted, however still not a human; I can't vouch for a bird. If it's a newer TV like from the mid 80's to 90's before we all got flat screens then no it's just light.

Regarding radiation, there are alpha particles, beta particles, (both of these are pieces of molecules) and gamma waves, (higher frequency than x-rays), but there is also electromagnetic radiation which is the entire EM spectrum, without it you wouldn't be able to see because light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum...

So basically don't worry, be happy, science is ALSO around to protect you. Not just kill you.

Source: Professional electronics technician extraordinaire Myself with training in nuclear power and electronics.
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oh and regarding wifi and radio signals and all that...

1) no proof of any danger

2)Human life expectancy before radio and wifi was like say from 1950 to 2017 has increased over ten years....from age 68 to age 80
Thanks for the earworm, I'll be hearing Jim Morrison in my head all day.

I have no idea 'bout the radiation, but maybe the bald cartoon watching ekkie just didn't like cartoons. Mister Duke prefers Night Court or the weather radar channel.
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That was quick!
End of the test and the theory is banished.

Gamma waves and gamma rays are not the same.
Sub atomic particles make up pieces of atoms and we all know atoms build molecules.
EMF is a topic covered considerably in aviation.
I believe the point was Avian not human mass.
Light is radiation. It is the middle of the spectrum. Visible light.
Modern medicine is the reason for our long life success.

There you have it folks.
No need to worry.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I'm just an old science hater.
They just wanna take over the world:27:

Actually this is the joy of science. One person has a theory and others find the flaws. However we should use the proper terminology along the way as not to confuse those who have not spent 50 years studying physics as a hobby.

Don't get upset....this is fun.

I agree you have plenty of data to back your side. I just need help proving these safe for human levels are also safe for smaller mass creatures.

Organic molecules

The danger here is when a high energy particle collides with an atom in a DNA molecule. This causes a mutation in the strand. Enzymes begin to replicate the mutation and this is where cancer begins.

You have to agree that emitted radio signals produce particles strong enough to knock an electron off an atom. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many warning about radio antennas.

I agree we shouldn't run for the hills when our smart phone rings but they do emit radio waves. Routers emit radio waves too. We are surrounded by them from satellite communications to cell towers and all kinds of devices.

Have you ever seen a study on this subject regarding birds?

I also agree that placing a chatter box in front of a bird all day might drive it nuts. This is precisely why I don't have one. It is the pic she showed me of the the closeness that sparked my interest in frequency emissions. Turns out that particular bird was 20 years old and recently passed. That's why I was being shown the pics.

I apologize if I started something here. That was not my intent. I love to experiment and this looked like it might be worthwhile.

However if we accept the safety standards as applicable to all life forms then this topic of discussion is over.

Thank you for the input.

I'll take my mad science lab elsewhere :D

Oh! Do you think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman?
Be a good fight.....

Arrivederci science lovers and keep looking up
so we agree to agree I guess......Um ok cool!

Also I screwed up one thing alpha and beta particles aren't part of molecules they are parts of atoms....I re-read what I posted and was like crap that's going to stand out. ALso an electron knocked off it's atom is no big deal that's called electricity, it's when a neutrino gets knocked off and creates an ion that....well nvm we both agree....
You had color tv growing up??? Man your family musta been rich !!

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