what our birds REALLY do when we're gone


Active member
May 5, 2016
Southern California
Kermit, ♀ GCC (Green Demon)
I had an enlightening experience with Kermit. She was left home alone for about 24 hours while we went out for an overnight trip. Partly out of paranoia and partly out of curiousity, we put one of our security cameras in front of her cage to see what she did all day.

The result was.... nothing. We checked in about 5-6 times and we just saw her sitting there, not even moving. She would change positions every time we tuned in to her, so she clearly must have moved at SOME point, but it was like a very odd game of neko atsume.

Her cage is stocked with toys and I put some treats in her normal foraging spots. It didn't seem like she went for the treats. In our presence, Kermit has always been very good about playing with her toys and going about her birdie life, so I assumed her independent skills weren't bad. This seems to lend to the contrary.

I'm curious what others' experience is with this. I admit it was a little sad to watch. :gcc:
An interesting experiment. Wonder if this is the norm, ie do they tend to put on a performance when their servants are watching??
I have a camera on my first at all times and I can even talk.to them from anywhere in the world through it. Mine are really active and play with their toys all day and eat non-stop. Lol... different strokes for different folks I guess?

And then when I'm home they aren't. Really caged much so they probably think of it as time to play with the boys in their cage or something.
I've a webcam up I occasionally use to spy on our fids. Yup, they tend to just "power down" into hibernation mode without the stimulation we provide. Probably energy-efficiency thing. There's a little nibbling, some rumaging, some stretching..but that's the basic outline of most days when the tall non-feathered birds are away. I imagine that were they in the confines of a much larger, free-flying room (as opposed to a cage), they'd probably be a lot more active. It's the environment that restricts their activity, for better or worse.
I have a camera on my first at all times and I can even talk.to them from anywhere in the world through it. Mine are really active and play with their toys all day and eat non-stop. Lol... different strokes for different folks I guess?

And then when I'm home they aren't. Really caged much so they probably think of it as time to play with the boys in their cage or something.

Can you expound on your set up and what you use to do this? This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. What app/system do you use, how much, etc?
The other day I purchased a security camera to keep an eye on my 9 week old Conure. I have only had him for 5 days and already he is showing a tendency of "...poor me...pick me up..." The camera will help me monitor him when I an at work next week.

He would only eat if I hand fed him. Would NOT eat in his cage no matter what. Take him out and he would eat.
I couldn't even put him on a table with his bowl. He would run to me and "ask" to be fed. Try to entice him with the food bowl...nothing. Hand feed...eats.

So now I put him in his cage and walk away. He "cries" a little and then settles down. Only this time I have my laptop pointing at him and watching him on my phone downstairs. Guess what... chowing down on his bowl with no problem. He keeps looking around to see where I am. Probably wants to play his " poor me" game.

The camera will be here in a few days.
Yeah they do that! They are smart and know how to manipulate us to their will lol.
I have a camera on my first at all times and I can even talk.to them from anywhere in the world through it. Mine are really active and play with their toys all day and eat non-stop. Lol... different strokes for different folks I guess?

And then when I'm home they aren't. Really caged much so they probably think of it as time to play with the boys in their cage or something.

Can you expound on your set up and what you use to do this? This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. What app/system do you use, how much, etc?

We use the Nest system. It has cameras and an app with them and you just buy one and plug it in, download the app and you're off!
Max is the same... I have tried a wide array of toys, but when he is in his cage, he eats, sleeps and poops. He seldom plays with anything. Only time he plays or shreds anything in the cage is when I am home but he is in the cage for whatever reason (such as the adoption Minions are over).... but I do not think he is playing, he is just angry he's stuck in the cage and shreds crap.

He is very active and into everything when he is out and playing, but truly does not play with anything in his cage.

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