Updates on Warbeak


New member
Aug 31, 2017
Rescue Budgie: Snowball (blue/grey)
Normal Budgie: Oliver (yellow/green)
Black Capped Conure: Warbeak
Parrotlet: Lily, Rest In Peace
Canary-Winged Parakeet: Stryker
Been a while since I’ve mentioned how Warbeak, the big green monster, is doing. Like stated above, he’s turned into a big green monster (but in an adorable way of course). He still freaks out any time I leave his sight when he’s not in his cage. I do my best to take him everywhere with me, but when I have to use the bathroom, I’m sorry, you’re not coming with me bud, because you refuse to get off me and sit somewhere safe. He’s gotten better with the screaming (except in the mornings), but now his new thing is to jump to the floor and run around looking for me or following me.

His other new thing is stealing my food. “I want what mommy has!” I have to be careful what I’m eating or drinking around him now, because no matter what he’s already eating, he has to stop everything to try and get what I’m eating. A lot of times I just have to put him away while I eat, because he’s relentless. And he gets MAD when I don’t share. He will actually look me in the face as I’m chewing food and try opening my mouth with his beak. No, I don’t encourage that (although I do laugh on the inside). Currently working on training that out of him with the set down method. But the better option is honestly putting him away while I eat now. I have to battle him when it comes to my coffee too. Ugh. I can have water in that mug, I can have milk in it, I can have juice in it, and he doesn’t even care and leaves it alone. But the moment there’s coffee in it, he keeps trying to beeline right for it. Maybe it’s the smell of it that gets him to want it so bad? Can’t imagine they have great senses of smell though. But like I said, he’s relentless. He just doesn’t give up until I have to just put him away so I can eat/drink.

He talks now. But only when nobody is around. I heard him when I was cleaning one of the cages this weekend. What he was saying, for the most part I honestly have no clue. I tried recording him from the other room but you can’t hear him that well in the recording. Of course once I was done recording, I get a distinct “Heya Warbeak!” from him in his cute gravelly little voice. Wish I could’ve got that in video. I did get him making the clicking noises I make to all the birds, and the whistle I do to Snowball. He’s gotten pretty vocal. I took him with me to my cool brother’s house this weekend, and he had a blast. They had football on, and Warbeak started mocking the referee whistle. It was so funny. He also had a blast singing along to some music before bed.

I’m currently trying to teach him some tricks. One is the “Big Eagle” as seen on YouTube with Benzo. And the other is just a fun one. He was hanging upside down on my finger, trying very hard to get at my phone. So I thought, why not make this a trick? “Do a bat, Warbeak! Do a bat!” Thinking he’ll get that one down pretty quick, and Big Eagle will take a little while. Can’t wait for him to start doing tricks on cue so I can share it with everyone. ^^


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
I basically could have wrote the same paragraph...

I let my bird drink my water or juice or whatever, but he knows to wait for me to fill the lid and offer that, not drink from the glass.

For the food I generally just eat around him anything that's ok for him to have, and I was never big on chocolate or candy, coffee, soda etc.

Clark talks all the time but he only knows a few real phrases, the rest of the time he's just chattering random nonsense in response to me.

He also hates being left alone, if I set him on the floor he will follow me like he's on a leash, if I leave the room to get a snack I get contact calls.

I however, just let him go to the bathroom with me, I prefer he poops in there in the sink or sitting on a towel over the shower rail into the stall. "the flock that poops together...."

I'd work on "come on" and "I love you" and use them repeatedly in context. I love you when allopreeneing or giving scratches and come on to come to you, lets go to another room, lets go together, etc. Repeat a lot.

As far as your tricks the sound great, can't wait for pics of success!



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
The little beady-eye'd monster Jonesy was a tea totaler...he love sipping warm tea from my cup,so my first cup was always decaf unsweetened,kind of icky for me,but hey,the little guy enjoyed himself lol.


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