Young male ekkie - normal behavior? First time owner.


New member
Nov 24, 2021
Eclectus - 'Link'
Afternoon All,

I picked up my young Eclectus male 2 days ago. He is roughly 12 weeks old.

-Sleeps 10 hours per night
-Ate well this morning and has been drinking a little from his water bowl
-'Snacks' on his fresh chop (A mix of Mung beans, Barley, Quinoa, carrot, sweet potato and a couple rasberries)
-Will be active, flapping wings, fluffing up, preening and playing with his toy but for no more than 10/20 min at a time
-Naps for around 10/15 mins every hour but in short 2/3 minute stints
-Poop is green/tubular with the normal whiteish wash

I just want to check if this is all normal? I have read a few things on the sleeping frequently as being of concern? He is perching fine when he does this and has napped on me aswell.

Am I just being overly concerned?


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Hi there, and welcome. Wow he is a very young ekkie. I have a 15-18 year old male ekkie that I've had for 7 months. He sleeps 10-12 hours per night. He also naps a lot more then my conure. He is also not very fond of toys. The only toy he's ever played with is a preening toy. All other toys he either ignores, or attacks because he is scared of it. for stool/poop I am unsure what would be considered normal as diet plays a huge factor. That I would suggest contacting a vet about just to stay on the safe side. I know when my conure used to be on a seed diet that her stools were more black/white. When I transferred her to a pellet diet the coloration is more green/white. My ekkie doesn't drink nearly as much as my conure. I was informed because my ekkie is eating fresh food that he does get hydrated from that as well. Parrots are so expensive, and can be so sensitive. Do you have an avian vet in your local area? Ekkies from what I learned they just tend to be extra sensitive when it comes to diet, and health issues. I hope this helps!

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