Blue Crown Help/Advice


New member
Jan 2, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey all. I am a new member here and I definitely think that I have come to the right place for information and advice. Last night, I brought home a beautiful 6, almost 7 months old, blue crown conure. I spent about 3 hours at the store deciding between the two. The pair was bonded and neither had been handled much since their weaning so they were very timid. They both gave me bites at different times, though one of them didn't bit nearly as hard and once he/she calmed down, he was content on my arm and rode around on my hand while I picked out all the toys, bowls, food, and treats. He didn't fly, he didn't try to bite, and at one point, started falling asleep, yawning, and stretching on my hand.
After arriving home, I did try to let him come out of the box on his own, which didn't work. Finally I brought the box to the floor, opened both ends, and kind of coaxed him out of the box. As soon as he came out he squawked and jumped over to the other side of the room lol. He stepped right up(he was better about stepping up than the other one and showed almost no aggression when asked to step up in the store) and I let him into his cage onto one of his perches.
Last night I was able to get him out for a few minutes without being bit, I worked for a few minutes getting him to step up multiple times onto my fingers alternating hands he was stepping up on. He stepped right up onto my partner too. After that he was done, and jumped off and glided to the other side of the room. Again, he stepped right up when I asked him to, and I placed him back into his cage.
Last night we spent time on the couch so he could get used to us being in the room. This morning I am sitting in the chair that is right next to his cage and softly talking to him. He was more comfortable with me being closer today. Was preening, stretching, and tried playing with his new toys even. So I think he is feeling more comfortable?

I am curious though, how long should I wait until I do try to start building our relationship? I read somewhere to wait 72 hours so that he will get comfortable in his cage and used to us being around. Is this pretty accurate?
He tried playing with one of his toys even this morning too and he isn't being as timid when I talk to him and move by him. He even tilted his head when I opened up the blinds and showed interest in seeing what I was doing lol. As I am typing this right by his cage now, he is finally closing his eyes for a nap, finally.

Just very curious, how and when do I start working with him? What is the best approach to getting our relationship started? What tips and tricks can you guys share with me from similar situations? Where did you and your bird start and where is your relationship now?

Ps: I wanted to share this funny story with you all. He had not made many noises at all the entire three hours we were there. When it was time for him to go into his box at the bid shop, we put him in and out of NOWHERE he spoke! Lol he goes, "What're you doing!?"
Needless to say, we died laughing.




New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
first off congrats blue crown conures are amazing!! I would day you guys are making great progress so far and you can start working with him when you think he's comfortable and wants to interact with you for some birds that's right away for others its a few days. My blue crown conure when I got him he was very aggressive but we worked through that with time I didn't really use any one method I just kinda played around and ignored his bites and eventually he stopped being mean and started to call for me to come play with him and today I can do anything with him he trusts me so much! I would start with some clicker training there's lots of YouTube vids on it good luck!


New member
Apr 27, 2013
Seattle, WA
White bellied caique
I gave it almost a week. I took him out for only about 30 mins to an hour each day the first week he was home. Also, when you start taking him out for longer periods, if he starts acting grumpy or isn't acting "normal" just out him back in his cage for a little while. Baby's can get overwhelmed easily, so just increase his time out of the cage over time. You can start building the relationship now by just talking to him like you've been doing. He already seems like he is getting used to you. Just try not to push him and try to read his mood and the signs and you should build a relationship with him in no time. Congrats by the way!!! I love blue crowns!


Nov 17, 2013
Minnesota, USA
Senegal, Senegal, Black Capped Conure, Green-cheek Conure, Blue Fronted Amazon
You've already been working with him and have started on your relationship with him. You started in the store and have continued at home. Just keep doing things at his comfort level which will grow with time. And don't put any kind of timeline on anything.

My bcc situation was entirely different. I bought mine from a pet store in 1992. He was a wild-caught bird and had no concept of being handled and friendly with people. What helped is that he was very young, so he was more open to new things. I honestly couldn't tell you any of the things I did other than watch him for signs of interest in me and what I'm doing. When he was showing interest is when I would give him time. He was a great bird for the 21 years I had with him.


New member
Jan 2, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
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Thank you everyone for all of your advice and help! We are making very slow progress but at least we are taking steps forward! We are now a little more comfortable with the cage door open. Instead of clinging on the side of the cage, he/she is now able to perch and eat, make some squawking noises here and there and is even playing with the toys here and there. I think tonight we will begin with me slowly introducing my hand to the cage. I figured on maybe just resting my fingers on the bottom of the cage door for a bit here and there until he gets comfortable with that, then not moving on until we are comfortable with each step.


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