

New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
I learned this morning that my father's blood levels are now within appropriate range to do the angiogram. The angiogram is set for tomorrow morning. I feel like I need to be there, but will stay put until they ask for me.

I, also, learned this morning that the part-time job that I applied for with a local chamber of commerce hired another applicant. I was told I was in the top three candidates. I'm disappointed, except for the fact that my husband and I had previously decided the job was not a good fit for me (they required no absence during the month of September, and that is when my husband and I do much of our traveling, so it really wasn't well suited). I let this jostle my confidence, though, and that's not good.

Chin up! :cool:
aww - you'll find something soon

How is your relationship with your dad? - Don't let problems with other relatives keep you from being there for him. This is a very hard time for all you guys and I'm sorry. (Gives Deanna a hug)
I'm sorry you didn't get that job, but you will find one that is better suited to you.

I'm so glad that you Dad is finally able to have the angiogram, if you feel that you really want to be there, don't wait to be called.
Thinking of you.
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Thank you for the needed hugs and well wishes! That is very kind of you.

I spoke with my dad this evening (a few times today) and he seems very positive. He told me tonight that they would not keep him in the hospital if they do not find anything; but, if he gets a stint, they would keep him overnight. I'll have my cell phone close by at work tomorrow morning waiting to here how things go. It would be my wish to be there, but fear it would cause undue stress. Family dynamics being what they are, best to stay where I am and wait to hear the results.

As for the job/interview, all is well with that. I let it shake my confidence when it was unnecessary. I've made application tonight for a Kennel Technician at a local county animal shelter. It is an on-call position and I have many questions about it, but I know the director and am hoping that will be toward my benefit. My husband is not too keen on this option, but I'm just taking a "wait and learn more" type attitude. I would much rather work with animals than people ANYDAY. LOL!
Completely Understand Deanna!!
I've been looking at gym job for the last six months, and applying for them here and there while working for a power company. Each and every time it gets declined, its a kick in the guts I think I'm a crap PT. Thats rubbish, I've just struggled to find somebody who will accept a grad for an employer.

Finally I've had success with a small womens only gym. Its great, where I work at the moment involves high amounts of stress, crazy hours etc.

Now I get to work crazy but steady hours with a small team of fantastic people, motivating everyday women who would be too nervous to go to a mainstream gym. I'll have more $$ in the pocket and more time on my house for fids/furbys/better_halves.

Its worth the wait for the right job, I sypathize with your situation but
stay strong!! With time the ultimate job will arrive
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I am more than greatly relieved. I received a phone call from my mother from the hospital at about 12:30p that the angiogram did not show any significant (that's the key word) blockage in the area they feared was blocked. It is showing slight blockage in a new area but not enough for a stint or other surgical attention. My father will get to go home this afternoon. My mother sounded very worn and I broke down into tears at work after hanging up with her. The procedure was supposed to have been done at 8am ... so as I waited to get word, my worry grew and grew. I am exhausted with relief.

I held my application for the Kennel Technician position that I prepared last night and did not turn it in today. I'm going to give it more thought. The position entails many different animal related tasks, but one of those tasks is assisting with euthanasia when necessary. Unlike non-profit or privately owned non-kill shelter facilities, a governmental facility lacks funding and resources to support the population of animals it is presented and mandated with; thus, forcing euthanasia at times. I have until Thursday to make my final decision ...
oh Deanna,
Just not the right time to have to make such important decisions.
I think u are right to sit back take a deep breath and think on it all.
Thinking of u. And hoping all the news of ur father is as promising.x
I'm going to go out on a limb here with my opinion on animal euthanaisa - I worked at a non kill shelter last year where there were animals that were in no way suited to be adopted - adopting them would be asking fo a law suit. One dog in particular was very agressive at this small shelter they lacked materials like those control stick - a collar on the end of a pole where you can keep the animal away from you. Every time I went in there I was scared this dog was going to get me it was really stressfull for both of us. So I think you should do everything in your power to promote shelters and get apdoptable animals out there but I think there is a time for everything as well and some animals because of certain circumstances are never going to make good pets.
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Don’t worry Kelli, you aren’t out on a limb by yourself; I am with you (on this one). There are, in fact (my opinion, of course), animals who are either too aggressive or ill/injured to not euthanize. I have had to euthanize two of my very own young dogs for reason of fear and territorial aggression. (Very dangerous circumstances). It was the responsible thing for me, as a care taker, to do. I can guarantee, it was not without angst and tumult. It was unenviable, albeit. The problem with the position that I am looking at … or, being more correct, the agency I am looking at is that they do not have a choice in only euthanizing aggressive or ill/injured animals. Their euthanization rate is based on space/resource availability. So, an otherwise loving, adoptable animal may need to be put down because s/he has either not been claimed or adopted by either owner or adoptor before space/resources hit their max.

This is definitely not a no-kill shelter. If they could, they would; but, it is taxpayer based (governmental) … very limited on funds.
yeah that would be tuff

the sad thing is when I was looking at adopting a dog (boston terrier) the adoption fee they were charging was just as much as buying a new healthy puppy around 300 dollars. I think they should be more reasonable and more dogs would get adopted.
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yeah that would be tuff

the sad thing is when I was looking at adopting a dog (boston terrier) the adoption fee they were charging was just as much as buying a new healthy puppy around 300 dollars. I think they should be more reasonable and more dogs would get adopted.

Yes, Kelli, I agree completely. It's sad really.

I've discussed, this evening, with my husband this position and we've both decided that I am not the right person for the job. So, I'll just keep looking.
That is such a tough one, and I'm glad that I'm not in that position, My heart would tell me "I COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE" for these dogs, in reality my home would be bursting at the seems,

When I adopted Rex, our youngster, his fee was £100 ($206 USD) he was 10 weeks old, but in that fee was the price for him to be neutered, and vets fees for all his jabs, so for me that was a good deal.
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Well, I impulsively decided to submit my application for the Kennel Technician position ... think that it won't hurt to talk with them to gather more information.

What I am really HOPING for and excited about is that I just got back from submitting my resume to a local veterinary hospital who is hiring for a receptionist position. I may be late in submitting my resume as they have advertised the position for 2 weeks -- I held back on applying because I really wanted to stay with a part-time position (and their position is full-time); but with the deteriorating situation at my current job, I decided to consider full-time work.

So, I've done what I can, now I must wait and see (and I do not possess patience as a virtue!! ROFL :D ).
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  • #15
After receiving the phone call of rejection for the local chamber of commerce job, I received a rejection letter from the local animal hospital that I applied at. It came just a day after I had applied and my husband thinks they had already filled the position. I have an interview for the local county animal service shelter on Thursday. This is the job that requires the job holder to assist with euthanasia (among all of its other duties in animal care). I have given this great thought and have decided that I can make a difference in animal’s lives at the shelter and that I will go fully forward with the interview. It is an “on-call” position and I need to have them explain and define for me what that means. (Ultimately, though I will accept full-time, I want to remain part-time).

Repulsive as it is, unthinkable as it is to put an adoptable animal down, because this is not a private or non-profit organization, I understand (I said understand, not agree with) how a governmental, tax-payor based agency is not able to fully fund resources for a non-kill facility. With that said, I think I am able to provide loving care with the knowledge that I must remain somewhat detached during euthanasia procedures.

My main concern is with aggressive animals. And, I will be discussing that with them in the interview. I want to know that I will receiving the necessary training to handle an aggressive dog.

My husband is not supportive toward this position. But, I know I cannot continue to work in an office … after owning a pet care business, pushing paper just doesn’t do anything for me.

I think I saw that PetsMart is hiring for several different positions. The problem with our local PetsMart is that if I want to work with birds, I have to also be willing and able to work with reptiles and fish (and bugs and mice, as reptiles eats bugs :eek: and mice!! :eek:). The Pet Care Specialist position requires handling and knowledge of all animals (birds, reptiles, rats, mice, fish, etc.) … I cannot just apply to work with birds. But, I think they have cashier’s positions open, so I will also be looking into that.

:eek: :eek: I'm so scared of bugs it isn't even funny!!! :eek: :eek:
awww keep us posted - about the eutanasia you are right there are lots of animals you can make a difference for and the ones that must be put down you can kindly be with them till the end and make them feel loved.
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awww keep us posted - about the eutanasia you are right there are lots of animals you can make a difference for and the ones that must be put down you can kindly be with them till the end and make them feel loved.

Thanks Kelli ... that's is how I was thinking of it ... that, if it must happen, I can at least be there to love them along the way.
I can make a difference in animal’s lives at the shelter

Thats all that matters, you can and will make a difference, at the start of new lives or at the end. Thats all anyone could ask of you.

Good luck with it Deanna, I know you will make a difference in their lives.
I am sure you will make the difference in animals lives and congratulations for having the courage to take such a job!:) It needs guts and a very big heart and soul!

There are not many people that would do that..

Good luck with it! keep us updated! :)
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thank you guys for the vote of confidence and the encouragement.

i hate to say this (jitters getting the better of me), i am having second thoughts about this shelter kennel technician position. ack, maybe just pre-interview jitters ... or maybe more along the lines of my questioning my ability to participate in euthanasia. i have to look at the interview as a fact finding mission ... gathering facts so i can bring them home and contemplate them -- see if i really am a good fit for the position.

yesterday, i was pretty upbeat about my interviewing abilities, now i'm getting a bit shaky.

waiting for my husband to call. he is again out of town, but talking with him will give me a good place to openly mulls things and consider possibilities. i do know he is still opposed to this position (or, at least was a day or so ago).

just very unsettled at this point. i have to be very diligent in making a decision as to whether to proceed or not.

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