What's the funniest thing your bird does ?

Kevin clucks like a chicken when she wants you to pet her head. It;s the funniest noise ever, I dont know where she learned it.
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I don't cluck like a chicken. Maybe like a DOG,....but not a CHICKEN ! :09: lol !

When I come into his room in the morning, to open the curtains, dance and sing Good Morning songs...he runs his perch,flips upside-down and says, "Hi There"!
My sister-in-law keeps telling me that I need to keep a journal of 'life with bird'. There are so many amusing things that are just...cockatoo. His night-time sounding off ritual is hilarious! He hates woodpeckers, he's quite the terrorist with them. He hangs out with the local ravens and when they come close, you can hear him say "Hi There"! The ravens actually keep the hawks in the area, away. Just this afternoon I witnessed the ravens shooing one away. Birds are pretty amazing!
Ralph hides things behind a pillow on the living room sofa-- anything from molted feathers to junk mail to parrot toys get stashed back there. :)
There have been so many things over the years...

Everyday things that I find amusing:

Rowdy does these "poses" in the evening. She will contort herself into some funny position and wait for me to comment, then change to another. My favorite is her "angel pose" where she puts her wings straight behind her, and even sometimes puts a key ring on top of her head like a halo. Sometimes she will sit with a bell on top of her head like a hat.

Pete's laugh. He had the loudest, funniest laugh! I also like when he hangs upside down and flutters his wings. I have to yell, "Batman! Batman bird!"

Merlin's sound effects crack me up. Especially when she says, "How are you?" in that monster voice. Yesterday she said, "Allllrrriiiggghhht" in a funny voice, too.
WHen my Blue Crown gets amused by something I say or do, she stands really tall and then scrunches her neck while her eyes are pinning while blowing air out of her nostrils. Its really cute!
Whenever we say something loud to somebody in a different part of the house and Pearl screams in the same tone.

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