Considering adopting a mystery aviary raised lovebird. Please advise.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
I have an ad on Craigslist about being able to adopt a bird or pair of birds, someone responded and for once it wasn't a scam(at least I don't think). The emails I have been sent about the bird, edited for anonymity:

her said:
I ordered a male parrotlet from a FL aviary in June 2017. I got a very pretty lavender and white lovebird. I am assuming it is male. I have a pair of parrotlets and Wiley is always sneaking around. I'm saddened to look for a new home but he will attack the little parrotlets when out together. We think he would be happier as an only bird or with his own kind.
The aviary said his hatch month was March 2017. I could not get a day.
Thanks, *attached photo*

her said:
These are more pictures. He is in a large floor cage currently. Wiley is eating volkman lovebird and lovebird treat sticks, millet, nutri-berries...etc.
We got a used 24x22x54... supposed to have a play top but didn't. We took pieces of an old cage and made a play top.
When Wiley arrived our Chinese Crested Powerpuff passed I was too devastated to argue about the bird. When I did contact they said too late. I don't know if Wiley is male or female. I'm assuming male. Digger the chihuahua mix plays with Wiley with the soccer balls in the first picture.
His wings have finally grown back to where he can fly. The aviary really cut his flight feathers. Wiley will step up on a dowel. I haven't been able to pet. I'm not sure what eye ring lovebird he is...Fischer?
I had Opal (white parrotlet 2yr) and Hunter (2.5 mo male parrotlet ) on each shoulder and Wiley flew over and attacked Hunter. I was shocked by his actions. He's always trying to get to Blonde.
My birds are in the living room. A wall of cages. Haha.
We had breeding pair of peach faced lovebirds in the 1990's. *2 photos attached*

What do you guys think? I have had a lovebird in the past, but a peach face. How do they differ if at all? How do you guys vote? A lot of red flags in my eyes with trusting near any of the info given by the aviary, they seem like a pack of jokers for sure. The "only bird" sentiment I don't put too much weight into. I work most of the time from home, so even if the bird ends up being incompatible with Alex and Fatty I could still give it plenty of attention one-on-one for the little guy. Also what do you think on species, these are the photos I was sent, I agree on Fischer's I think, but not super clear for me with limited experience with the species:

Sent from computer needing new keyboard badly(ordered one), please forgive any typos


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
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The person has gone quiet disappointingly, so this may not pan out. Hopefully they will send another email, but I'm not holding my breath. :/ That's what you get with craigslist I guess..

From phone


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
It is difficult to follow Craigs list parrot offering from your position, it is even more so when removed as far away as on Parrot Forums. Most of the time, it is very clearly a scam, but some times its much harder. When something does not feel correct, it just better to walk away early-on!


Well-known member
May 17, 2016
Central Florida
Normal (or not so!) Grey Cockatiel
Sometimes runs a gamut of shadiness on Craigslist. It is thoughtful to want to adopt. I know if there wasn't any shelters or rescues near you, you'd probably not have looked on there. But sometimes shelters for dogs and cats have additional small animals, including the occasional budgie, cockatiel and lovebirds. Also, even some vets run adoptions or could point you in that direction.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
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Thanks guys. I think I will ease off the active search for fid #3 for now. If one comes across my path needing a home I will adopt, but I think I will wait for now and try again after the move. The shelters in my area are the worst. I tried adopting a pair of budgies and it was absolutely insane the hoops they wanted us to jump through before even being able to fill out an application. Home visits, vet records on all current pets, meetings with everyone living in the house and a written letter of permission from homeowner, and cages for the birds I wanted to fill out an application for needed already to be set up, etc etc etc. And the application I then would be allowed to fill out wouldn't even be any guarentee whatsoever of an adoption.

The order they wanted to do things in, and the hoops for a pair of budgies just seemed excessive and off. I dunno. Maybe I'm being lazy about it, but I also don't like the idea of random people poking through my house, upsetting my critters potentially, without any sort of assurance that it wasn't for nothing, since they allowed many multiples of applications to be put on animals, and would not tell you how many people were interested in the same critter(s) and/or what stage of the process other potential adopters were at already. Did not enjoy my time there. Also all the puppos and kittos locked in cages begging to come out or super stressed out broke my heart. They did have the birbos(and guinea pigs and rabbits and such) in a room away from the other critters, but still the place was heartbreaking.

Hope someone adopted those budgies. And all the other critters for that matter. Why do shelters do things like this? I know it is to try and make sure the people they adopt to have good intentions, but I think this shelter went too far with it. Those critters need homes! :( When you can buy a budgie for 10-20$ at a pet shop(way too frigging low imo, encourages irresponsible ownership), you should not have to do such ridiculous things to be considered to save a couple of lives. OK, rant = over.

Sigh. Do birds get put down in shelters too? Maybe I'll suck it up and go thru the process, but I would prefer greatly not to have someone poking around. My doggo is a puppy mill rescue, he is not thrilled with strangers at *all*.

sigh. sigh sigh sigh.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
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Edit: sorry. Was in a mental health ptsd episode hiccup thing. Much better now. :), back to me. These things flare up and pass. No need to leave all that up on the internet though.

Cliff notes: I misread an email subject line this morning at first glance, and it threw me into a major funk over losing a bird I miss very very much. I am terrible at making decisions and am waffling on if I should keep looking for fid #3.
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