Type whatever your phone tells you to!


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
South Africa
Current birds:

Past birds:
Basically, you just type in whatever your phone reccomends :) I'll start:

I have a cotton strings attached with the mods and the seed with the sprout of the cage where you can also try to distract myself from the internet that you have a big bird and they are small

Crazy huh? I know it sounds stupid 🤪
Yea yea it was for a couple weeks and it looks nothing else but like a big blue moon lol oh wow oh yeah I got a big green green yellow green orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green orange green yellow orange orange winged green (Tf-)
So that's what I got (after chosing one random letter cos I have no suggestions without it)

What I got from you are you still at least one of them was forbidden there is a lot of the time I get home from work in the morning and I can get you a new one year ago today I saw that I was too busy to get you a new one
Don't know what I want to get me to do with the 5.3V8 and the Lyonsi are amazing to see. The first thing that comes to mind is how much time we have been running Ehiem airpump and the manufacturing process has been worn smooth.
P you can do the other thing I need for help for a couple days and I’ll let it work again and then I’ll get a pic with my friends on Facebook so that we could see it on Facebook lol 😆 lol 😆 yea it looks good 😊 yea yea but yea it will look 👀 nice 👍 but no call 📞 I got the call 📞 yea it will say yea I will let her go back and there are you and your mom are going out for dinner now I need a ride home and I can make sure I get my car in my room so you don’t have to go back in and out lol I just want you yyyyuuy
Basically, you just type in whatever your phone reccomends :) I'll start:

I have a cotton strings attached with the mods and the seed with the sprout of the cage where you can also try to distract myself from the internet that you have a big bird and they are small

Crazy huh? I know it sounds stupid 🤪
HAHAHA! Great game, Pipp! Cotton strings...I like that:)

I want a string with mods too 😔
You also have a string with us, and I wouldn't have it any other way:)
I just picked random letters and then the middle suggestion on repeat, and did it multiple times in case one was 'better' and more entertaining, ha!

"But I think I have a good day off for a while and I don't know what to do with it but I think I have a good day off and I will be there in a few minutes but I will be there in about two minutes and then I'll be back in the morning to get it done before I get home and get it done before I get home and get it done before I get home and get it done before I get home and get it done before I get home and then go to the house and I will be there in about two minutes and then I'll be back in the morning and I will be there in about two minutes"

...no matter what letter I start with, this is what Google decides I need to say 😱😆🤣 Apparently I have a lot to get done and I'm a little late getting home and sadly that's about right hahaha
Red I can get it was a joke but I am not sure if you have any questions let me know if you need anything let me know if you need anything
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Have to have a bit afraid 😬that the issue will happen again if you are challenged to make sure your bird🐦 has kidney stones🪨 or the other person can be very very careful⚠️ with carbohydrates and the other side view is the cockatiel:white1: of all of it but it's okay👌 with me being able and not only parrot forums🦜 a few times in a row

Honestly I have no idea what's going on
Have to have a bit afraid 😬that the issue will happen again if you are challenged to make sure your bird🐦 has kidney stones🪨 or the other person can be very very careful⚠️ with carbohydrates and the other side view is the cockatiel:white1: of all of it but it's okay👌 with me being able and not only parrot forums🦜 a few times in a row

Honestly I have no idea what's going on
I was curious when anybody will get anything about parrots :ROFLMAO: (it's interesting - I've had sharks but no parrots yet😅)
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Find out how to see the pic below for more details and details on the smaller in the bird care and do be able and I can do it for a bird to a bird but unfortunately I can't even draw the line to get to know you are challenged on the smaller in the same cage and stuff like this forum is the first one that doesn’t the world around me to do this one is just a girl thing and I don't want any quiet day at home

That happened when I only typed the middle suggestion👀
To je ale w razie czego nie chcę ciebie zmuszać to nie jest to jedno z dwóch części a także w razie czego nie chcę ciebie zmuszać

(Yes, I got Polish this time 🤣)
Trying to translate it:
It eats but in case I don't want to force you it isn't the one of two parts and also in case I don't want to force you
LoL, it was a bit weird to translate 😂
Flonase is the best of all worlds she said she'd have to undo igneous phobias. She was unfixed with phobia presents under the family tree. Looking forward to seeing the vet tape clean and sincere thanks from omnibus streaming services. Limes on the kitchen floor makes me cry irksome ways
Zoom in and get it done by Friday morning or evening I have a question for me and my wife is in a good mood for anything just to see how you were feeling today love it so far I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can't wait to see you guys too I think I have a few things to do in text citation for the day and I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl love to have it by myself so much I hope your week going on the rest are going out for lunch tomorrow and see how you were going out for lunch tomorrow and see if I have it in the mail in a bit to get a job in this morning I will let her go to bed soon too I love it.
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Zoom in and get it done by Friday morning or evening I have a question for me and my wife is in a good mood for anything just to see how you were feeling today love it so far I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can do it on my phone I can't wait to see you guys too I think I have a few things to do in text citation for the day and I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl love to have it by myself so much I hope your week going on the rest are going out for lunch tomorrow and see how you were going out for lunch tomorrow and see if I have it in the mail in a bit to get a job in this morning I will let her go to bed soon too I love it.
Why does this look like something a parent told their partner/child? 👀
You are you still at least one of them was forbidden there is a lot of fun stuff to the house and I will be there in about sharks and I will be there in about sharks

I feel like it was a crossover of the two first ones😂 and I got sharks again 😂 interesting why I haven't gotten anything bird related yet
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You are going to be able to help and make a cheap and easy toy for you to post this thread informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and informative and helpful to read the article on the topic of the diet and I have one every months or so ago and I finally felt like I was healed enough for a new bird but you guys would say that I am not going to go into detail for his privacy but yeah I miss him sitting at my laptop while I was using it for a bird to a bird but if you are challenged on this entire life and not only is that little girl who never got married her husband or husband or husband could have a cotton rope boing some bird owners do but like the conditions are very high in carbs and they are small its true its can fit a bird

I realised that some of the sentences (group of words suggested in a row) are messages I quoted on the forum🤷‍♀️

Random note: I've never typed married or challenged on my phone.

What your phone suggests reveals a lot about you.

(edited to fix typo)
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