What do you line your cage with?


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Jun 14, 2015
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Long Island, New York
Curry the Indian Ringneck
I personally use newspaper and change it daily. I'm just wondering what other people use and maybe there might be something easier to change than a bunch of pieces of paper.
I made washable cage liners out of flannel, light batting inside and ripstop (waterproof) nylon on the back. I have to shake them/scrape the poo off outside, but then I can just throw them in the wash and they come out nice and clean. They last a full 2 days before needing to be changed (every 3rd morning). I will NEVER go back to disposable paper liners either.
Newspaper easy to clean, convenient and doesn't cost me a dime since I already get the paper anyway.
I made washable cage liners out of flannel, light batting inside and ripstop (waterproof) nylon on the back. I have to shake them/scrape the poo off outside, but then I can just throw them in the wash and they come out nice and clean. They last a full 2 days before needing to be changed (every 3rd morning). I will NEVER go back to disposable paper liners either.

See I thought about this but I'm not a fan of putting stuff in the wash after my bird used it.
I use advertisements that arrive in the mail, but I'm careful to use only the ones with very little dye.
See I thought about this but I'm not a fan of putting stuff in the wash after my bird used it.

It's not nearly as terrible as washing a cloth diaper lol.
I buy the white packing paper from U-haul. It is pre-cut to a good size, no dyes and convenient. While not environmentally as friendly as Kiwibirds wonderful reusable liners... I cannot sew and have no desire to learn.
Newspaper as well :)
I use newspaper over the grates and under the grates. I change the top newspaper after their messy breakfast so it's clean all day. Sometimes I have to change it again, depending on how dirty they got it after breakfast, but at minimum clean paper daily. We have all our friends and family save their papers so have a big nice supply. I've used the U-Haul white paper and it's awesome! I keep a box of that in the closet for when we're running low on newspaper (rare). I could get used to that all the time. It fits perfectly and looks so clean.

My female lovebird shreds paper so she gets no paper on top of her grate. I use CareFresh in the tray and just wash the grate every day.
I buy the white packing paper from U-haul. It is pre-cut to a good size, no dyes and convenient. While not environmentally as friendly as Kiwibirds wonderful reusable liners... I cannot sew and have no desire to learn.

I don't know that her liners are any more environmentally friendly than paper.
Washing them uses water, detergents, electricity, maybe gas to heat the wash water (maybe just more electricity), and maybe gas to dry the liners (maybe just more electricity) and then the dirty detergent water either goes back to the ground or to a water treatment facility.

Just because something isn't being used just once and then tossed in the garbage doesn't make it more environmentally friendly. In this case anyway, both use up a lot of resources.

I use free newspaper that exists whether I use it for anything or not.
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I use newspaper, and personally I find it easy and convenient to use.
I buy the white packing paper from U-haul. It is pre-cut to a good size, no dyes and convenient. While not environmentally as friendly as Kiwibirds wonderful reusable liners... I cannot sew and have no desire to learn.

I use the exact same thing. They are cut to just the right size (the 25 pound pack fits best). Plus, my hubby is a Uhaul dealer. :D
Newspaper under the grate and I change daily. I also wipe down the tray and grate daily.
Use corncob for what?
I wouldn't. I think there's a higher chance of growing mold in there, than a flat substrate.
Corn cob litter.

Corn cob litter can create more trouble than it's worth if you don't change it daily-- especially if your bird eats (and drops) perishable food....once it spoils, it'll start molding and creating nasty bacteria- if your bird gets into it and eats it, that's also a huge problem.

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