Where to Buy an Aviary in the USA?

Is 800 - 1000 a doable metal aviary enclosure budget?

  • Definitely not. You need thousands.

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Active member
Oct 10, 2018
Minnesota, USA
"Bongo" - Green Cheek Conure
“Echo” - Indian Ringneck
"Chicken" - Sun Conure, rest in peace, my precious friend.
I have been pulling my hair out trying to find a trustworthy seller I can purchase an aviary for my Green Cheek Conure, Bongo, that's in my budget range.:gcc:

Do any of you have ideas for what companies or sellers I should look at? I had found a fantastic and affordable one overseas in the UK, but they sadly don't ship to the US. (and of course shipping is a mess right now anyhow, but I am willing to wait for a long time if I at least know where I am buying xD)

I have $800 saved up for the aviary right now, and I was hoping to keep the entire project under $1000. $700-800 is my budget for the actual enclosure space, and the rest for concrete, toys, and decor.

Is that really unrealistic? I've noticed prices have jumped way up since I last looked at aviaries to buy a year or two ago. Cages I could have got for 450 jumped to 600 and 700.

It will be my first time setting one up, and I have handyman to help me! (Thanks, Dad <3)

It doesn't need to be mega huge - but I do want it significantly larger than a standard parrot cage.

Ideal specs would be somewhere around 6 x 4 x 6 [L x W x H], but I can work with almost any shape or size as long as it's a nice amount of space!

I'm open to tutorial recommendations on building an Aviary from scratch, if there's a way to do that for a solid metal one! My bird LOVES to chew wood, and we have a lot of wildlife in the area that passes through, so all metal for security is a must.

This was originally the one I was going to buy, but I checked into the seller and VidaXL has some REALLY bad reviews. It's like 50/50 between their five and one stars, and I don't want to spend a lot of money and risk getting nothing, or a broken item and no refund!:11:
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YOU ARE BACK!!!I was wondering what happened to you!!! Hope all is well! I will try to look around and see if I can find anything...The trustworthy part can be a little harder (depending hon how deep you want to dig)

maybe this? https://www.amazon.com/Cage-Co-Walk...child=1&keywords=aviary&qid=1594413050&sr=8-1

I AAAAM! Life has been so busy and I pretty much got away from all my forums... Now I'm getting back into them! xD
A lot has changed, and I'm happy to say my little Bongo has settled in really well.

She's become a very sociable bird who likes visitors and only soooometimes throws tantrums! :gcc:

A&E cage company would be the best aviary I think I can buy in the US that I know of, I've been watching for another sale on them!
They sell some huge dog pens but you would have to be REALLY careful about the metal used and the bar-spacing etc. I saw some that you could walk in but not sure what they are made of....very sketchy option, but maybe??
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Don’t have any advice - but wanted to say welcome back!! btw - you’ll have to tell more of Chicken’s story to us...then fill us in about Bongo :)
I have some STRONG doubts about the toxicity of this one, but it might be worth a shot...are we talking indoor or outdoor? Outdoor it is going to be beaten up MORE, so if the powder coat is safe, but the underside isn't that is obviously a concern either way, but I could see things falling apart faster in the elements...


Here's another https://www.ebay.com/itm/Walk-in-Ir...Pet-Parrots-Poultry-House-Brown-/303381588471

the bars look thin...hard to say whether the contents of the metal are actually safe because it says chicken but also mentions parrot (I'd want to know what was in the powder coating and what metals were in the wrought iron) so you would have to research and call a lot of people....
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OHH---What about this??? You would still need to check the material it is made of...


Noodles' cages are not the best-- I called the company and it took a chunk of time...and many calls.....and then emails to China....and more calls....but I am 75% sure hers are fairly safe...but if I had to do it again, I would probably like to be a little more certain.
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I'm avoiding anything on Ebay - long story short, I had a really bad experience on it and their customer protection sucked.

I wish I could get over that wariness because there's some great deals on there... if they're legitimate!

I did think about dog kennels - problem is, all the walk-in sized ones have spaces that are too big. I ran into the same issue with some of the chicken-runs, and those ones tend to be made out of Galvanized Steel so aren't safe.

I'll be doing an outdoor aviary on a concrete slab! :D I actually plan to attach it to a window of my bedroom to accomplish the goal of having an aviary my parrot can choose to go in and out of. I will absolutely share photos when I get it done eventually!

I've marked myself on Walmart's "in-stock notice" lists for a few aviaries... I really really hope they bring any of them back in stock!

And awww thanks for the welcome back! I had no idea anyone even noticed me vanishing for a bit, I promise next time to pop a note up if I know I'll be poofed! I'll add more to Chicken's story... and Bongo's! We've made a lot of new memories to share.

And a lot of messes... and bites... and flipped over dishes......

Thanks everyone for pitching in advice!
Welcome back!! I'd recommend finding locally constructed aviaries if possible. A quick visual will allay your fears of flimsy construction and hopefully allow determination of metals used.

Another option for ideas is to contact Noah, one of our members with extensive outdoor aviary experience. He lives in Australia, but the principles for safe construction are universal. Noah is approachable and helpful! http://www.parrotforums.com/members/36261-noahs_birds.html
I saw this recommended in the past. I perused their website at the time in a sort of wish-I-could way. They are a U.S. business, and they do have aviaries. As far as pricing or quality I have no knowledge for comparing. Also, again, I only Saw it recommended - maybe, once? - in the past; so I have no knowledge of their reputation either. But seems like it might be worth you checking-it-out?

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Thanks so much, Scott! I will give Noah a shout :D

I'm exploring options for a wood and stainless steel mesh aviary after lots of hunting around and not finding many metal options, and either covering any exposed wood framing or building it so there's minimal access to it.

I can't believe how many aviary companies only offer galvanized steel for metal options. A few other companies had great workmanship and materials, but they only build pannels for biiiig birds, so they didn't have small enough meshes.
Hi there Squeeing_Onion
I just responded to your PM (and I'm incredibly sorry for the late reply)
Just wanted to make sure you received my PM responding back to you?

I've made a fair few aviaries in my time, all constructed to promote safety for your birds, and ease of maintenance for yourself

Noah Till
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Hi there Squeeing_Onion
I just responded to your PM (and I'm incredibly sorry for the late reply)
Just wanted to make sure you received my PM responding back to you?

I've made a fair few aviaries in my time, all constructed to promote safety for your birds, and ease of maintenance for yourself

Noah Till

Thanks so much for being willing to share your experience and knowledge, Noah! I've sent some more information your way.

funny bird update of the day: Bongo has fallen in love with her newest DIY toy... I put a bunch of "sandwiched" bottle caps on a skewer and stuffed them full of treats.

Once she had it empty, I walked into the room and she started shaking it at me to show it was empty xD :gcc:
I came here to post almost this exact question, haha.

We are in the process of buying a townhouse that has a small backyard, and I’ve been eyeing the A&E Small Aviary for the boys to get some outdoor time. Problem is, the bar spacing is a full inch which is way too big for a cockatiel. Is there any brand of outdoor aviary that would have bar spacing that would work for both our Orange-winged amazon and our tiel? Or am I gonna have to add to my list of DIY projects lol?

I’d imagine the 1 inch bar spacing on the A&E cages would be too big for Bongo too?
Do not use an aviary with 'bars'

If you are planning to get an outdoor aviary make sure it has an appropriate gauge MESH that has be galvanised dipped
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I came here to post almost this exact question, haha.

We are in the process of buying a townhouse that has a small backyard, and I’ve been eyeing the A&E Small Aviary for the boys to get some outdoor time. Problem is, the bar spacing is a full inch which is way too big for a cockatiel. Is there any brand of outdoor aviary that would have bar spacing that would work for both our Orange-winged amazon and our tiel? Or am I gonna have to add to my list of DIY projects lol?

I’d imagine the 1 inch bar spacing on the A&E cages would be too big for Bongo too?

Yep, 1” would be really risky. Some green cheeks never have a problem with it, and others wiggle themselves out!

As the previous poster said, for an outdoor aviary snake and rodent-proof mesh is better than the bars. There’s a certain size recommendation I don’t remember exactly; someone else know it off the top of their heads?

Weasles, ferrets, and snakes, are the big little wigglers of doom you want to keep out of your aviary!

Beyond that - the A&E cages I hear GREAT reviews on... but they are not meant for outdoor use :17: indoors only!

I had a great chat with Scott and other folks who built their own aviaries or bought them.

It’s looking like I’m going to go with a wooden frame and stainless steel mesh, with a solid metal border on the bottom. I’ll figure out a way to construct it so the parrot(s) inside don’t have access to chew up the wood.

I might put in two walls on either side to give her better protection from the wind (the back is already right next to the house!) since it curls around our house sometimes.

Concrete floor ftw! And a metal border on the bottom to help deter wildlife from climbing up on the aviary screens. :orange::gcc:
I have been pulling my hair out trying to find a trustworthy seller I can purchase an aviary for my Green Cheek Conure, Bongo, that's in my budget range.:gcc:

Do any of you have ideas for what companies or sellers I should look at? I had found a fantastic and affordable one overseas in the UK, but they sadly don't ship to the US. (and of course shipping is a mess right now anyhow, but I am willing to wait for a long time if I at least know where I am buying xD)

I have $800 saved up for the aviary right now, and I was hoping to keep the entire project under $1000. $700-800 is my budget for the actual enclosure space, and the rest for concrete, toys, and decor.

Is that really unrealistic? I've noticed prices have jumped way up since I last looked at aviaries to buy a year or two ago. Cages I could have got for 450 jumped to 600 and 700.

It will be my first time setting one up, and I have handyman to help me! (Thanks, Dad <3)

It doesn't need to be mega huge - but I do want it significantly larger than a standard parrot cage.

Ideal specs would be somewhere around 6 x 4 x 6 [L x W x H], but I can work with almost any shape or size as long as it's a nice amount of space!

I'm open to tutorial recommendations on building an Aviary from scratch, if there's a way to do that for a solid metal one! My bird LOVES to chew wood, and we have a lot of wildlife in the area that passes through, so all metal for security is a must.

Think outside the box :) Tractor Supply has some really cute chicken coops the ones with the predator tops that look like a dog kennel would probably have too big of spaces for a small bird but they have a lot of others. Look online for plans for chicken coops and I bet you'll find a bunch. Also search for portable screen buildings, now I know they cost more but... you could build one for cheaper and make it smaller. Good Luck on your quest!
I suggest looking into Corner's Limited. For an 8 by 8 diameter aviary, it sells for around 2000 bucks, but for a smaller one, like 3 by 3 or 4 by 4, it might be in your price range.
[ame="https://youtu.be/LrpOT68iygA"]AVIARY TOUR! of My Bird Aviaries (3 DIFFERENT Set Ups) - YouTube[/ame]
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Zinc galvanized mesh is considered a problem material. Yes it resists rust, however, zinc is toxic to parrots, and most will spend a fair amount of time using their beaks on the mesh. Powder coating is far superior; it too protects from the environment and is so hard most parrot beaks cant chip it of.

Have you checked these out?

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