Wild anyone?


New member
Dec 24, 2006
I love walking out to find this in the Mornings.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Bq6Db9Vng]YouTube - lorikeets today[/ame]
How lucky are you?? That was awesome! Beautiful birds! The best I get here are Cardinals and Blue Jays. During the spring i'm overrun with Hummingbirds, and I feel like i'm one lucky girl. But those Lorikeets are amazing!
:green1: What a great way to start the day !!!!!!
The Lorikeets are awesome.
Enjoy each and every moment.
Thanks for sharing
Take care
I get rainbows on my balcony every day. They fight with each other and are pretty cute to watch. There is a particular pair that I handfeed apple to (one of them is very recognisable, has a random white feather on his/her head). I think I might get others willing to handfeed; there are always a couple perched at the other end of the balcony watching jealously or on the neighbouring balcony.
This is in Sydney, I used to live in Canberra, and there were no rainbows around at all. Instead I got eastern rosellas, crimson rosellas, king parrots, superbs, galahs, cockies, and probably others that I can't think of now. Can't beat australian wildlife :)
We also have the lorikeets morning and evening as they sleep in the trees just near us and boy can they be noisy!! There are some nights the noise is deafening but the enjoyment you get watching them all come home for the night or fly off in the morning is worth it all.
Oh my Gosh, Red....I just love this. Your yard is like a dream for bird lovers.

Those loris are absolutely gorgeous. I've wanted to see Australia all my life, it seems absolutely amazing there. Just awesome.

My morning feeders receive swarms of black capped chickadees, blue jays, starlings, nuthatches, pileated woodpeckers, a few golden finches, and an assortment of sparrows. I love them all, but I couldn't imagine seeing a wild parrot out there. How awesome is that?

You got good footage of them too. ....and your little too walking in the grass...lol! How sweet!

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