vitamin issue..


New member
Jun 14, 2007
When Phoebus last paid a visit to the vet, he(the vet ) suggested that I add vitamins in his water everyday for a very long time because he thought that I couldn't provide a diet rich enough for him as many people who just own birds do.

I recently decided to stop them as I know that they are not good for long time...

My Phoebus (and other fids) eats 2-3 fresh fruit-veggie salads a day which contains sweet red and green peppers, carrots, peas, pears or apples, green beans, oranges , bananas, tomatos, pineapple(rarely when available), cherries, grapes..

other extras: rice (follows salads) ,wheat and corn (my granpa's yield), wallnuts and almonds(not so often becuse high in fat, also my granpa's yield)

and many others..

He is still on a full seed diet which he eats very little lately preffering the fresh food I offer him.I still cannot find pellets of any kind in the whole city(!), even this big pet store owner says he doesn't have any because seed diet is better and richer for birds! :( :mad:
I think I'll ask him if he can order some packs just for me...
I know I should add leafy veggies but I prefer to offer them when in season and not imported ones..

Are these good enough for my fids?
any comments very wellcome!:)
Yeah, he eats really well, Tomatos, wow my lot think I'm giving them poison if I even suggest they eat tomato's, :D

Is there no where on line you can find pellets?

I wouldn't worry too much Pheobus eats very well, with all the lovely fresh foods he has.
My thinking is if they have LOADS of good food like yours does then some seeds are not all that bad per se. That said you won't do anything wrong by him with using pellets. When I first started my guys on pellets I bought them online ( I think it was) and before that I was ordering organic seeds online (can' remember the site, but birdsafestore may have thise as well - I initially found them online .... I will look see).

OKay here's what I found:

That's the results I got .... lots of places and at least most of them will very likely ship. I am in Canada and any orders for my birds have always come from the US.
Don't sound like the best vet. I always thought those vitamins added to the water only would work if the bird drank it right away. Sounds like what you are doing is much better then that.
There should be somewhere online where you can order pellets for your fid. Can the vet order them for you. I know my vet will order me in Harrisons.
also some of that stuff you add to the water really makes it stink after a while at least that's why Misty didn't eat the powder the vet told us to give her. Whatever you do I wouldn't do away with seeds all together they are part of a good diet in the right portions. SIdney gets a few sprinkled over his pellets once or teice a week and he goes crazy for them!
the vitamins added to thier water is smelly ... my birds dont drink enough water when I have used them.
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The vitamins in the water are smelly indeed especially now in summer but I always kept in mind to chage it regularly, I was only wondering if my decision to stop them was right because now she is growing new feathers all over her boby, but if the diet I give her can cover that then it's fine.

The vet is a young man who just came from the U.S and has done many studies and the only one in city who knows about exotics.I am not saying that he is the best one but that he is the only one. :( I'll ask him him if he can order for me if the pet store replies they cannot.

the vitamins added to thier water is smelly ... my birds dont drink enough water when I have used them.

now that you mentioned it Indigo I can say that she was drinking much more water before but that could be I thought because fruits and salads that she has plenty contain big quantity of water...:eek:

The thing with online orders is that I don't have a credit card neither my parents do, they are 200% opposite to using credit cards, we only use cash and all online orders i have seen need a credit card to pay...that's my problem..
Some e-stores have paypal and you can put funds into that via your bank account. No need for a credit card. I do not use credit cards right now and that is how I do it.
I was only wondering if my decision to stop them was right

Yep, with all that lovely fresh fruit and veg she's having, your decision to stop is the right one. I don't give my guys vitamins in their water as they just won't drink if its in there.
My feeling is that if they are getting good food, a variety of foods, then things like vitamins are not needed (same goes for us too). I also find I cam manipulate their colors depending on what I feed them (carrots and pumpkin brighten them)

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