Vacation parrot.


New member
Nov 26, 2012
Knuckles: Sun conure with messed up foot

Sarge AKA turd burd: senegal parrot
Pretty soon I'll be going away on vacation for the week.We are debating on sending our parrots to the store they were bought for the week, or having them stay home with our usual pet sitter take care of them too. Any suggestions on which would be better is appreciated.
I think staying at home is the better option, with their familiar surroundings, cage, toys, etc, all as it normally is.

Sending back to store with unfamiliar people, people coming and going, potentially passing around bacteria...

I'd say, stay home :)
Yup, home is where Georgie stayed if she couldn't come with me. Sadly she would not come out of her cage for anyone but me, but I asked her sitters to stand next to her cage and talk to her every day, even stay and watch tv a while and hang with her longer, just to have more action in the house.
You may want to be very clear on feeding. My Georgie was overindulged in my absence (bagel with cream cheese, fries, fried chicken, given to her to try to 'win her over').
Yup, home is where Georgie stayed if she couldn't come with me. Sadly she would not come out of her cage for anyone but me, but I asked her sitters to stand next to her cage and talk to her every day, even stay and watch tv a while and hang with her longer, just to have more action in the house.
You may want to be very clear on feeding. My Georgie was overindulged in my absence (bagel with cream cheese, fries, fried chicken, given to her to try to 'win her over').

OH My!! :eek:
Yup, home is where Georgie stayed if she couldn't come with me. Sadly she would not come out of her cage for anyone but me, but I asked her sitters to stand next to her cage and talk to her every day, even stay and watch tv a while and hang with her longer, just to have more action in the house.
You may want to be very clear on feeding. My Georgie was overindulged in my absence (bagel with cream cheese, fries, fried chicken, given to her to try to 'win her over').

Wow, is she ok?
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Alright, thanks a lot for the info everyone, we were thinking about leaving them home due to the fact we were afraid they might think we got rid of them. Our parrots are sensitive
I also have mine stay at home and have a sitter. She sits and talks to them and reads to them, too! :D
bob1--Georgie was fine with regard to bites of bagel and fries and chicken. In fact she loved it. It was my parents and I had to tell them NEVER to do it again (and I know they slipped her a bite from time to time). Her normal diet was strong enough that the crazy indulgence a few times in her life didn't really do her any harm, other than make her more fussy, make her desire the junk food.

She died last year, but nothing to do with illness or diet. She somehow had an accident in her own cage while I was at work. It was apparently blunt trauma, as if she heard a loud noise outside, startled, and flew into the side of the cage. Sadly she was perfectly healthy at the time of her accidental death.

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