Hello! Mumma to an Alex


Active member
Mar 9, 2013
Rockhampton, Qld, Australia
Bundiibird - Alex - hatched 31/08/09
& Millie - BFA - hatched 29/10/14 & Willow - CAG - hatched 30/10/19
Hello to all.

My name is Amanda and I my the mumma of my beautiful Alexandrine parrot, Bundiibird.

After working away from home for about 8 years my husband and I finally decided to move back to town and not travel anymore for work. We then Decided to get a pet - choice was easy it was going to be a bird. But what sort to get. I had had quite a few cockatiels and budgies before but I wanted something a little larger. Ky husband wanted to get either a conure or a rainbow lorikeet however I wanted an Alex. After sending hubby to work one day, I simply rang up and ordered my Alex. I did not tell hubby apart from "I have ordered my bird". Sounds weird but I just had to have my Alex.

I went and picked up my baby who was apparently DNA tested as a male however after having her for 3 years and no neck band, I can safely say that Bundy with a y is now Bundii with 2 i's. just to make her name a little more girlie.

She is my baby who loves my hubby so much it is almost strange. I would give her up for anything.

She has an awesome personality and is very spoilt. She loves going in the car and travels with us when we go to visit our families. She loves going to stay with her grandma when we go on holidays cause grandma spoilta here even more than I do.

Anyway I must head off as it is breakfast time here and it is time for wet box, for both of us.


Your baby sounds awesome
Enjoy the forum

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