Unexpected Solutions are the Bomb


New member
Mar 8, 2015
So I have been having serious problems getting Sammy to step up off the top of any cage. I was spending fifteen minutes every time he got on the darn things trying to lure him into stepping up through target training or flat out bribery, but he has not gotten any better, the little brat. Well I have also been teaching him flight recall, and he will fly the short distances he is able with his clipped wings to me when I say "Sammy come here!" Tonight as I was putting him to bed he hopped on top of his sleeping cage and I groaned--time to go get the seeds and lure him off, right? Then I had an idea. I took a step back, said "Sammy come here" and he flew right off the cage onto my hand! The little bugger doesn't ever wanna step up but apparently he is happy to fly, lol! Ah the glory of unexpected solutions!
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Great! That's exciting news and progress! Hey, at least now he's willing to come to you no matter how he prefers to do it...
That's great! Sometimes birds are too cage-protective, which is why it's often hard to get them to step up from their cages.

That's one of the many benefits of recall.

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