Weird head bobbing, but no regurgitation


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Kyo sometimes during training (I've never seen it happen at another time) will be very excited about her treats and bobs her head like she wants to regurgitate, but doesn't. She IS NOT shaking her head and vomiting, just kind of bobbing it and elongating between nibbles. I was really worried at first, but logically speaking she just went to the avian vet, had a thorough exam, and had her poop looked at and was deemed in great health.

Like I said, I've never seen her doing it while eating breakfast, or fresh foods, just while accepting/munching on treats during training. Do you think she's eating too fast and trying to guide the food down easier? How can I help her slow down if this is the case? Is she maybe eating beyond being full and feeling gorged?

I had a budgie that used to do this while she chirped and sang, and I was never sure if it was normal or not, but she seemed fine.

Do vets ever take simple phone calls in case it's not actually an emergency and just me being crazy worried about everything? The vet giggled a bit at me for freaking out about her poop when it was completely normal.
Is she adjusting her crop? That's what that sounds like to me.

Kiwi does something similar to what your describing and it freaks me out every single time (until I remember he occasionally adjusts his crop:) and is not gasping for air/vomiting/dying).
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I've searched every thread on the forum, and this is the conclusion I'm coming to as well. I didn't realize they can adjust their crop but it makes so much sense :)
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Related to this older post of mine, Kyo now actively tries to feed both me and my husband.

I was worried, and took her to the avian vet the first time it happened, mistaking it for vomiting, but they said she seems healthy.

I've since monitored her entire cage for signs of vomit, but it seems to be she just wants to feed us... how often is regurgitating considered to be normal?

She will often try right after I scratch her head for a while, or when I'm typing at my computer, and it happens at least once every day or two. Poop normal, weight is consistent (we make a game of getting on the scale every day) and she seems to be eating consistently.

I am such a scaredy-parront at times, just want to check to see if this is normal.
Nacho tries to "feed" me EVERY morning, and several times throughout the day. I've noticed certain things trigger the behavior.

Try distracting Kyo when she tries to regurgitate for you by offering a toy or something else. I usually start clapping and dancing for Nacho and that stops him.

I think if Kyo were sick, she wouldn't be behaving/eating/pooping normally.
Phoebe does this when I do something she likes, or when she's overstimulated. She doesn't actually regurgitate. In Phoebe's case she's simulating regurgitation to show signs of affection.
Both my Suns head bob when I play, wrestle or hit a really sweet spot. I just take it as an "I Love You". They will sometimes run around in circles doing it. My male Sun does it the most, by far!

My GC has never done this! Kind of wish she would!

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