Update on Peewee


New member
Apr 14, 2013
California, USA
2 lovebirds, 1 macaw, 5 chickens and a duck (the poor-man's parrots), 2 Pacific parrotlets
I received great advice on the forum about getting Peewee acclimated and such. She is a very sweet and fun bird. And now the bad part...

Last Friday, I noticed that Peewee was quiet. Too quiet. I sat down with her and ate dinner, she kind of picked at hers. Then the open-beak breathing started. Off to the ER!

She was on oxygen all night. I transferred her to the avian vet in Pasadena (not her regular-he is out of town-but still very good). She was very weak, and so they couldn't get blood until Monday. She was released on Tuesday, no answers yet, and then back in on Thursday. She is being tested for aspergillosis, PDD,...it's a bit of a nightmare. She is still eating, but very, very week. Very likely cardiac involvement. I found out that she was, like her previous mom, a shut-in for several years. The vet thinks this, combined with 27 years of crappy diet, has taken a significant toll. I don't blame previous mom, I think she did the best she could.

So if you are into prayers, positive thoughts, anything like that, please include Peewee in them. If nothing else, please keep your fingers crossed for her. She is still weak today, but eating pretty well. I am doing all that I can for her. As a student (vet student!) this has been a big $ hit. But she is so worth it. I have attached a pre-hospital picture. She was really starting to enjoy life, and this is a harsh blow.


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Update: prognosis is grim. She was likely having episodes before she came to me and masking signs. I'm going to go see her and hope for the best, it's all I can do.
Best of luck to you and Peewee, I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Oh how sad, I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel.
Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that she can find a way through this.
Oh what a huge blow for PeeWee. The picture you have she looks so happy. Thank you for including her picture I really enjoyed seeing her.

I do hope that she can come around. Rally herself to become stronger and get better. I will send positive healing thoughts her way. I hope when you visit her she perks up for you.

Please keep us updated as you can. I hope for the best for PeeWee and her prognosis.
I'm so sorry to hear of the poor prognosis. :( I am holding out for a miracle. If she can make it through this I know you would work hard to see her health do a full turn around. It may just be out of your hands at this point. Sending up prayers for Peewee.
PeeWee's diagnosis is absolutely heartbreaking, Chickenstoo :(. I'm so very, very sorry for you and PeeWee :(. I will certainly keep her in my thoughts and remain hopeful for the very best outcome! Things like this are so devastatingly unfair.

On a more positive note, it sounds to me that perhaps there's still a chance PeeWee's illness is not PDD. My understanding is that PDD has no definitive tests and that vets typically use an observation of symptoms to come to the diagnosis. If PeeWee is eating, that's very good! If you don't find undigested food in her droppings, that's as well very good! I'm not saying that she doesn't have PDD... but I'll certainly be hoping that's the case.

Very best wishes...

I can shed some light to the PDD topic, I highly doubt she has PDD. She may have tested positive for Abv not PDD and Abv does not mean she had PDD although some vets automatically say if it has Abv it has PDD, so if the vet is going off that or just looks then he or she is likely wrong, I know it's sounds bad as I am no avian vet, bu I have studied Abv and odd for two years now and talked to some of the best again vets at this current time and have information from them about all of this. The Abv crap is just.... Crap it's not An accurate or truthful tests and many vets mis diagnosis because of it.

Signs of PDD as well can be deceiving as most of the times the signs can be something else completely different, the passing of undiegested food is a big one, plus excessive regurgitation, but the others are just as easy to say it has a common infection then PDD. Personally i had a mini macaw that had PDD and I'd like to say your peewee sounds nothing like how my little hahns was...

Again extremely sorry and you are in my thoughts

- Justin
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I spent 4 hours with her today. She ate last night, but had not eaten when I arrived. The morning tech said she was flat in the O2 box, barely breathing. I talked to the vet in the morning (she was working at another clinic) and she told me what she was doing treatment-wise. There are likely multiple issues going on. I asked her to add furosemide Lasix), and she said that she would, she had no problem with that.

When I showed up, Peewee had her head back and eyes closed. I offered her water (she drank a lot) and she ate a slice of banana and a peanut. Not enough, so I asked the tech for a cup of the tube-feeding diet, and gave it to Peewee with a syringe. She took 5 cc's. I wasn't too hopeful. Got ready to leave, and when I went to say goodbye, she was standing up, still weak, but standing. She said, "mother" and made her happy noise. She hasn't spoken since Wednesday.

The vet is testing her for Abv and also aspergillus. Her radiograph (the lateral we were able to get) show a lot of fluid in her lungs. The vet wants to get other views, but Peewee has not been stable enough to do so. She suspects (as I do) a cardiac issue. She regurgitates only here at home, when I give her large hookbill mix (trying to get her off of it). I did find seeds in her waste (or she could have regurgitated and then pooped on it).

I have not gotten an update since I left at 5, and I am praying that she is holding on. Thank you for all the well-wishes and kind thoughts for Peewee. I will update when I find out more.
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So sorry chickenstoo...hard to read but have been praying for you and peewee...
Just know that if she tests positive for Abv it doesn't mean anything really, just that she has a virus in her body that 50% of parrot kinds and now even other birds have...

I am so sorry, you gave this girl a home she needed and that I am sure meant the most to her then anything has in her life:).
Kinda' getting in on this a bit late, haven't been on here in a few days. I do hope things are getting better for Peewee. I will be praying for you & Peewee and I hope you have very good news to give us soon.
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Many thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts for Peewee. The plan today was to transfer her to a 24-hour clinic, and get her to her regular vet. The clinic where she was at did not bother to call and tell me that Peewee was much worse today. I arrived and met the ambulance. Peewee was in bad shape, but I had no choice. She was not getting anything but supportive care. She died 10 minutes after we left, and I have no doubt in my mind that she would have died at the clinic.

I am so angry that they did not tell me. I am angry with the lack of care involved overall. And I angry at the veterinarian, who had no problem making mean-spirited comments to me and to others that I know. She didn't do her job. And it cost Peewee her life.

I am having a necropsy done by her regular vet.

R.I.P., Peewee. You were the best, and I love you.
So sorry. Make sure after your results come back that you report the vet to the BBB and caution others who might suffer at that vets hands. If you can prove negligence you may be able to sue them in small claims court to recoup your vet bills.
Really sorry to hear that.
I heart goes all out for u.
May peewee rip.
I am so very sorry! :( I am all teary eyed over this now.

Fly free Peewee, you will never be forgotten. :(

HUGS to you, Chickenstoo.
I just read your story today. I am so very sorry for your loss of PeeWee. :( May she rest in peace. I hope you get the answers you need from the exam.

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