Toe Injury Update


New member
Nov 27, 2024
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Hiram, Georgia
Kiwi -Sun Conure
Peaches - Lovebird
Blueberry - Lovebird

Gizmoe - Green Cheek Conure
Loki - Jendaya Conure
^ sisterā€™s
Doesnā€™t live w/ us and canā€™t currently house them
So, to recap. Last Thursday, my sisterā€™s jendaya, Loki, bit my sun conureā€™s, Kiwi, toe pretty bad. I managed to put some Super Clot gel on it which helped numb, disinfectant, and stop the bleeding. Sheā€™s seems to be fine now, the changes in her behavior being tucking her foot up to keep weight off her toe (understandable) and sheā€™s been extra cuddly (which sheā€™s always been very cuddly, just more so now), which is understandable because sheā€™s in pain and she wants the extra comfort. I have been putting the Super Clot on her toe at least once a day to continue to disinfect her toe and I havenā€™t noticed any discharge or signs of infection, but her toe is still pretty swollen. I have a few pictures of her toe and just want some outside insight in case I mightā€™ve missed anything. I would take her to the vet (and I will if I absolutely have to), but we havenā€™t got the extra money for it at the moment as we are about to move.
These first few photos are from Saturday night, two days after the bite.

And this one is from earlier today, five days after.

Any and all insight/home treatments would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, yipes... looks swollen and red, huh? Well, if at all possible, I'd probably try to find some purchase or expense you can struggle along without and go to the vet. Those flesh wounds can go South with infection fast...
Sorry, I know money is tight these days.
Good for you for having Super Clot on hand.
We still havenā€™t been able to go, but her toe is looking better. It can look a bit crusty at times, however I think thatā€™s just from her food as Iā€™ve seen no proof of any sort of discharge/infection. Her toe is less swollen, though she still is favoring that foot. Iā€™m guessing that the initial bite loosened(?) the bit of her nail by the bite and when she uses that foot it tugs on the injury, cause sheā€™s also avoiding gripping with that foot (but sheā€™s shown that she can and will if she needs to.) Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye on it, but I think we are good so far.
Wow! That initial bite sure looked painful! And I agree... it looks better now. I would keep up with the SUper clot and maybe see if they'll tolerate a salt water soak (I tsp salt to 4 cups warm water... can't remember it exactly).

Keep us posted!

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