Inherited a Maximilian suddenly - seeking advice


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Nanday Conure & Maximilian Pionus
My boyfriend's cousin recently died unexpectedly, leaving his Maximilian to me. I already have an 18yo Nanday Conure that is possessive of me. I have been on here reading all day, gathering tons of information. I still would like to know a few more things before picking this little guy up tonight.

How do you deal with a grieving bird? Obviously he will be going through a lot of changes, losing a loving owner, moving to a new home with a new family, AND having to deal with another bird in the house.

When I met him, he got spooked and flew in to the wall. When we put him back in his cage, he fell asleep and then threw up. Should I be worried?

Any tips on integrating birds in this kind of situation?

Anything else you think I should know/do/try (even if it seems obvious!)?

I greatly appreciate any advice you all have to offer. Merry Christmas!
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Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
Hi Angei and welcome to the forum.

I am sorry to hear about your boyfriends cousin, how sad.

Pionus are great birds, but he needs lots of time to adjust to the different and abrupt changes that he has going on in his life, that is a lot for any bird to handle, never mind you.

the poor thing has already flown into a wall?, oh my goodness. I would watch him carefully, make sure he is comfortable, he's eating and poop is ok.(not watery or runny)
the vomiting I didn't like, especially after what happened.....

you should quarantine him away from your other bird, stress often brings out hidden illnesses and you wouldn't want to subject your other bird to it.

I hope things work out for you.


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Dec 26, 2013
Nanday Conure & Maximilian Pionus
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Thank you for your condolences and advice!

His parents told me his wings were clipped and he didn't fly so I had no idea he would take off when I opened his door. He can actually fly REALLY well, minus picking landing locations. When I picked him up tonight, they told me he would regurgitate to try to show affection. My Nanday does not puke, ever. So it was kind of shocking to see him do that. I've also noticed his feather tips on his wings are dark.

I have him quarantined and so far, the experience has been positive. My Nanday is noisy in the mornings so I am sure he will hear her if he hasn't already. He actually was fluffing his feathers and leaning in to me as I pet him and closing his eyes. He had a few kibbles and a drink of water before settling in his sleepy corner. When my boyfriend told him goodnight, he cooed -similar to a cat purring- so I think he likes us. I am so excited to spend more time with him tomorrow because he is so sweet!


New member
Dec 27, 2013
maximillian pionus
maxi's are wonderful little birds. i have a 6 year old rescue that came from a neglectful home. i thought id give you a heads up on some of the little things that i've noticed in her. they are VERY good fliers even with their wings clipped. i chose to let my bird's flight feathers grow back when she started hurting herself trying to fly. we instead focused on flight training. they also love to say hi with their beak. they might take hold but not hard. think of their beak like an extra hand. they can be very cuddly compared to other pionus species. however, they don't take change well, especially food. slowly introduce new stuff. my bird still gives fresh foods the evil eye. dried fruits and vegetables are fine but if its moist.....

good luck, have fun!

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