

New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
Ok, now this post might be premature ... at last weight, one year ago Moj was 235 grams ... I took him and dropped him off to have his nails done. Upon picking him up (unless I am totally wrong) my vet told me he is 285 grams ... he's gained 50 grams in a year!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I was in a rush as I had to get Moj home and hop in the shower and get ready for work ... so, I didn't stop to think about what was said to me. But, now, I'm thinking I need to call my avain vet back and verify what I think I heard him tell me.

Need to do some research to as to the upper weight limit on Pionus'. Holy moly, he's gained 50 grams in a year's time! :eek:

I'm hoping that I heard incorrectly in my rush!!!
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Moj is 2 years 4 months old. I just chatted with a breeder I know and she has a male Maximillian (adult) who is 290grams. So, before I panic (which, I alread am! LOL), I need to call my avian vet tomorrow and find out Moj's actual weight.

Here I go again, putting the cart before the horse! ROFL :rolleyes:
I'd double check with the vet and if it is a 50 g difference then I'd ask them what it could be. Has he perhaps gotten to his full grown weight?
Yep call the vet and make sure before you start thinking all sorts of things, I know its hard, I would also try getting some gramme scales (avian if poss, as most of them come with a T perch) and that will enable you to keep a check on their wieght.

Kito put on a lot of weight in a small space of time (I know he was a baby, ) but he was building up muscle from flying????????? Has Moj always been a flier?

Are you sure you got his weight right the first time round? :D and how accurate were the scales? I only ask as before I got my avian scales I was finally able to get Bucc on a set of Kitchen ones and he weighed wait for it) 150g, yep a full grown Grey. I nearly died of shock, but no Bucc had managed to break the scales. :confused: :D (he used to chuck them on the floor, and that threw everything out, they still worked but not what you could say properly.) :D:D:D
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I knew my vet was going on vacation, but thought I could catch him today before he left. No such luck though. Will have to wait for his return August 10th.

I did find out that at Moj's weighing on Monday, he was 274 grams. I was a bit confused (I think the tech was confused by the records) as to how much he was a year ago -- it was either 219g or 225g. Regardless, Mojo certainly has grown quite a bit.

I'm not going to worry about it (until there is something to worry about); as, Mojo is quite active, sprite, attentive ... he is not a perch potato nor lethargic. He is quite healthy in every sense of the word.

It is my feeling that he just had an late baby/early adult growth spurt and it is nothing to be concerned about. But, again, I'll visit with my avain vet upon his return.

edit: oh, sorry Peta ... Mojo, in fact, has begun flying of late (not a lot, but some nonetheless).
As Moj, is fit and healty and not a perch potato, then I wouldn't worry too much. But yeah definatley check with the vet when he returns, for your own peace of mind if nothing else. Always better to double check. :04:
There's something to be said for the scale that is used to weigh a fid. They need to be weighed on a scale that is sensitive to the individual gram. If the scale is too big, it will weigh up to the next increment it's set for (be it 5, 19, or sometimes 25).

I learned this last year when Keupi was dropping weight - and individual grams are very important. He started with a weight of 140 grams and at the time he was finally diagnosed, he was at 123 grams. At one weigh in (the one prior he was at 137 grams), a tech put him on a scale that recorded him at 135 grams. This was in the beginning, and not 1/2 hour before I weighed on mine at 131 grams. The scale she put him on was a lot bigger than the one I used and the ones he was previously weighed on in the office. I raised a full-out feather flap (my only one ever in a vet's office) and my vet, after realizing the scale used was not the right one (it raised up to the nearest 5) weighed him on a more appropriate scale. Yup, 131 grams. Nine grams from where we started and 6 more lost in 5 days (Thursday to Monday). The treatment plan altered significantly.

The same goes in reverse. If the scale is not appropriate, you all of a sudden think you have a 'Porky Parrot' on your hands.

I weigh Keupi weekly and try to keep him between 140 and 145 grams. I put him on the scale on the same day each week (Monday) and right after the 'morning glory' poop. I know that he's a little heftier than what some charts recommend for a Sennie (between 135-140 grams) but that extra heft came in handy when he was so sick. As long as he's active, maintains weight, and eats a variety diet... that's fine.

So, with Mojo, make sure the scales are right for the fid and are all using the same sensitivity. Also, at the vets office, make sure the scale your fid is weighed on is the same one time and time again.

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