Baby Green Cheek Conure.


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Sep 18, 2013
I went to Traders Village (an outdoor market) and saw this baby green cheek conure sold buy the breeder, and the temperature that day was 100 degrees (I live in Texas and the weather here in summer is always this hot). So I decided to buy him from the breeder about $100. Can you please tell me how old is this baby green cheek is? And is this normal that he feather growth this much after one week when I bought him? (The second picture is below.) The first picture is when i got him on September 9, 2013 and the second picture is on September 17, 2013. And is that ok for him to screeching every time when i make noise or he sees me? I really love him. Thanks you. :)


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The first picture took on September 9 when i got him. And this picture took on September 17. Is he feather growing normal or should grow faster?


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Sep 12, 2012
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I don't know about age. Did the breeder tell you anything? What is he/she eating?


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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
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It looks right to me with all the pin feathers popping out now....I would guess he's about 3 weeks old going on 4. And yes he will cry to you every time you walk on by cause he wants to be fed. It's a begging behavior, they will beg even when crop is full!


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Jul 26, 2013
South Australia
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I agree with Mikey. Any good breeder would NEVER EVER sell a baby bird that young unless to an experienced hand-raiser. Baby birds will scream/make noise when they are hungry, want cuddles/attention, or as some of mine have done when they are not quite warm enough. What is the baby eating? It should be on a specially formulated baby bird formula. I'm in Australia and use Vetafarm Neocare. I used to use Kaytee Exact.
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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Unfortunately a lot of breeders out there are just in it to make a buck, so the less they have to hand feed and more they sell out early, the more profit they make. But one thing people need to be aware of is that even when you handfed them yourself, it does not mean they will bond with you if someone else comes along they rather be with. I know a lady who handfed her Scarlet and the macaw prefers her husband over her, will attack her even. I've had babies that leave me for someone else as soon as they were able.


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Dec 7, 2009
Green Cheek Conures, Crimson Conures, CAG, Pionus, Budgies, Goffin Cockatoo
Your baby is about 4 weeks old. He should be handfed until weaned (8 weeks old). How awful to sell such a young unweaned bird :(´s just no regards to his life.


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Im feeding him Kaytee Exact. I put him in a reptile tank with the heating pad underneath the tank. There a lot of unweaned and hand-feeding parrots there at the Trader Village and i wish i can have them all to take care for them. :D Thank guys alot for your help. :)


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Mar 15, 2012
Birdie (BFA), Cloud (Lovebird)
that's a very young bird and i get the feeling you don't know much about raising a baby
bird. time to do some research and try to make sure, above all, that you are feeding
him properly; temperature, how runny the formula is, and the proper way to feed the
baby without getting the food down the wrong pipe.


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Aug 30, 2013
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Take him to a vet ASAP. I've heard of these breeders and of people buying sick chicks here because of the horrible conditions they were kept in.
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Take him to a vet ASAP. I've heard of these breeders and of people buying sick chicks here because of the horrible conditions they were kept in.
Yes. I think this is the great idea. Thanks.


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May 30, 2011
4 Cockatiels 2 males Chicken Little & Charlie, 2 Females Chiquita and Sweet pea. Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure -Franklin and our now tame, rescued feral Pigeon - Belle.
Awwwwe! Soooo PRECIOUS!!!:rainbow1:

KUDOS to you for adopting him/her!:60:

I've never hand fed a baby before but you must be doing something right because he/she is definitely bigger in 8 days and more feathers. :D

Keep up the great work, keep us posted. I can't wait to see more pictures! :)



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Jul 19, 2013
Yellow Sided GCC Oliver (October 2009), and a Cinnamon GCC Mia (August 2013)
I don't have any hands on experience hand feeding but I know there are many wonderful resources out there. It's too bad there are so many irresponsible breeders.

Jeez what a freaking cutie though!!! Goodluck :)


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Awwwwe! Soooo PRECIOUS!!!:rainbow1:

KUDOS to you for adopting him/her!:60:

I've never hand fed a baby before but you must be doing something right because he/she is definitely bigger in 8 days and more feathers. :D

Keep up the great work, keep us posted. I can't wait to see more pictures! :)


Yea. I did a lot of research and read all the information carefully how to take for the baby green cheek conures. I treat him really careful as a fragile thing. :) i will take him to a local vet and i will do dna sex him too. I love this bird so much, and he is the reason i wake up early in the morning. :))


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Aug 30, 2013
Milo: White Fronted Amazon
Sex: Male
approx hatch date: May 2013
If you're thinking of DNA sexing then I recommend tree too birds. It's only about $30 and they can teach you somethings. :)

I don't recommend you take them to summer tree clinic. The staff is extremely rude, our baby died an hour after visiting their office. They wouldn't let my boyfriend go in with our conure, he took it home and I called them to ask what to do while our baby was struggling to breathe. The receptionist said, "nothing." When I said over the phone, "It's dead." She just said, "ok" and hung up. I haven't written a review on yelp or anywhere as it angers me and I doubt I'll be able to control myself. We still have the paperwork of when our baby was taken there and I regret it to this day. Their price in May 2013 was $6 for being a new patient and $65 for an annual check.

I regret it because they said they needed to inject him with antibiotics and after they did our baby got really weak, worst than when it was taken in. It probably would have been better off if we never took him there. I'm sure another vet would have done more rather than see how much they could make from a baby. Or at the very least had a receptionist with common sense and a heart.

ETA: They also never explained why they felt the need to inject a 6 week old conure with two shots. The conure was also breathing fine until ten minutes after when they gave him back. It wasn't his feeding time and they tried to tell my boyfriend to let them feed him. Really? His crop was full. I guess they felt $20 was worth it. If this vet has any common sense I suggest they get a new receptionist and learn about when to feed babies.
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If you're thinking of DNA sexing then I recommend tree too birds. It's only about $30 and they can teach you somethings. :)

I don't recommend you take them to summer tree clinic. The staff is extremely rude, our baby died an hour after visiting their office. They wouldn't let my boyfriend go in with our conure, he took it home and I called them to ask what to do while our baby was struggling to breathe. The receptionist said, "nothing." When I said over the phone, "It's dead." She just said, "ok" and hung up. I haven't written a review on yelp or anywhere as it angers me and I doubt I'll be able to control myself. We still have the paperwork of when our baby was taken there and I regret it to this day. Their price in May 2013 was $6 for being a new patient and $65 for an annual check.

I regret it because they said they needed to inject him with antibiotics and after they did our baby got really weak, worst than when it was taken in. It probably would have been better off if we never took him there. I'm sure another vet would have done more rather than see how much they could make from a baby. Or at the very least had a receptionist with common sense and a heart.

ETA: They also never explained why they felt the need to inject a 6 week old conure with two shots. The conure was also breathing fine until ten minutes after when they gave him back. It wasn't his feeding time and they tried to tell my boyfriend to let them feed him. Really? His crop was full. I guess they felt $20 was worth it. If this vet has any common sense I suggest they get a new receptionist and learn about when to feed babies.
Sorry about your bird. It is really sad story. :( i live in Arlington, and your recommended area is all the way in Dallas. Well, i think i can take him to the animal hospital where my sister took her dog there and seem to be they know what happen to the pets. Thanks anyway.


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Please try to find a Avian Vet. Most reg vets do not have a clue when it comes to birds.

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