Caique bites sister?


New member
May 15, 2013
A secret place
||Mika, 23 yo senegal parrot||Cayenne, 5 yo sun conure||Katana, 6 yo cockatiel||Monk, 4 yo peachfaced lovie||Onyx, 8 yo BH caique||Pluto & Neptune, 4 yo budgies||Tauntaun, 17 yo U2||
Ok. So I've had my perfect little angel of a caique home for a week and a half. Backstory on the bird: she is about 8 years old and her owner boarded her at my place of work for about a year before making the decision to rehome.

So, first morning I had her home, I uncovered the cage and let her out on top and as my sis and I were getting dressed my sis asked if she could hold her, asked her to step up and the caique jumped on her hand and started biting the back of it until finally pulled/dropped off (when she bites she holds on and doesn't let go).

So my sister handled her maybe once or twice over the week downstairs in the living room.

Tonight we go up to our room and I open the cage to say good night to Onyx and I put her on top and wait a moment for her to poo before letting my sis hold her, then I pick her up and move her towards my sister and she just sibes in and latches on to her hand and bites and bites and bites until we pry her off :((

What's the deal? Prior to these incidents this bird doesn't act differently, she just decides to attack. My sister isn't some little kid either. I turn 22 next month and she turns 17. I'm just feeling really bummed out about this as now my sis is gonna think that the bird hates her and she will be forever afraid of handling her.

ETA: also just noting, when I have had this bird out downstairs pretty much everyone has held and cuddled and pet her with no issue, including my grandpa who does not regularly handle birds at all or know much about them.
Your bird may just not like your sister, but there is always the chance a to turn things around. How does your sister interact with her other than wanting to hold him? Does she have some fear of being bitten after the first time? Your bird may be sensing that.
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I don't think she had any fear before holding her the first time. Onyx hadn't bitten anyone then.

This second time in the room (she had held her with no issue downstairs), she put her hand up and I moved the bird towards her and before we could react the caique had dived off my hand and latched onto hers.

Other than holding her, she'll sometimes walk by the cage and talk to her. Normal interactions, I suppose? She's not teasing the bird by any means.
Have you ever heard if the power pause? There is a great YouTube video on that(search parrot power pause). You can try that with your sister.
Ok Grey, of course were all thinking what that might be! I think Onyx is a 8 year old caique who likes who she likes [and that's you] . I would just realize that if people want to see her [have them just give her a treat] . She might start liking other people [but their going to have to win her over] We put our caiques on the back of the couch with foot toys. They make their way over to new people if they want to see them.But you don't know all about her yet [Im sure shes done a lot in her 8 yrs ] .
Sometimes they just don't like certain people, I hate to say;). My hubs is on the poop list after 5 months of bliss with my WBC. He did nothing wrong, it just happens.
No advice really, just an observation. Your caique has only bitten your sister when she has tried to hold her while in your room (where the cage is?). But is fine downstairs? Territorial maybe? And sometimes a bird just doesn't like someone for no reason we can figure out. Good luck, hopefully you guys get it all worked out.
It beats my caique's episode with my sister. She bit her on the prominent girly part (the most sensitive part of the prominent girly part that is)

Lol!! I thought mine was bad when it dive-bombed my gf and bite her on the bridge of the nose! And didn't let go. Sometimes for whatever reason, they seem to not like some people!
Sometimes they just don't like certain people, I hate to say;). My hubs is on the poop list after 5 months of bliss with my WBC. He did nothing wrong, it just happens.

What sookie said.

My mum can do no wrong with my caique. He adores her. Me on the other hand, well, i have to wait for him to be in the right mood before i can handle him properly. Otherwise i use a special perch.

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