Hate the Term "Starter Pet" but...


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Feb 9, 2015
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SI Eclectus (Ruby) - 11 / Eclectus (Wrangler) - 7 / Eclectus (Pinto) - 6 /
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Foster Congo African Grey (Molly) - 6
Funny, I'd handle a dominant greenwing named KILLER before I'd handle a lovebird...

Haven't had any luck at all with love birds... not that I worked with them all that much.

My vote would be tiel.

Oh, who the hell am I kidding? My vote would be the dominant greenwing named KILLER...

You are SO not kidding. Our blue & gold macaw foster bit me and it was a minor inconvenience compared to the lovebird who removed a chunk of flesh from my hand. NO THANKS.


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Mar 22, 2016
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Think really carefully on this. On your resources and on who you have around. I'm not saying don't get a parrot....but how many do you want? Adventure and travel certainly has to be considered, but having had birds for the last 12 odd years and having the last 12 odd years throw up all sorts of circumstance I'm really not discouraging you.

Lesson 1. If you're in the mood for instant gratification, you may find the parrot you adore in a smaller species that can handle some time apart. It might not be a macaw. It could be a conure, carefully handled and with the 'right' sitter. If they get to know them now, they can step in when you're away with minimal disruption.

Lesson 2. If you really really want a Macaw later, and go for a smaller bird now, accept you may end up with a big bird and a little bird in the same house, and that has it's own challenges re: flight time etc.

Lesson 3. If you really want to be a one bird household, wait. I know, easier said than done, but these little ones don't deserve second best treatment because they were filling in a gap.

Good luck!

Soooo, probably no to the love birds. I'm sure all of yours are beautiful, awesome sweethearts, but the more I read, the more that seems to be an exception than a rule.

Maybe a conure. Not sure, but the 'tiels seem to be winning this one.

If I thought they could handle the separation well, that would literally change everything. My main concern for this bird is it's overall health - especially it's mental/emotional health.

I'd probably want one bird, but then again, that's what I said about rats - "I'm only getting two," and now I have nine, not counting those that have passed, am an active member on a species-specific forum, and sew hammocks for all of them. Three are mine - the rest are fosters. But like I said in the mac vs con post, the short life spans are killing me over here. Every time I consider getting another rat or foster failing and adopting, at this point, the voice in my head just reminds me that they'll be dead by the time I really get attached. :-/ Not the most uplifting thing, I know.

I actually had considered getting two birds while I was writing the mac vs con post, but then I was like, "Should a beginner really have two (big) birds?" The plus side is they might be buddies and get along better if I have to get a sitter. The downside is ending up twice as much in over my head and possibly them hating each other.

The rats are in three different cages and since I don't want babies, one group can't be let out with the other, so I'm accustomed to coordinating schedules. Add that onto an adolescent husky, a middle aged lab, and a cat, and I give everyone a niche. The rats come alive around sunrise for their run around in my room while I shower, etc, which attaches to the bathroom; the dogs get their quick potty walk; then the cat gets about fifteen minutes every other day to screw around outside on her leash; I eat breakfast and work; come home and take the husky for a bike ride; let everyone out to potty; and then the rats get meds and free time before I go to bed. Depending on my cat's impulse control, I'd leave birdie out while I did my miscellaneous things between afternoon potty break and rat bedtime. (If they're even still around by then.)

If I do decide to get a large bird, I definitely won't get one until after I have my own house, travelling or not. I don't know how many people are in apartments with big birds, but I'm just imagining the look on a landlord's face while I explain that I have a screaming, squaking, large parrot, and would you please let me live in a box surrounded by people.

There's a sliver of a chance that I might inherit a B&G. Not sure on that one - hopefully not anytime soon.

Wow, this turned out a lot longer than I expected.


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Mar 22, 2016
West Rutland, VT
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Guys... there's a baby tiel an hour from me that needs a new home. Apparently they got it from a breeder that told them it was older than it is (~7wks).


Must resist.

Must resist! :D

(I don't even think I would be able to raise it properly...)


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Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
Just because you can does not always mean you should................ Actually talking to myself so just ignore lol

Hahaha. Yeah. I don't need bird experience to know this would end horribly.

You got something to confess to? Lol.

Yup strong desire for a Budgie. Holding onto the fact . I do not need another fid right now. My Macaw would no doubt not like it. SO Like I told my son years ago. You can do without your wants but not needs so figure out .. if its a want .... wait ........ if its a need ...... find a way


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Meh - I don't start work until June anyways. I'm in no position to be getting a baby bird - much less one that's not even weaned. And I've got another rat possibly coming in soon.

But, like, look at this little squawk.



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I know, right?!

BRB, I'm gonna go have a hissy fit while my more mature side lists all the reasons this would end badly for everyone. ;-)


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Jan 13, 2014
Southeast Missouri
Yoshi - Green Quaker
I hate to be an enabler (no I don't) but where is the baby Tiel listed? A rescue or just a random craigslist type ad?
I'm just thinking that it's chances might be better with you than some random person who grabs it... At least you have the forum and a desire to learn and do the right thing.
Obviously, if it's through a rescue or somehow guaranteed to go to an experienced home then that changes things. I'm just thinking that around my area there's quite a few ignorant folks who would jump at the chance to get an unweaned baby and just "wing it" with disastrous consequences.

I hope what I'm trying to say is coming across ok. I'm not suggesting that you take on something that you're truly not comfortable with... It's just that animals in classified ads worry me because I can't help but imagine them ending up with the worst homes. Especially cute baby animals that end up as impulse buys for people who have no idea what they are doing. Honestly, I'm not even a big fan of cockatiels (no good reason) but if I came across that baby I'd probably get it just to prevent it going to a bad home. Then I'd be calling breeders like crazy for help and stressing out big time...which is why I'm not allowed to look on those sites.
It's also why we ended up with 7 guinea pigs. We accidentally adopted 2 pregnant females and I couldn't get myself to find homes for the babies because I was so worried about the possibility of one of them being neglected. So instead I built 2 huge cages and gave up our entire family room and probably almost got divorced...so yeah, you really shouldn't take advice from me.
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Mar 22, 2016
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I hate to be an enabler (no I don't) but where is the baby Tiel listed? A rescue or just a random craigslist type ad?
I'm just thinking that it's chances might be better with you than some random person who grabs it... At least you have the forum and a desire to learn and do the right thing.
Obviously, if it's through a rescue or somehow guaranteed to go to an experienced home then that changes things. I'm just thinking that around my area there's quite a few ignorant folks who would jump at the chance to get an unweaned baby and just "wing it" with disastrous consequences.

It's a CL ad. I already did a quick vetting of it, and it's legit.

Here's why I'm not getting it, even though I'm close enough to snag it on my way to my volunteer work next week:
  1. I'm broke at the moment. Long story short - I broke my ankle in December and I just now am getting back on my feet. I won't start work until June, so no solid income until then, and I have $10 to my name.
  2. My mother, whom I'm currently stuck with until said job happens, would not support us in the meantime.
  3. I have nine, going on ten rats. Four are biters that need in-depth socialization. One needs medications twice daily to not die. I don't have to pay for most of this since they're rescues, but they're a handful.
  4. I have two dogs. As previously stated, one's a husky who needs incessant exercise. (2+ hrs)
  5. If he doesn't get his exercise, I have to buy another couch.
  6. Most importantly, I'm moving at the end of the month to a location that is pet friendly but...erm...questionable. She burns incense and other non-tobacco products. It's not ideal, but pickings are slim. Yeah - it's only temporary, and I could buy an air purifier, but four months is quite a time to wait out.
  7. See: $10 until June. You can't get a good cage for that much. I have a rat cage I could modify, but then I'd need toys and perches and things.
  8. All the bird toys I have from the rats are macaw sized and covered in rat urine... because they're rat toys.
  9. I have to set, like, 54465312654315561647 timers to keep up with the rat meds. If weaning a bird is anything like weaning a kitten, I'd be f***ed.
  10. Which means the bird would also be screwed.
  11. If I took this (baby) and then had to give it up for whatever reason between now and December, I would be introducing it to abandonment before it even hits the terrible twos. I also would feel absolutely s**tty.
  12. How do I even wean a bird? Until two nights ago, I didn't even know that birds needed to be weaned. I just thought they popped out eating seeds.
  13. If you want to know how little avian knowledge I have, I'm still figuring out what the crop is or why blood feathers bleed.
  14. Avian vets in the Southern Vermont area? I wouldn't know.
  15. My heart says "YES," but my brain says, "You're a f***ing idiot."

I would absolutely love to take this bird. I know from experience that I could probably adapt and find ways around all of these reasons, but I also know that at the end of the day, I'm looking for instant gratification. I think we all know that instant gratification, inexperience, and unweaned baby animals are three things that really don't mix.

The only way I'd be able to maybe take this bird is if I fostered it through a rescue with the promise to adopt. But otherwise, I'm booked at the moment and have to just pray a lot that someone who knows what they're doing finds this chick. :-/ :-(
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New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
Ok well that issue is solved . LOL NO bird for you young man LOL Maybe later in life and knowing you don't need one now shows how mature you are so hang in there


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Ok well that issue is solved . LOL NO bird for you young man LOL Maybe later in life and knowing you don't need one now shows how mature you are so hang in there

Woman... but thank you. :D

That list was mostly for myself... so I don't feel like a horrible human being for leaving the thing there.

I figure if I can hold my focus on the whole getting a tiel thing through to December, I'll be ready by then.
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Jan 13, 2014
Southeast Missouri
Yoshi - Green Quaker
You're definitely not horrible for leaving it there! I think you're making a responsible, rational decision.
If I was a rational person I wouldn't have 7 guinea pigs and a husband who hates me.

(My husband doesn't really hate me, he adores me...which is why I have 7 guinea pigs, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a bird, and a 75gal aquarium. He just feels the need to complain so other people don't get the impression that he gives in too easily.)


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Jan 13, 2014
Southeast Missouri
Yoshi - Green Quaker
...If I was a rational person I wouldn't have 7 guinea pigs and a husband who hates me...

Well, it took two dogs, a cat, and waaaaaay too many rats to get to "rational." Lol. Mostly I'm just broke. :D

But ya'll's bird videos aren't helping. :)

The videos aren't helping me either. I find myself desperately wanting a little budgie. I just had a baby 4 months ago so that's definitely not rational... (Our 3rd baby...my poor husband only wanted one.)


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Jul 14, 2015
Maine, USA
Willow the Umbrella Cockatoo
...I tried Tiels.... they were way worse than my U2. Given, my U2 is a rare one and not a crazy demented biter/screamer/plucker.

It was after watching some videos of Max and Gotcha on youtube that I started seriously thinking about getting a bird. Those toos are awesome! Me being in an apartment, I figured noise would be a problem but I also could see right away that those particular birds were going to require quite a lot of attention. Probably enough to make the wife jealous, haha.

No flames here Tom, just curious about what you found to be worse about the tiels.

They were VERY dusty for one, they were very difficult to handle, (not that they bit, but they would just fly around and/or back to their cage/mate whenever I tried to handle them) and they screeched.....All. Day. Long. I certainly liked my parakeets better, they had more whistle/song to them in their daily chatter. The Tiels.... well like I said, worse than my U2. Just my limited experience. Outside of chickens and ducks, I have only had 5 birds: 2 Parakeets, 2 Tiels, and my U2.


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Apr 8, 2016
I vote cockatiel when you are ready!

My 'tiel is so super snuggly and well behaved, brilliant as well. Literally the poster child of cockatiels, haha. :D
Buuuut as stated, a generalization is not a promise. My first 'tiel was just plain mean. Screamed all day starting at sunrise to sunset. Wouldn't let me touch it. Wouldn't let me look away from it. Bit me, HARD. Destroyed everything. Tried to get it a companion, he attacked it. Just a bossy little bugger, and me having no experience with birds at the time, it was an impossible situation. I ended up returning him.

All of that being said, the relationship I have with my current fid is more important to me than anything else. If you want to try and make your life easier, look for younger birds with handling experience. :) Just be aware that cockatiels have attitudes and can resort to screaming for a variety of reasons. If you happen to be able to avoid that though, the noise level is more than tolerable.


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Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
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Ratz very mature of you. I was gonna say I can hook up a special skype feed to Saltys cage and let you own a bird vicariously, but you say that only makes the bird lust worse. Hang in there.

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