Funny Macaw stories


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Lake Erie
22 yr old umbrella
B & G macaw rescue age unknown
African Grey
Our B&G (age unknown, rescue, broken leg some time in his life) took 2 years to trust us. Since then his already huge vocabulary has increased 10 fold. He loves to play tricks on us and his favorite target is my youngest daughter. He uses my voice to call her and she runs around looking for me, while he calls and calls for her to come here etc. When she figures out it's him she says "Pebbles Stop it you're not MOM" he then laughs hysterically at her. He also tells her "I'm getting your towel" she inevitably forgets .... And screams with laughter when she goes running past him dripping wet. Aaauuuggghhhh YOU again!! But she's in his top favorite people and they're inseparable.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Our B&GM is about a year and a half old now, we've had him since he was about 8 months old. He already has a very large vocabulary and from time to time uses it in the most suprising and appropriate ways.

He doesn't like to get baths, when we try to give him a bath we try to make it a fun game for him. He doesn't want any part of it. Period. One day I noticed his tail getting a bit ruffled so i decide to give him a shower with me. We walk into the bathroom and he catches his relfection and starts talking up a storm to the "other bird" in the bathroom. As soon as a turn the water on he starts growling it me. I sratch his head to try and relax him, but he knows whats about to happen, he's decided he's not okay with the situation. I coax him onto my arm and hop into the shower. I try to let him come into the water, but he's just fussing and growling. I'm singing and trying to play him, he just isn't in to it. I decide to not get him wet everywhere, but try to focus on cleaning his tail. I take the removable showerhead and hold it low and spary just his talk feather, to which Blue responded with, "NOOOOOO...l.BAD BIRRRRRRRD!!" i about fell laughing so hard. I've never heard him say that before, and its not something we've ever said to him.

On another occasion, we were cleaning his cage and accidentally dropped the metal catch pan on the bottom of his cage. Its large and very heavy so it made quite the large crash as it hit the floor and his tossed aside seed to flying all over the floor creating a giant mess. This of course scared Blue, he flapped his wings deciding if he needed to fly away or not. He decides its safe and leans over his cage and looks down at the newly created mess. He pins his eyes and in the most disappointed voice I've ever heard him make, he says, "You're a bad bird." Again, we just laughed.

Over the past few months, Blue has started to scream and squeal at the top of his lungs. To which he follows up by looking around the room and saying, "Shut UP!" I know we shouldn't laugh, but its funny how it comes out and he seems to get a kick from it.

Last one, and I promise I'll stop. My partner had a chest cold and was coughing alot. Blue started one evening after my partner had gone to lay down to start coughing. He would lean his head back and throw his head down, (Looked alot like a sneeze), and make this raspy awful sounding cough sound. HE would laugh hysterically a this and dance around, and do it all over again. He found this to the be the funniest thing and now at bed time fakes a cough/sneeze and just laughs HA-HA-HAAAAA.

He makes me laugh everyday, no matter how bad my day is, he makes it better with his shenanigans.
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New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
To funny .
Mine also says "Shut UP!". He was adopted there are a few other phases that make me think he grew up in a bar .
He is now down to Shut up. or NO you shut up. You are right its hard not to laugh at .
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
Please keep it clean folks, this is a family friendly forum. Many of our members and guests are very young. Thank you for understanding.


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I was home from work yesterday. Sick. Laying down on the couch i dozed off. Well I guess BB forgot I was home. I hear a knock ( It was BB ) and the dogs started barking. Then I hear the HAHAHA of BB I layed still did not do anything then I hear him whistle for them and toss them a few of his Fruitblend when they got close.
I think My Fid is bonding with a couple of fuzzy dogs.


New member
Jul 18, 2015
New Jersey
Dexter, SI Eclectus
I don't have a Macaw, but I do have a funny macaw story! Yesterday I was visiting a bird store to buy food. It was a store I've never been to before. There was a large B&G macaw hanging out on a playcenter tree, climbing up and swinging from rope swings near the ceiling, etc. all while happily making noises and talking - he seemed quite content. I've never been near one so large and just out free, so I was a little cautious - that beak is very intimidating!

As I'm standing next to the store owner and chatting about travel cage options, I feel a tug on my shirt, as I turn the macaw puts his beak around and basically "honks" my left boob. He didn't bite me, he just gave me a goose! Then, he started laughing hysterically - as did the owner and I! She apologized profusely, but I wasn't put off at all. It was hilarious!


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Crestview Fl.
Goffin Too, U2, Scarlet Mac, B&G Mac, DYH Zon, CAG and a
Birdbrained Wife!
A while back we were having a birthday party for my wife.

A house full of people, pizza, adult beverages and football on the tube!

Everyone was having a great time and as the evening progressed it was getting a bit loud, cheering for our teams.

Well, when you have 6 large Parrots in the livingroom and a bunch of loud people watching a football game (After sunset) Something is gonna give!!

With 5 min left in overtime at about 10pm, Marley, my B&G decided he had ENOUGH!!!!!

"GET THE @%$& OUT!" He yelled at the top of his lungs!!!!! Then he began chanting "Buh Bye now! Bye Bye!!! With that, all the birds joined in the fray with their bed time statements and made it very clear to all of our guests that overtime or not they were no longer welcome and it was past bedtime.

The looks on the faces of our friends was priceless!! The general consensus was, "We been told by the birds!!!"

Needless to say, that kinda put an end to the party. I'm surprised that the birds let it go that far. Usually right after sunset they run us off to our bedroom so they can get their beauty rest.

Gotta love them! They are too expensive and scrawny to BBQ. lol
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New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
anytime my macaw hits his beak on something he says "ow"


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
Whenever my macaw is hungry he rings this bell he has and waits for me to bring him food


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
My dad was on the phone yesterday and my macaw kept making this sound that sounded like "ma" and he thought it was my brother so he yelled at him to "hush because he was on the phone" dad looked over and my brother was sleeping on the couch adjacent to him


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
Whenever my macaw hears my little dog (a cheagle aka a beagle/chihuahua) he starts to do this little bark and freaks my dog out


New member
Jul 28, 2015
Rowdy -Blue and Gold Macaw (I miss him :''''(, ?-10/18/15)
Luna- cockatiel (deceased:'()
my cat and my macaw have "meow-offs" where they will meow at eachother back and forth


New member
Jan 9, 2013
Funny or annoying I don't know. But the ways people talk about my macaw can make me laugh and annoy me at the same time.

'I've seen you out and about several times with your parrot. That's an awesome bit of kit.'

He's not a car or a gadget. He's a living breathing thing and he doesn't come with a warranty. Although he is very good at voiding warranties.

'I saw you with your bird yesterday. What model is he?'

He's not a model he's a breed.


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I have been on the phone and people can hear BB . Last time someone asked. Does he talk. I know its wrong but I said no. Then BB will start saying SHUT UP SHUT UP . Make a lire out of me every time.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
Stupid Birdy:

At tropical birdland a Green Wing macaw was chewing on his perch as Macaws do. But he was chewing the part of the branch between where he was sitting and it's support. He chewed too much then snap, flap , crash. He hit the floor with an expression of complete bemusement on his face. 'What on earth just happened? Why am I now on the floor?'
I picked him up and put him on what was left of his perch.

Clever Macaw:

My macaws first cage had a metal trapdoor, held up with a small latch, on the front that lowered to a little ledge on the front of his cage. When I first got him and he wouldn't step up yet I had to lure him back into his cage. I put a walnut on the ledge to lure him onto it then when he climbed on I closed it so that he would end up back in his cage. I leant down to the floor to pick up the padlock proclaiming to him 'Who's the clever one now?' As I stood up he on done the latch on the trapdoor and it swung down and bashed me hard on the head to the hilarity of my friends. I then had to try and get him back in his cage again. In my frustration I very angrily demanded he step up and he did forever more. My friend did say I needed to be more assertive with him.
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New member
Feb 23, 2016
Stupid Birdy:

At tropical birdland a Green Wing macaw was chewing on his perch as Macaws do. But he was chewing the part of the branch between where he was sitting and it's support. He chewed too much then snap, flap , crash. He hit the floor with an expression of complete bemusement on his face. 'What on earth just happened? Why am I now on the floor?'
I picked him up and put him on what was left of his perch.

Clever Macaw:

My macaws first cage had a metal trapdoor, held up with a small latch, on the front that lowered to a little ledge on the front of his cage. When I first got him and he wouldn't step up yet I had to lure him back into his cage. I put a walnut on the ledge to lure him onto it then when he climbed on I closed it so that he would end up back in his cage. I leant down to the floor to pick up the padlock proclaiming to him 'Who's the clever one now?' As I stood up he on done the latch on the trapdoor and it swung down and bashed me hard on the head to the hilarity of my friends. I then had to try and get him back in his cage again. In my frustration I very angrily demanded he step up and he did forever more. My friend did say I needed to be more assertive with him.

Love to read these stories. Thanks for sharing.


Active member
Aug 18, 2016
Lots of parrots, most of them rescues
I have quite a few stories to share as well :)

A few weeks ago I had the house full of dogs (3 chihuahuas and 5 collies). The smaller dogs can't get their food if the larger dogs are in the same room. I then fed the smaller dogs in the bedroom and took the larger dogs into the living room.

A few moments later, the smaller dogs came into the living room as well. I was wondering what could have chased them away from their food. I went into the bedroom and there on the floor next to the food bowl was a blue and gold macaw eating dog pellets. When Sugar noticed me he looked at me with content as to say "Mommy the 4 legged birds have really tasty pellets" :D


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
I don't have a macaw, but I have a macaw story!

Back in 1984, in New Mexico, when I happened into a bird store on a whim, and wound up taking the Rickeybird home with me, I met a macaw there. It was a lovely Blue and Gold female who was (I was told) very much in love with the Rickeybird. She was a real COUGAR because he was only 3 months old!!!! She screamed and flapped as I left with her "beau" (very sad; boy did *I* feel bad, but then again, I was in love, too!).

Haven't thought about that in ages until MonicaM posted a picture and story awhile back about a Patagonian Conure X Blue and Gold Macaw HYBRID!

Makes me wonder if there's some sort of natural affinity between the two species...


Active member
Aug 18, 2016
Lots of parrots, most of them rescues
Some time ago I wanted to rearrange the furniture in my living room. I would then move something and vacuum where it was, as I could not reach when the furniture was there.

This procedure continued a few times. When I turned on the vacuum cleaner for the 5th or 6th time, my B&G macaw Sugar loudly shouted "MOM, STOP IT!". I had to stop, I was laughing so hard :)


Active member
Aug 18, 2016
Lots of parrots, most of them rescues
I don't have a macaw, but I have a macaw story!

Back in 1984, in New Mexico, when I happened into a bird store on a whim, and wound up taking the Rickeybird home with me, I met a macaw there. It was a lovely Blue and Gold female who was (I was told) very much in love with the Rickeybird. She was a real COUGAR because he was only 3 months old!!!! She screamed and flapped as I left with her "beau" (very sad; boy did *I* feel bad, but then again, I was in love, too!).

Haven't thought about that in ages until MonicaM posted a picture and story awhile back about a Patagonian Conure X Blue and Gold Macaw HYBRID!

Makes me wonder if there's some sort of natural affinity between the two species...

:eek: How is that mix even possible?? I get how macaws can breed across the species, but there is a considerable size difference. I am seeing a very flat conure after that date :p

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