What is wrong with my bird!!!


Active member
May 11, 2023
I recently got this bird but only before my last visiti to him when I bought him in pet shop they told me that 2 small children abused him for a while buy whatever I felt sorry for him and bought him anyways he is no older than 2 years but is afraid of hands and they even cut his flight feathers so do you guys have any advice about this situation
He is so cute!

He's definitely telling you to stay away from him! Do you know his favourite food? I think you're going to have to gain his trust before you can do much with him, and offering him his favourite food from you hand is one way to help do this. I think whistling at him is a good idea as birds generally like whistling, and especially if you do that whilst giving him treats that will help.

Is he on a good diet? With pellets, chop and and not too many seeds? And giving him loads of toys and foraging activities will help him feel comfortable too. I see you have another bird as well, does he get along with him? Whenever I've got a new bird, one of my conures, Tequila has always taken it upon herself to introduce them to how things work and help them feel more comfortable. It's always made the new birds transition so much easier as they tend to copy each other and if your current bird is comfortable around you and the new bird can see this, then they stop seeing you as something scary.

Are you planning on letting his wings grow out? Being able to fly helps a birds confidence a lot. I can really see a difference in mine with the ones that have been clipped before and the ones who have never been clipped and I would always prefer them to not have clipped wings due to this.
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He is so cute!

He's definitely telling you to stay away from him! Do you know his favourite food? I think you're going to have to gain his trust before you can do much with him, and offering him his favourite food from you hand is one way to help do this. I think whistling at him is a good idea as birds generally like whistling, and especially if you do that whilst giving him treats that will help.

Is he on a good diet? With pellets, chop and and not too many seeds? And giving him loads of toys and foraging activities will help him feel comfortable too. I see you have another bird as well, does he get along with him? Whenever I've got a new bird, one of my conures, Tequila has always taken it upon herself to introduce them to how things work and help them feel more comfortable. It's always made the new birds transition so much easier as they tend to copy each other and if your current bird is comfortable around you and the new bird can see this, then they stop seeing you as something scary.

Are you planning on letting his wings grow out? Being able to fly helps a birds confidence a lot. I can really see a difference in mine with the ones that have been clipped before and the ones who have never been clipped and I would always prefer them to not have clipped wings due to this.
Hello and thanks for good compliments,
I just got this ringneck its been only 4 days with him, I wanted to get him for a months now and been visiting him sometimes he was always quite and sad and it really broke my heart and then i decided to get him and went for it after that they told me that some small children maybe I dont know for sure played a little to much with this ringneck but anyways I took him home because I felt sorry for him and he is indeed so cuteā€¦ for the moment I dont know his favorite fruite but he will only take green apple slices from my hand.. He is so afraid of hands that when it gets near he gets shocked and makes weird noises and his right eye is most of the time closed im just scared that they hurt this bird very bad.
I have another pineapple conure sometimes happy my pineapple conure tries to play but ringneck screams like crazy she dont like to stay near happy, but they dont mind each other no fight had occurred until now even tho the ringneck is twice the size of happy, im a little bit scared if they would fight. When its dark and time to sleep ringneck lets me preen his head and likes it.
Ringneck is not eating properly i offer
Hello and thanks for good compliments,
I just got this ringneck its been only 4 days with him, I wanted to get him for a months now and been visiting him sometimes he was always quite and sad and it really broke my heart and then i decided to get him and went for it after that they told me that some small children maybe I dont know for sure played a little to much with this ringneck but anyways I took him home because I felt sorry for him and he is indeed so cuteā€¦ for the moment I dont know his favorite fruite but he will only take green apple slices from my hand.. He is so afraid of hands that when it gets near he gets shocked and makes weird noises and his right eye is most of the time closed im just scared that they hurt this bird very bad.
I have another pineapple conure sometimes happy my pineapple conure tries to play but ringneck screams like crazy she dont like to stay near happy, but they dont mind each other no fight had occurred until now even tho the ringneck is twice the size of happy, im a little bit scared if they would fight. When its dark and time to sleep ringneck lets me preen his head and likes it.
Ringneck is not eating properly i offer
It sounds like you're doing the right things with him! I'd carry on with what you're doing as it sounds like that's what he needs. Always supervise them together and keep letting them interact as I think it will help, unless they start fighting each other of course. Keep us updated with how he's doing! Does he have a name yet?
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It sounds like you're doing the right things with him! I'd carry on with what you're doing as it sounds like that's what he needs. Always supervise them together and keep letting them interact as I think it will help, unless they start fighting each other of course. Keep us updated with how he's doing! Does he have a name yet?
Well thanks if you think so, I just recently stared to ta care of birds im not that experienced, yes they are together I think they having a great time.
I will update, im just worried he is not eating to much or maybe eating when i dont see him.
I wanted to name her Nana a short for banana but I dont know still trying to figure a name out im opened to suggestions šŸ„¹
He is so cute!

He's definitely telling you to stay away from him! Do you know his favourite food? I think you're going to have to gain his trust before you can do much with him, and offering him his favourite food from you hand is one way to help do this. I think whistling at him is a good idea as birds generally like whistling, and especially if you do that whilst giving him treats that will help.

Is he on a good diet? With pellets, chop and and not too many seeds? And giving him loads of toys and foraging activities will help him feel comfortable too. I see you have another bird as well, does he get along with him? Whenever I've got a new bird, one of my conures, Tequila has always taken it upon herself to introduce them to how things work and help them feel more comfortable. It's always made the new birds transition so much easier as they tend to copy each other and if your current bird is comfortable around you and the new bird can see this, then they stop seeing you as something scary.

Are you planning on letting his wings grow out? Being able to fly helps a birds confidence a lot. I can really see a difference in mine with the ones that have been clipped before and the ones who have never been clipped and I would always prefer them to not have clipped wings due to this.
It's very true that birdie see birdie do! Seeing a tame bird that's comfortable around you can make fearful birds relax quicker. Even my untamed budgies allow me to put my hands in their cages and change their food and water while sitting comfortably- even right next to or even on the edge of their food bowls.
Well thanks if you think so, I just recently stared to ta care of birds im not that experienced, yes they are together I think they having a great time.
I will update, im just worried he is not eating to much or maybe eating when i dont see him.
I wanted to name her Nana a short for banana but I dont know still trying to figure a name out im opened to suggestions šŸ„¹
Sometimes it takes a while to chose a name for your bird. You'll know when it's right.
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It's very true that birdie see birdie do! Seeing a tame bird that's comfortable around you can make fearful birds relax quicker. Even my untamed budgies allow me to put my hands in their cages and change their food and water while sitting comfortably- even right next to or even on the edge of their food bowls.

Sometimes it takes a while to chose a name for your bird. You'll know when it's right.
Hello guys this is an update: yesterday we had a big brake through ringneck took all the food from my hand very happy and started to not get angry when hand is near her, I did give food from a distance of half metter when i tried to close the gap she started to get frustrated but I distanced again, she even stepped up on my hand that qas covered by a blanket and went in my shoulder no worries I think she started to come backā€¦ slow but steady stepsā€¦ im happy becuase she and I knew that this was progress. And one more think I will show photos of pellets, nuts and seeds tell me if they are alright or no.


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