Update on Kiwi

Awww, come on Mark! Your killing me here!!! There has to be at least a shred of bad bird in Kiwi!!!

*As I kick myself!!

I've had to tell her "too hard" at least twice now, while beak wrestling... [But hey, beak wrestling with a wound up amazon, that's too be expected.] Nothing so far... Not a single thing, except, of course, that this one is seemingly made of velcro now. ALWAYS wants to come with. ALWAYS wants interaction. Not real big on that "going down" stuff (except on the living room coffee table playstand) "why would I do that?!" [THAT'S 100% MY FAULT.]

If I can get someone to video, I'll post some of this stuff on video. (Then you'll REALLY kick yourself.) But no, you let her go to me, because you are trying to REDUCE, not enlarge your flock. And she is a velcro, high attention needs bird... so having her in the house and working with her the right way is time consuming. Just keep telling yourself, you really don't need that... (MBS under control... )

And the out and about thing, and the park with the kids? Now I have kids in the neighborhood stopping by to say hello to her... with all the birds I've had in the house THIS is the one the neighbors stop by to play with. Yeah, she's every bit that good. I'm amazed. You could tell from those videos this one was special... but... a little out and about training, and WOW! Now everybody is my best friend!

With the two already velcro-ed macaws, I am rarely doing anything without bird anymore. The more I hold one, the more the other two want their turn.

Hence the three amigos last night.

At least the other three still play in the tree... (the macaws were always up and down anyway.)

Oh, and I free flew Sally last night for the first time in ages... She seemed to have a blast with it!

Tried to free fly Maggie, but she absolutely DID NOT BUDGE from my shoulder. Just looked at me like... "Nah. Do my pinnies... "
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MBS, MBS, MBS *as I rub my earlobes. lol

I thrilled that she is so awesome!! (and a touch jealous) I'm glad that you got her, she would not get the same enrichment with me...
She's a totally pampered parrot at my place... like I say, I've got three velcro birds now.

I'll find someone to shoot some videos... I'd like to preserve some of this stuff anyway for posterity, since I've got exactly FOUR photos of old Pecker - the ones I framed. All my old picture disks got wiped out in the flood.

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