Venus Is Sick


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
I Venus to the vet today because I can hear her breathing, it's become nonstop in the last 24 hours. Well my jaw hit the floor in the Vet's reading room looking at her X-rays. I said her liver was enlarged before the vet got to that point, her air sacs are deminished and very cloudy. I was expecting something minor and simple, this. So she got a shot of batril and will be getting a daily dose. I am still stunned. She runs track around the cages every day, eats, drinks, baths, normal stools but she has really had to work to breath, the vet noted how much she has to struggle so I learned something new. Poor baby, she goes back next Friday for a check up. Half the test they drew blood for will be back Monday. I asked for the full panel again to rule out everything. She did so well too. So this week is going to drag. Ugh.
I'm so sorry to hear that:(

Glad you got her to a vet ASAP and on treatment. I wonder what she caught and how? Hope Buddy doesn't catch it too!
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Well she's mad at me this evening and is in her bed, ignoring me but I'm sure she's not feeling so great, she had a rough day, anesthesia, a shot, forced to take water by a syringe, troweled.... She did a great job as a patient and didn't fight or fuss. We got a heating lamp and set it up on her cage to raise the temp to 85 - 90, the vet recommended doing this.

On a lighter note, the entire vet office remembers Buddy, he was so obnoxious he's left a lasting impression on the staff, Husband was cracking up because they know that little red head, lol. Husband mentioned buddy and they said yes we know Buddy and he's due for a check up. Husband wants to go to Buddy's next checkup to watch. I told him it's more like listen, Buddy is non stop noise from walking in the office and saying Hello to everyone, to screaming, crying, running, growling, he's relentless noise, lol.
I'm sorry to hear Venus is sick. That must have been a shock for you, parrots are so good at hiding illnesses, glad you caught it and got her in so quickly.

I'm glad Buddy enjoys his visits. Sounds like he's popular with the staff!
I Venus to the vet today because I can hear her breathing, it's become nonstop in the last 24 hours. Well my jaw hit the floor in the Vet's reading room looking at her X-rays. I said her liver was enlarged before the vet got to that point, her air sacs are deminished and very cloudy. I was expecting something minor and simple, this. So she got a shot of batril and will be getting a daily dose. I am still stunned. She runs track around the cages every day, eats, drinks, baths, normal stools but she has really had to work to breath, the vet noted how much she has to struggle so I learned something new. Poor baby, she goes back next Friday for a check up. Half the test they drew blood for will be back Monday. I asked for the full panel again to rule out everything. She did so well too. So this week is going to drag. Ugh.

Awww, poor thing, hope for a perfect recovery, and do try the aloe. it works wonders, trust me I saved a couple goners before Both wild and other peoples and use it on my birds. they have perfect health.

To top it off, I took in a bird a while back that someone put an arrow into it. Nicked the liver....The vet said there was no saving that bird. At the time my wife was a vet in another facility and asked her to bring some stuff home. Took the arrow out, gauzed up the wound and pumped aloe vera into the bird. To make a long story short, this bird survived against all odds, though paralyzed in one leg, it lived a happy life.

Maybe it's just me, but Aloe Vera ( lily of the desert ) is awesome stuff.
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Thanks. I saw that you posted this in another thread:
Quote: Originally Posted by Flboy View Post
How do you use the aloe? It grows like a weed here.
I use the inner meaty part, sliced into thin strips or diced, mix into weak green tea , sprinkled with finely chopped dandelion, then boil and let cool birds drink it right from the cup. Vet says my birds are very healthy and quite lively.

What is the ratio, aloe meat to water? I saw too that Birdman mixes aloe detox with juice, 50/50. I'll be trying both.
I'm so sorry to hear this about Venus:(! I hope the vet gets the correct diagnosis and meds so she can recover asap!
Thanks. I saw that you posted this in another thread:
Quote: Originally Posted by Flboy View Post
How do you use the aloe? It grows like a weed here.
I use the inner meaty part, sliced into thin strips or diced, mix into weak green tea , sprinkled with finely chopped dandelion, then boil and let cool birds drink it right from the cup. Vet says my birds are very healthy and quite lively.

What is the ratio, aloe meat to water? I saw too that Birdman mixes aloe detox with juice, 50/50. I'll be trying both.

Either or....I have given them the meaty part finely sliced or diced, ( my birds are picky at how their food is likes it sliced the other diced)...and feed it with their chop. Or as in Poppies case, she likes it with mango juice. Other times I put it in green weak tea, and use dandelions when available. Dandelions are very beneficial. The whole plant!! The leaves are like lettuce to a bird.

Aloe is a natural detox, I swear by the stuff, and saved a couple birds that vets said had no hope. They lived. I can't stress any better how good this is, but strict diet also is crucial as well, they work together hand in hand.
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Thanks! I ordered aloe detox last night but have aloe plant here, I keep it growing to treat cuts and burns but today will try using the meat. I didn't sleep well and got up at 5AM. Venus likes me again and is sitting with me, even playing with me. I don't hear her wheezing and she's not fighting to breath so YAY! Next challenge, oral meds in a few hours. I gave her millet seed last night and she ate some this morning as well as took some fresh water. She's active this morning so I'm feeling better about the situation but watching closely.
I'm wishing the very best and a full recovery for Venus! Sorry to hear of her diagnosis, but your dedication and a competent vet should help her to best manage the situation.
Hi, Tracey.

Just seeing this now. I'm so glad you got Venus to the vet in time. And it's good that you're seeing increased activity and appetite, as both are good signs that the medication is working.

I know you don't have the blood-work back, yet, but did the vet give you any idea about what may be going on?
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He hadn't given a final diagnosis but said pneumonia. What has me bothered is the enlarged liver. I treated my schnauzer for 5 years for liver disease, I didn't use aloe detox, didn't know about it but I'm going to administer it to her. That is a difficult illness and I'm expecting a high CBC and enzymes to come back. I went to the farmers market and got some figs, and mango. The mango is to juice, the figs because she loves them. I gave her, her first dose of oral batril today and she didn't forget that evil syringe from yesterday, was a battle but got it down her wrapped in a towel, no battle wounds lol. She loves spoons so tomorrow I'm going to see if she'll take it from a spoon, there is always good stuff in a spoon and the batril is banana flavored. Is say the wheezing is reduced by 50%-60%. She's spent most the day with me, played with me, ate her food, my food, tried to sneak coffee from my cup so she's showing improvement today. I should have some results tomorrow but I'm not sure which labs are coming back.
I really hope everything works out well and believe Venus will pull through this in no time. Getting them to the vet in time is often what makes the difference. Milo just finished his six week course of meds for his kidney infection today, so I know how worried you are right now. Stay strong and lots of kisses to Venus!
I hope you get the test results back today! I am so sorry that Venus (and you) are going through this. I am praying for a speedy recovery.
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No word on any results yet. I know they sent them from Houston to San Antonio so I'm expecting them tonight or morning. I'm fine with that because Venus is still doing well, improved over Saturday. She doesn't wheeze all the time, only when she gets nervous or excited, being calm I don't hear her breathing. She's eating, drinking, been running track around the cages and I started calling Velcro Venus yesterday. She will snuggle between my head and neck to warm up, and she just wants to hang out with me. Her stools look good so still, it's the wheezing only I hear. She hasn't forgotten the evil syringe, but today I measured her batril in the syringe and put a drop in a spoon. Spoons have good stuff in them and the batril is banana flavored so instead of toweling her and forcing it down, after she slurped the drop down, I put the rest in the spoon and within 3-5 minutes she had ingested it all by herself!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

She has been "bullhorning" and has been playing too. So not wishing anything bad, I'm not a vet, but I'm frustrated. Pneumonia takes the wind and energy but she is active, eating, pooing, so I'm really questioning what is happening with her. I know birds are great at masking and like I told the vet, I'm hoping for a simple issue that can be fixed, nothing compound. I have fallen in love with Venus and will do all I can for her.

Today she slurped down brown rice and beans so she's full of energy today and I love seeing that.

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