Welcome my new feathered friend


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Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Jan 13, 2019
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Cockatiels. Percy & Gizmo

Forever in my heart. Sunny the Corella
Hi everyone!
Havenā€™t posted on here much for a while. Lifeā€™s been busy with our new home and working full time these days. All my furry and feathered are keeping me on my toes. (4 horses, 5 chickens, 6 guinea pigs, 1 dog and the 6 birdos.. now one more!)

Anywho, I wanted to tell you all about my new addition!
Yesterday we stopped off at a petshop on our way home.. one that Iā€™ve been to a couple of times before, itā€™s awful. I donā€™t know why I torture myself going in there. Itā€™s a bird shop mostly. 100ā€™s of birds in small over crowed cages in one room that is so noisy and stressful. Itā€™s depressing.
I wasnā€™t going to buy a bird. And I definitely didnā€™t intend to fund this awful place. But down on the bottom shelf, in a cage with 4 Tiels, one was talking to my soul. He looked just like Pip. The others were sitting quietly, sad on the dowl perch. But he was screaming holding onto the bars, watching me, following my gaze. Flapping his little wings out in a nervous manner. He didnā€™t seem interested in the other Tiels with him. He was just desperate to get out of that heā€™ll hole. He stood out, begging for help.
I couldnā€™t walk away.
Out came the net, and into a box he went.
I promised him after a couple of weeks of quarantine he would have some friends in a nice spacious aviary with natural branches and good food.
However .. Soon after arriving home, quickly setting up an indoor cage, chopping some gum branches and popping him in the cage. Left him for an hour or so to settle.. I return to say hello through the bars. After chatting to him for a few minutes, realising he didnā€™t seem too scared of me I attempted to scratch him through the bars. He reached out for a little beak stroke, and to my suprise he wolf whistled!
And this morning he said ā€˜whatcha doingā€™! And I think he tries saying some other things too which I canā€™t quite understand yet. And also perhaps whistles a tune!
Well I was not expecting any of that. Turns out he is not an avairy bird after all, and must have once been loved? Such a shame he ended up in that hell hole. I wonder how and why? No wonder he wanted out of there so much. Poor fella.
Iā€™ll figure out over the next few weeks what the best long term housing heā€™d like best. Whether that be indoors as a pet or happier outdoors in the avairy for a more ā€˜(un)naturalā€™ Life. I want whatā€™s best for him. I didnā€™t intend on having a ā€˜petā€™ bird, and I worry I donā€™t have the time for an indoor bird. But heā€™s totally won my heart over already. Heā€™s just what Pip would have been if heā€™d had the chance to grow up.
He will never be passed around again.
He hasnā€™t got a name yet. Perhaps Inky, Happy, Rocket or Simba.. but Iā€™m
not sure.
Oh and Iā€™m assuming heā€™s a boy, due to him being so vocal?!


The other birdos are happy and well, Percy, Gizmo. Peter, Cosmo, Wattle and Sprinkles. They are looking forward to the bigger aviary I keep promising them. But they are not looking forward to winter thatā€™s fast approaching!
Bit of an old photo, but I canā€™t find one more recent. They have quite a few more furnishings and leaves currently!

Your loving heart wins out every time!

I now it is hard, but you really need to stop financing their bad behavior in over filling cages with birds.

Welcome back dear friend!
Been missing your Threads!
I know, I shouldnā€™t have bought him and given them money šŸ˜­
I know, I shouldnā€™t have bought him and given them money šŸ˜­
Don't worry too much about that Hannah, you know those people will meet their comeuppance one day. Meanwhile that baby needed you and he could not be in better hands now šŸ˜
Oh my goodness Hannah, what a gorgeous boy! Whatever brought you to his rescue, surely there's a reason. I can't imagine him in better, more caring hands. šŸ„°

It's so nice to see you back! We totally understand being busy. Just know that you've been missed around here, my friend.
Thanks everyone! Heā€™s adorable isnā€™t he!
Heā€™s missing a couple toenails, perhaps even the very tip of one toe. Other than that he seems quite healthy and well. Just a little anxious about his new beginnings.
I know, I shouldnā€™t have bought him and given them money šŸ˜­
NO. (Although you shouldnt go in there anymore!) As you said, this bird already knows what it means to have been loved! As bad as it is for the others, a thousand times worse for that one to be there. You definitely SHOULD INDEED have rescued him however needed, in this case bought him, just as you did, so that you can give him the loving home he needs.

He's so lucky you came in there, and I'm so glad he managed to catch your attention!
I'm so happy you recognized each other! Excellent observations!
I'm glad you listened to your heart @

Sometimes owners can't find new homes, Pikachu owner tried very hard to find great homes, including here and with time running out was going to give them back to thr petstore. Thankfully he found homes for all .

He is beautiful! Congratulations !
Welcome to the flock! Heā€™s such a handsome little boy ā¤ļø
Hi everyone!
Havenā€™t posted on here much for a while. Lifeā€™s been busy with our new home and working full time these days. All my furry and feathered are keeping me on my toes. (4 horses, 5 chickens, 6 guinea pigs, 1 dog and the 6 birdos.. now one more!)

Anywho, I wanted to tell you all about my new addition!
Yesterday we stopped off at a petshop on our way home.. one that Iā€™ve been to a couple of times before, itā€™s awful. I donā€™t know why I torture myself going in there. Itā€™s a bird shop mostly. 100ā€™s of birds in small over crowed cages in one room that is so noisy and stressful. Itā€™s depressing.
I wasnā€™t going to buy a bird. And I definitely didnā€™t intend to fund this awful place. But down on the bottom shelf, in a cage with 4 Tiels, one was talking to my soul. He looked just like Pip. The others were sitting quietly, sad on the dowl perch. But he was screaming holding onto the bars, watching me, following my gaze. Flapping his little wings out in a nervous manner. He didnā€™t seem interested in the other Tiels with him. He was just desperate to get out of that heā€™ll hole. He stood out, begging for help.
I couldnā€™t walk away.
Out came the net, and into a box he went.
I promised him after a couple of weeks of quarantine he would have some friends in a nice spacious aviary with natural branches and good food.
However .. Soon after arriving home, quickly setting up an indoor cage, chopping some gum branches and popping him in the cage. Left him for an hour or so to settle.. I return to say hello through the bars. After chatting to him for a few minutes, realising he didnā€™t seem too scared of me I attempted to scratch him through the bars. He reached out for a little beak stroke, and to my suprise he wolf whistled!
And this morning he said ā€˜whatcha doingā€™! And I think he tries saying some other things too which I canā€™t quite understand yet. And also perhaps whistles a tune!
Well I was not expecting any of that. Turns out he is not an avairy bird after all, and must have once been loved? Such a shame he ended up in that hell hole. I wonder how and why? No wonder he wanted out of there so much. Poor fella.
Iā€™ll figure out over the next few weeks what the best long term housing heā€™d like best. Whether that be indoors as a pet or happier outdoors in the avairy for a more ā€˜(un)naturalā€™ Life. I want whatā€™s best for him. I didnā€™t intend on having a ā€˜petā€™ bird, and I worry I donā€™t have the time for an indoor bird. But heā€™s totally won my heart over already. Heā€™s just what Pip would have been if heā€™d had the chance to grow up.
He will never be passed around again.
He hasnā€™t got a name yet. Perhaps Inky, Happy, Rocket or Simba.. but Iā€™m
not sure.
Oh and Iā€™m assuming heā€™s a boy, due to him being so vocal?!
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The other birdos are happy and well, Percy, Gizmo. Peter, Cosmo, Wattle and Sprinkles. They are looking forward to the bigger aviary I keep promising them. But they are not looking forward to winter thatā€™s fast approaching!
Bit of an old photo, but I canā€™t find one more recent. They have quite a few more furnishings and leaves currently!

View attachment 38044
What a handsome guy. Iā€™m glad you found him.

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