

New member
Dec 15, 2011
RIP Constantine: Jenday Conure
Got some amazing news yesterday!!! My old store manager called to let me know that they got the blood results back on my Sun. She has a bacterial infection and has to be on meds for a week then have another check up to make sure she's all clear. I'm going to wait an extra week to make sure she's all good than I'm going to go get her.

I will be making a trip up to my uncle's to get the last of my stuff than make a stop at the store to see her. I'm curious to see what she looks like after being away from her for over two weeks. I'm hoping they haven't clipped her wings (like I asked them) and that maybe her trail feathers will start growing back. I'm not sure she's fly too well with no tail feathers lol

Also, Con has settled in very nicely at the cabin. She can see right out the front door and enjoys watching all the little birds play in the trees or climbing on the branches I've tied to some decorative poles. I've turned the place into a mini jungle for her and she's loving it. My dad has read two of the parrot books I set out for him and I'm feeling better about leaving them together. Right now, I'm house sitting for my mom for four days and I already miss my baby girl but know she's in good hands.

Wednesday I looked at the cabin I'm interested in and was stunned to find the living room ceiling was vaulted. My first thought was "Won't that be a great place for some perches?" My dad had other ideas of course and grilled the realtor while I mentally started decorating the place :p Right outside the living room window is the area I want to put my aviary. It would be nice to sit and watch TV while also enjoying a view of my babies enjoying the sun.

Anyway, just wanted to update everyone on my little one and how things are going. I know this post is a bit long but I'm just so excited with how things are going since I've come home. Sorry I'm not on much anymore. I don't have internet where I live so I can't lurk the forum like I use to. Miss you guys!
Lots of good news!

I'm glad the Sun is getting the meds she needs. And that you like the cabin. And that your dad is reading the books you left for him.

We miss you, too!
I would LUV to put perches on our vaulted ceilings!!! Great news!!!!! Hope she is well soon!
Wonderful ! Glad to hear everything is working out for you , it's nice to from you again. Enjoy your new place and I'm sure you are getting ready to finally bring home your new baby :) Sounds like your making your new place a birdy paradise , lolol.

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