Blue crown conures - too loud for apartments?


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Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
Howdy. I am about to adopt a blue crown conure...

I've read a mix of books, of which some say all arantinga conures are loud, but a couple books did say they would be "OK" for apartments (not outright 'yes' or 'no' in the loudness/compatibility table.)

I should be able to get him at a try-out period and have the space and time to make him a happy bird, but wanted to get some input from others -- will blue crowns coming from a second-hand situation and is a full-grown adult.

I saw him once before, a couple months ago - he doesn't seem louder at screaming than my GCCs, which was rather amazing.

I will keep him quarantined, of course...

I'm getting him Friday night.

My only question is - how do I earn its trust more quickly so he can settle into his new home? Apart from setting up a strict schedule as to when he sees me, so when I go to work on Monday he won't scream, wondering where the new guy went... (meaning I will stay out of his room between specific time periods...) That schedule and predictability will help.

And should I spend an hour with the bird at the store before trying him out? (The store doesn't know what to do with him, a staff person had taken the bird but later brought it back... and I've adopted birds in the past with biting issues and got them to overcome the bad habit, but it does take time and it requires a bird giving trust to its owner.)

I've read up enough to know they need constant toys and a fair amount of human time, and they are quick learners. They can also mimic sounds and 'speak'.

But this might be a minor challenge, as he's been homed before and given up. But I won't give up, unless neighbors complain -- where I'm situated, there's only one possible neighbor, and she's never complained... even when my trio have squawked and that's not too often.

Any advice or questions? I would be most grateful.



New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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[ame=""]Blue Crown Conure - Karma's Rant Talking - YouTube[/ame]

@2:45 for 30 seconds, he does scream really loud. And 3:45-4:12 Is this a rare sort of noise or is it a common sort of noise? If it's the latter then it's probably not an ideal apartment bird, if the volume is really high-volume...

The other noises seem tolerable by comparison; even my GCCs make the occasional 'yelp' noise like the BCC in that video... but if the two time periods shown are rare and not common, then I can probably get away with keeping him...

And with three other GCCs doing their antics, that would add to his sense of flock and prevent him, or reduce his chances of, screaming out of boredom as well.
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Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Blue crowns can be noisy at times. They seem to have certain times of the day that they will sound off. They can also be noisy when they want something. Like right now, my pair know I am cooking pasta and they want some. So both are squawking away at me. It does not help that they are on a little bit of a diet shift and are not at all happy about it.

I have also noticed that they will do their version of singing during the afternoon. I've often heard Tootsie sounding off when I come home. I stand outside the door listening to her before going in because she has a very interesting song. Lots of nasal beeps at different tones. I like it but it does not continue because as soon as they hear the key in the lock I receive a very noisy greeting. The unfortunate thing about blue crowns is that they don't have the most pleasant sounding voice when they are calling. However, the sound does not seem to penetrate walls as well as some other birds. I can hear the blue crowns outside the door. But my senegal is audible out in the parking lot.

But for apartment living the blue crowns are relatively ok but not totally ideal. If you had thin walls I'd be a little concerned. I've been in 5 different apartments with one blue crown over the past 15 years. The last year I've had two of them after I adopted Rosa. And so far the only one complaining about noise is me complaining about my upstairs neighbors with their music and late night talking & laughing at the top of their lungs.

The rant at 2:45 sounds something like an alarm call. Mine will do similar if something scares them though higher pitched. You can see the bird shifted over to the far side of the perch and stayed there during the call. Maybe the person taking the video picked up an object the bird didn't like. It did sound like she was messing around with something. The second burst of noise was pure noise for the enjoyment of him and his companion. Neither of mine imitate noises so they don't do that "talking" that the one in the video doing.

I'd say that unless stimulated to excitement, blue crowns are 90% lower noise birds. A lot of contented quiet noises with a few louder squawks and beeps thrown in. But when that 10% kicks in, expect a lotta noise.
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Mar 21, 2010
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Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
BCs are one of the loudest conures, though not a constant screecher like "some" sun conures are. IMHO, I do not recommend them for apartment living.

Rio Mom

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Apr 7, 2011
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When I was growing up, my grandma had a blue crown conure. One thing I remember very clearly about him is how very loud he was. I have other memories of him too of course, but he was definately loud!


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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Thanks, y'all!

I did see the bird in the store (not renamed yet). A couple loud chirps, on par with a quaker, but nothing major. So I took the risk and got him.

I got him home, and - at first he was aggressive but quickly did 'step up' just fine. He's still adjusting so I will take it slow, find out what treats he likes, and move from there.

The loudest noise is very brief, but almost as loud as a human toddler when throwing a tantrum.

He could be a quiet bird overall, but the next few days will reveal more.

The clerk mentioned he was trying to say a word while they feed him. I can't wait to find out what the word is...

He does often make a weird 'purr' noise, which is hilarious. I know it's normal for their species, and he's showing no signs of aggression... he's preened himself as well.

I hope he works out... he might not become a cuddler, but if he steps up and doesn't scream, he will be a gem.

Pictures will follow... :)


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Congratulations and good luck!

One of my blue crowns is a cuddle bird but the other is not. Hopefully you will see his true personality emerge and it will be a good one. Blue crowns are nice birds. I really enjoy my pair.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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Congratulations and good luck!

One of my blue crowns is a cuddle bird but the other is not. Hopefully you will see his true personality emerge and it will be a good one. Blue crowns are nice birds. I really enjoy my pair.


Right now he's still really skittish.

Just like my GCC Scooter when I got him, and a year later he really changed and became something of a cuddlebug (though will nip at me when he can't stand the attention... he realized that, unlike the store clerk, I'm an okay guy, but why am I talking about Scooter? :eek:)

He stepped up onto my fingers when I got him out of his travel box, and he quickly acquiesced instead of nipped, but after putting him down he lost interest and is skittish. When I saw him 3 months ago, he wouldn't even do that, so the interim owner had enough time to teach him that.

His nips are less painful than Rusty's (my favorite GCC, who also is the only one that bites in an attempt to be the alpha bird... ). But I've kept conscious of his body language. I think he gets the idea that I'm okay, but it will take time for him to adapt.

After letting him breathe (he's anxious, especially as an adult), I found a wooden perch. Despite not-wanting-to-do-it, he has stepped up onto it.

He's still in his own world, but peeks at what I am doing at the computer from time to time.

Once he even climbed around the playgym, which is a habit I hope he continues.

So far, no LOUD noises but it's also cloudy and will thunderstorm. My whole flock is quiet... so tomorrow AM will be the test. The loudest noise he's emitted is on par with when I have my TV on... He liked 'The Golden Girls' and didn't spaz when I played 'Skyrim' on the Xbox...

He has already shown one trick: He will hang on the cage bars with his beak, holding back his talons. It's bizarre but hilarious. Now if I can get him to do somersaults... Rosie's antics will keep her in shape for 30 years with ease...

Being in an apartment, quarantine is not easy. They're in separate rooms. Oddly, the BCC won't respond to any of the GCC's noises. Or maybe that's a good thing. I know the GCCs didn't respond to youtube videos of BCCs noises (and they respond to that venue often for their own species...)

Rosie did escape her cage and surprisingly flew out here, with the new parrot screaming loudly (yet not at top volume?) over the intrusion by this "tiny scary beast". It was slightly discomforting, but the moment I scooped up Rosie and got her out he calmed down. I doubt the bird has any illnesses, but I will keep them separate, and get him checked out by the local vet in due course...

Oh, when I said "surprisingly", Rosie usually flies to the cage Rusty and Scooter cohabit as that's her favorite spot outside the cage. Maybe she was looking for the playgym, where she recognizes her favorite rope perches...

The new parrot, which I need to name, is eating right now. It's good to see. He had been given a seed diet, and I will convert to Zupreem pellets... He does have a bit of a tummy forming, but I've yet to weigh him. Come to think of it, last night - when I ate my chicken pizza, he started eating the treat from his dish as well.

He does seem actively curious and, unlike the other rescue bird I've got, isn't completely terrified of human hands so I think rehabilitating him will be much easier.

He just said "Hello", literally!! Followed with a "squeee" sounding noise at a pleasant low volume. Those are the noises I will encourage. I know there will be loud moments and he will quickly learn to keep those to a minimum.

He's just so adorable to look at and even let out... but with my schedule to teach him consistency, I can't let him out until later today. (For now, as he's new, and it's a weekend, and not used to life around here, I will only let him out in the afternoons.

Cool! He just squawked "Hello" instead of trying to say it like a human. Just the syllables with a typical BCC squawk.

Even last night, in full sunlight, he was quiet... if he keeps his top volume potential unused 90%+ of the time, I can handle it. And so can neighbors, as they've heard slightly louder and for longer with my flock and - thankfully - no complaints ever existed with that.

I can't wait to get the new guy out of quarantine. He will like watching Rosie somersault. And he will adore the larger cage awaiting him, with the toys that will keep him busy. He's already poked at two toys in the quarantine cage, so it looks like he knows how to play by himself. But seeing him occasionally curious at what I do helps; a bird that doesn't care for its owner will not be in a happy situation either. Time will tell, but I am hopeful this will be a good fit and - so far so good.

The store staff did say that he gets loud when staff went into the back room, for attention... I heard it once in the store 3 months ago as well - not much louder than my trio when they shriek, which is admittedly rare. Otherwise I wouldn't be taking this risk -- I would never bring in a sun conure, which are quite louder!

He's been quiet since, but it's getting darker outside and I rarely use internal light sources... but, so far, the adjustment has been better than expected...


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Parent's have, I baby sit a blue crown conure.
My husband and I adopted a rescue blue and gold macaw.
The loud noises for ours are very common. If I whisper though, so will he. I am trying to teach him to say , "shhh," and put his foot up. So far the game for him, is making noise so I will say, "shh," and put my hand up. Mostly, they are cute noises, so hopefully, no one will complain.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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The loud noises for ours are very common. If I whisper though, so will he. I am trying to teach him to say , "shhh," and put his foot up. So far the game for him, is making noise so I will say, "shh," and put my hand up. Mostly, they are cute noises, so hopefully, no one will complain.

Thanks for sharing!

Hopefully yours will figure out the volume aspect (has ignoring him and not putting your hand up in response to his louder noises but doing so when he vocalizes at the level you like done any good?)

I've kept my tv volume reduced and, most of the time, my BCC remains as loud as it as well... maybe a little louder at times as HE wants the attention :cool: but he's a hoot... he's squawked three times and every time I turn my head to look, he's hanging on the cage bar with his beak with his feet held back. It is the most ludicrous, hilarious thing I've ever seen...

Most of his noises are cute as well, but he will screech in anger at times and rattle a bell toy. (He also loves to cuddle toys made out of straw, which is bothering me because I want him to bond with me and not the toys...) At first I thought it was cute when he used toys as makeshift back scratchers, but I think it might be becoming a problem as he cradles the bamboo windchime toy with his wing. I will be getting a toy or two tomorrow that he can't try to cuddle... but maybe he misses being scratched by a person, but until he fully trusts me I'm not going near his neck. But progress has been made, slow but sure...

He's MUCH calmer than he had been and the step-up sessions are far less painful, longer, and rewarding for (s)he and me, I think. :11: It's cool to see a bird develop trust over time...

But mine really hasn't gotten louder than my GCCs, which seemed the case when I first heard him 3 months ago as well. It still boggles the mind given the potential for loudness these BCCs can put out.

Now if only I can continue to build his trust, but I suspect the next few days will be more trials and tribulation...


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
It still boggles the mind given the potential for loudness these BCCs can put out.

I'll give you an idea of that potential. Earlier this year they were testing out the fire alarms in my building and I was home for that day. The alarm in my place is very loud. One of the technicians needed to come inside while his partner set off the alarm so that he could verify that everything was working. When he came in, the blue crowns went OFF! They were already unnerved from all the noise earlier and having a stranger show up in my place just flat out did it for them. The noise was incredible! And when the guy's partner set off the alarm, he could not hear it. He actually had to ask me if the alarm had sounded. So yeah, the potential is certainly there. Fortunately, an all out explosion of noise like that is very rare. Something has to frighten them into it.

But I'm glad you are having success with your bird. They are great birds. Intelligent and have a bit slower play level. I find that playing with my Tootsie is much more relaxing than trying to keep up with the Senegal. And when they want to they are great snugglers.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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It still boggles the mind given the potential for loudness these BCCs can put out.

I'll give you an idea of that potential. Earlier this year they were testing out the fire alarms in my building and I was home for that day. The alarm in my place is very loud. One of the technicians needed to come inside while his partner set off the alarm so that he could verify that everything was working. When he came in, the blue crowns went OFF! They were already unnerved from all the noise earlier and having a stranger show up in my place just flat out did it for them. The noise was incredible! And when the guy's partner set off the alarm, he could not hear it. He actually had to ask me if the alarm had sounded. So yeah, the potential is certainly there. Fortunately, an all out explosion of noise like that is very rare. Something has to frighten them into it.

But I'm glad you are having success with your bird. They are great birds. Intelligent and have a bit slower play level. I find that playing with my Tootsie is much more relaxing than trying to keep up with the Senegal. And when they want to they are great snugglers.

Thanks! I will keep that in mind, and thankfully such issues are rare here... :)

With time, Tybbi will hopefully become that snuggly as well. With 3.5 days into this venture, he's only starting to open up with step-up commands, but it will take time and he's worth it...

He's started squawking this morning as well, now that he's settling in. Being in the room closest to the neighbor's bedroom, I was relieved that I could only hear the noise because of the open doorway perpendicular to his area. Sound was not traveling through the wall, so with luck I'll be okay. I will be once he clears quarantine and stays with the rest of the flock in the bedroom (which has a firewall that helps muffle sound better than the regular walls...)

I've noticed Tybbie loving to snuggle with his toys that have the hay, coconut hair, etc. I now feel envious of inorganic matter... he's snuggling against the toy right now... whether it's siesta time or not I don't know, but he's doing good... he was growling at it for a moment as well... with luck I can deduce his periodic fits, if they are fits...

I'll have a pic of him coming soon with him doing his favorite bizarre act of hanging from the cage bars with his beak. Once he gets into his main cage with the bars overhead, I almost fear if he clings on those bars in the same way... there's a visual... :eek:


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Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
he sounds like real sweetheart! i cant wait for the pictures, and you did a great thing adopting him :)!


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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he sounds like real sweetheart! i cant wait for the pictures, and you did a great thing adopting him :)!


He has his quirks and it will take time... here are some pics, and I will have one more to post in a recent thread I'd made...


(the red eye function of the camera got the bird to start to re-attach to the cage, but - seriously - this bird will hang from its beak and keep its talons retracted!)






(My other fids)


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Hanging from the beak like that is an unusual one. Tootsie would do something similar but she would hold on with her feet and continually click the bars with her beak. Usually with a pellet or something else being held in there. It is a habit that she has had since I adopted her from my brother.

Question. Are the tail feathers always spread out a little bit like that? Rosa's tail folds down to the width of one feather. Tootsie used to do the same but she fell once and injured things back there and her tail never folded completely since. I don't think that there is anything wrong. Is mainly my curiosity.

He is a good looking guy, though.

You mentioned earlier that he was making a purring noise. Is it a long, drawn out "mmuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr"? And does slowly "bow" towards you with eyes flashing a little? If so, it could be a kind of greeting. Before I brought Rosa here, Tootsie would do that almost every time I came home. I would stand in front of her and imitate the noise back at her and would bow towards her. She really responded favorably to it. I believe that it is a bonding ritual for them. Tootsie and Rosa will do it together sometimes now and will sometimes let me join in though Rosa would rather I not make "overtures" towards her buddy. Just a thought but next time you hear him making that noise, imitate it right back at him and see if he responds.
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New member
Apr 13, 2012
Stillwater, MN
Rosie = Rescued Pineapple GCC,
Rusty = bought Cinnamon GCC,
Scooter = bought Normal GCC,
Tybbi MacGuyver = Rescued Blue Crown Conure
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Hanging from the beak like that is an unusual one. Tootsie would do something similar but she would hold on with her feet and continually click the bars with her beak. Usually with a pellet or something else being held in there. It is a habit that she has had since I adopted her from my brother.

Question. Are the tail feathers always spread out a little bit like that? Rosa's tail folds down to the width of one feather. Tootsie used to do the same but she fell once and injured things back there and her tail never folded completely since. I don't think that there is anything wrong. Is mainly my curiosity.

He is a good looking guy, though.

You mentioned earlier that he was making a purring noise. Is it a long, drawn out "mmuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr"? And does slowly "bow" towards you with eyes flashing a little? If so, it could be a kind of greeting. Before I brought Rosa here, Tootsie would do that almost every time I came home. I would stand in front of her and imitate the noise back at her and would bow towards her. She really responded favorably to it. I believe that it is a bonding ritual for them. Tootsie and Rosa will do it together sometimes now and will sometimes let me join in though Rosa would rather I not make "overtures" towards her buddy. Just a thought but next time you hear him making that noise, imitate it right back at him and see if he responds.

I might do that, if Tybbi starts to do that noise... thanks! But that purring noise... it doesn't sound quite like how you're describing it, but he doesn't look at me and engage in any body language I'd recognize as aggression. He still seems a tad distant, despite other signs of action such as taking my lead and eating with me if he sees me starting to eat...

The cage hanging is bizarre, but now that I've openly laughed it's one thing he won't stop doing... still, outside his cage he won't use the playgym to repeat the trick... on the gym, there are two circles where one can attach toys - he has held onto both of them and hanging downward (he is such a clown!) but only on the cage does he do that... maybe his previous owner taught him to do that... he's had no troubles eating, so there's nothing stuck in there... and he's done enough other things to make me think he's just a natural goofy acrobat...

His tail feathers have almost always been a tad apart like that. He's in his cage right now and the feathers do angle downward in what I would describe as "normal" (they get closer toward the bottom), and he has 'fanned' them while preening so I think the full range of motion is there, but the vet will know best... and I do know the poor bird was stuck in a parakeet cage for 3 weeks, and prior to that I have no idea how he was homed...

If anything, how he will cuddle next to ANY object, even the rainbow wood chew toy, I hope he just uses toys as surrogates for humans given his previous treatment... it's a dratted shame he's had to resort to toys as back scratchers... I so want to reach out but he's going to be slow to trust...

Or that he often looks tired,even with having his eyes closed as he cuddles with a toy. He might have an ailment, he's been wide-eyed as well. He might just be trying to feel comfy and contented...

And while he's still a bit bitey, he did handle a 15 minute training session and did a number of step-ups beautifully, so while it's still the part where coaxing him to perch onto me or the twig is a nightmare, once he's on me he's becoming more and more docile and that's a great sign... all things considered. Tomorrow it will be 20 minutes, maybe 25 if he can handle it. I try to stop on a good note and when I can start to sense his getting agitated. Mostly of step-ups, eating millet, and listening to me prattle on about birdie stories and asking him questions he can't answer like how he had been treated prior to finding me...

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