March 2020 POTM Contest

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Loving this month's theme, Terry! You amaze me with your fabulous ideas.

Okay, I wanted a smart name. My first choice was Eli, hubby wasn't crazy about it. I have an ongoing list of future pet names. Whenever I hear a cool name that strikes a cord, I jot it down in my 'future pet name list' ... ha :D

Well, years ago we used to watch the Amish Mafia. Lebanon Levi was the star of the show and mob boss. I fell in love with the name. So, when hubby knocked down Eli, I reverted to me trusty 'future pet name list' and low and behold I spotted Levi. I was so excited and made the pitch and hubby agree ... :04:


Lovely story, and Levi is gorgeous! Must click to expand extraordinarily detailed image!
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Loving this month's theme, Terry! You amaze me with your fabulous ideas.

Okay, I wanted a smart name. My first choice was Eli, hubby wasn't crazy about it. I have an ongoing list of future pet names. Whenever I hear a cool name that strikes a cord, I jot it down in my 'future pet name list' ... ha :D

Well, years ago we used to watch the Amish Mafia. Lebanon Levi was the star of the show and mob boss. I fell in love with the name. So, when hubby knocked down Eli, I reverted to me trusty 'future pet name list' and low and behold I spotted Levi. I was so excited and made the pitch and hubby agree ... :04:


Thank you, Tam! I am loving all the stories of the background of everyone's names.

I love the name Levi, and how you came up with it as well. It fits him perfectly! I also love the picture of Levi, all your pictures are gorgeous.
I am dying to hear the other names on your list, I know they are fabulous too!
Loving this month's theme, Terry! You amaze me with your fabulous ideas.

Okay, I wanted a smart name. My first choice was Eli, hubby wasn't crazy about it. I have an ongoing list of future pet names. Whenever I hear a cool name that strikes a cord, I jot it down in my 'future pet name list' ... ha :D

Well, years ago we used to watch the Amish Mafia. Lebanon Levi was the star of the show and mob boss. I fell in love with the name. So, when hubby knocked down Eli, I reverted to me trusty 'future pet name list' and low and behold I spotted Levi. I was so excited and made the pitch and hubby agree ... :04:


Levi fits him to a tee, my friend!

And Tams, what a powerful combo your gift for photography makes with Levi's gorgeous plumage! Never ceases to impress!
Okay, here's a JFF that's close to my heart. (And fun fact, this pic once won for POTM back in my pre-moderator days.) I named my first eclectus, who was born with a disease and left our lives far too soon, Bixby. As an avid fan of all things superhero, Sci-fi or Fantasy related, it was the obvious choice for me. You know, given his mostly green plumage.

Most in their 20's or even early 30's probably wouldn't know of it, but folks in their early 40's (like me) and older will remember that - before the current age of Marvel superhero movies where such things are available ad infinitum - we had to get our superhero fix from such rare offerings as the Incredible Hulk television series that ran back in the early 80's. The star of that show, as the Hulk's mild-mannered but brilliant alter-ego, Dr. David Banner, was played by the wonderful actor Bill Bixby. (Random and little known tire-screeching/head-scratching/say-what-now?!? type fact: The character from the comics - and current movies - is actually named Dr. Bruce Banner. So why the name change to David? Because TV execs at the time thought the name Bruce was too... wait for it... 'gay-sounding'. Yeah. You read that right. So they insisted on a more appropriately heterosexual and manly sounding name. Like David. Sad, but true. You just can't make this stuff up.)

Anyhow, Bill Bixby's run as the misfortune-plagued Dr. Banner remains my favorite to this day... all due respect to Mark Ruffalo's current and rather exceptional portrayal of the good doctor. And, as such, Bixby was my number one choice for my first green bird.

JFF #2: Jolly's name was actually given to him by his mom from his first home, forum member Labell. But the name was - and is - very much appropriate. Jolly is easily the happiest and most peacefully disposed bird on the planet. (There may be a slight bias here, but I'm just saying!) At a few months shy of his seventh birthday, Jolly has never bitten. Not once. And even at his most furiously hormonal, the closest to rage you'll ever get from him is a single scream of frustration when we (yes, 'we'. He has attempted to mate with me, my wife and Maya during these amorous bouts)politely decline his advances. (Not so politely in Maya's case, but I digress.) But not a bite. Yes, Jolly indeed.

JFF #3: Maya's name was a product of timing over anything else. Her name was Athena in her prior home, but I wanted a new one for her new beginning with us. At the time I was doing a lot of reading on Indigenous cultures in pre-colonization America, including the Incan, the Aztec, and the Mayan. Well, I think you can follow the train from there. Lol! Thus, our resident diva received her new name.

JFF #4: And then there was Suzie, my sweet - and clearly male - cockatiel of around 18 years. (Taken too soon by kidney disease.) I'd originally bought him for my Mom, but after a year of me being the only one interacting with him, he just sorta became mine. Lol! Anyhow, the people who sold him to me said that Suzie was a girl of around 6 months to a year. So my Mom named 'her' Suzie. Well, after reading a few books on cockatiels, I soon came to realize that she... was a he! Sigh... But what could we do. What was done was done. Suzie he would remain. He rocked the name, though. Dude was very secure in his masculinity. Lol!
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Okay, here's a JFF that's close to my heart. (And fun fact, this pic once won for POTM back in my pre-moderator days.) I named my first eclectus, who was born with a disease and left our lives far too soon, Bixby. As an avid fan of all things superhero, Sci-fi or Fantasy related, it was the obvious choice for me. You know, given his mostly green plumage.

Most in their 20's or even early 30's probably wouldn't know of it, but folks in their early 40's (like me) and older will remember that - before the current age of Marvel superhero movies where such things are available ad infinitum - we had to get our superhero fix from such rare offerings as the Incredible Hulk television series that ran back in the early 80's. The star of that show, as the Hulk's mild-mannered but brilliant alter-ego, Dr. David Banner, was played by the wonderful actor Bill Bixby. (Random and little known tire-screeching/head-scratching/say-what-now?!? type fact: The character from the comics - and current movies - is actually named Dr. Bruce Banner. So why the name change to David? Because TV execs at the time thought the name Bruce was too... wait for it... 'gay-sounding'. Yeah. You read that right. So they insisted on a more appropriately heterosexual and manly sounding name. Like David. Sad, but true. You just can't make this stuff up.)

Anyhow, Bill Bixby's run as the misfortune-plagued Dr. Banner remains my favorite to this day... all due respect to Mark Ruffalo's current and rather exceptional portrayal of the good doctor. And, as such, Bixby was my number one choice for my first green bird.

JFF #2: Jolly's name was actually given to him by his mom from his first home, forum member Labell. But the name was - and is - very much appropriate. Jolly is easily the happiest and most peacefully disposed bird on the planet. (There may be a slight bias here, but I'm just saying!) At a few months shy of his seventh birthday, Jolly has never bitten. Not once. And even at his most furiously hormonal, the closest to rage you'll ever get from him is a single scream of frustration when we (yes, 'we'. He has attempted to mate with me, my wife and Maya during these amorous bouts)politely decline his advances. (Not so politely in Maya's case, but I digress.) But not a bite. Yes, Jolly indeed.

JFF #3: Maya's name was a product of timing over anything else. Her name was Athena in her prior home, but I wanted a new one for her new beginning with us. At the time I was doing a lot of reading on Indigenous cultures in pre-colonization America, including the Incan, the Aztec, and the Mayan. Well, I think you can follow the train from there. Lol! Thus, our resident diva received her new name.

JFF #4: And then there was Suzie, my sweet - and clearly male - cockatiel of around 18 years. (Taken too soon by kidney disease.) I'd originally bought him for my Mom, but after a year of me being the only one interacting with him, he just sorta became mine. Lol! Anyhow, the people who sold him to me said that Suzie was a girl of around 6 months to a year. So my Mom named 'her' Suzie. Well, after reading a few books on cockatiels, I soon came to realize that she... was a he! Sigh... But what could we do. What was done was done. Suzie he would remain. He rocked the name, though. Dude was very secure in his masculinity. Lol!

Oh, Sweet Bixby. I was so hoping you would post about him. I always loved how he got his name (and I LOVED Bill Bixby!). His name could not have been more appropriate as he was a Superhero who fought with everything he had. He will always be remembered and missed by so many of us who fell in love with his amazing spirit.

I love how Jolly's name turned out to be perfect for him! Laura knew what she was doing when she called him that for sure! And Maya's name is perfect for her as well, I can't even imagine her as anything else now.

I have always loved the story of Suzie as well, he definitely rocked that name! His name always reminded me of that old song "A Boy Named Sue."
Okay, here's a JFF that's close to my heart. (And fun fact, this pic once won for POTM back in my pre-moderator days.) I named my first eclectus, who was born with a disease and left our lives far too soon, Bixby. As an avid fan of all things superhero, Sci-fi or Fantasy related, it was the obvious choice for me. You know, given his mostly green plumage.

Most in their 20's or even early 30's probably wouldn't know of it, but folks in their early 40's (like me) and older will remember that - before the current age of Marvel superhero movies where such things are available ad infinitum - we had to get our superhero fix from such rare offerings as the Incredible Hulk television series that ran back in the early 80's. The star of that show, as the Hulk's mild-mannered but brilliant alter-ego, Dr. David Banner, was played by the wonderful actor Bill Bixby. (Random and little known tire-screeching/head-scratching/say-what-now?!? type fact: The character from the comics - and current movies - is actually named Dr. Bruce Banner. So why the name change to David? Because TV execs at the time thought the name Bruce was too... wait for it... 'gay-sounding'. Yeah. You read that right. So they insisted on a more appropriately heterosexual and manly sounding name. Like David. Sad, but true. You just can't make this stuff up.)

Anyhow, Bill Bixby's run as the misfortune-plagued Dr. Banner remains my favorite to this day... all due respect to Mark Ruffalo's current and rather exceptional portrayal of the good doctor. And, as such, Bixby was my number one choice for my first green bird.

JFF #2: Jolly's name was actually given to him by his mom from his first home, forum member Labell. But the name was - and is - very much appropriate. Jolly is easily the happiest and most peacefully disposed bird on the planet. (There may be a slight bias here, but I'm just saying!) At a few months shy of his seventh birthday, Jolly has never bitten. Not once. And even at his most furiously hormonal, the closest to rage you'll ever get from him is a single scream of frustration when we (yes, 'we'. He has attempted to mate with me, my wife and Maya during these amorous bouts)politely decline his advances. (Not so politely in Maya's case, but I digress.) But not a bite. Yes, Jolly indeed.

JFF #3: Maya's name was a product of timing over anything else. Her name was Athena in her prior home, but I wanted a new one for her new beginning with us. At the time I was doing a lot of reading on Indigenous cultures in pre-colonization America, including the Incan, the Aztec, and the Mayan. Well, I think you can follow the train from there. Lol! Thus, our resident diva received her new name.

JFF #4: And then there was Suzie, my sweet - and clearly male - cockatiel of around 18 years. (Taken too soon by kidney disease.) I'd originally bought him for my Mom, but after a year of me being the only one interacting with him, he just sorta became mine. Lol! Anyhow, the people who sold him to me said that Suzie was a girl of around 6 months to a year. So my Mom named 'her' Suzie. Well, after reading a few books on cockatiels, I soon came to realize that she... was a he! Sigh... But what could we do. What was done was done. Suzie he would remain. He rocked the name, though. Dude was very secure in his masculinity. Lol!

Lovely account of names, and poignant image of dear Bixby. He is forever immortalized in your heart and the forum for very good reasons.
Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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So many wonderful stories...
I'm desperately trying to catch up!

Miscellaneous moments of joy are attacking me all at once.

Kise, you rock that name!

Parker, formerly Porker... I do recall and love that story. Good change.

Zenek!!!!! Zenek!!!!! Rozalka!!!! Rozalka!!!!!

Tex, good one. I can't resist repeating. Tex, good one!

Ta-DAHHHHHHH, indeed. One of the best instant-impact names ever.

Sludge, dear Sludge. Footy Sludger. No, ROGER did not justice to that bundle of loripersonality.

Penny, what a delightful story. Penny for your thoughts? Just precious. And Neptune is such a beauty.

Archie. If the name is good enough for Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, well... Well met, Archie.

North. Kanye and Kim's baby shares your name. I guess that name was really "in the stars", right. The North one...? So interesting on a few levels...

Kass. Wow. Great pair of pictures. Very memorable. Worthy of Zelda's hangout.

Jacob's story is a beautiful dedication. I love the idea of memorializing the original Jake.

Tico, el Papagallo. I recall Torres' Rock Hall induction here in Cleveland, btw. :) Great musician.

Amy, you little Amos, you! BTW, stop biting your best friend.

I loved Amish Mafia... Levi: "STOP TALKIN' BACK!" There were t-shirts and bumper stickers with that one, around here, everywhere. Amish Country is just South of me.

Bill Bixby was one of my faves... remember The Courtship of Eddie's Father? What an acting range, eh? Maya, Jolly lovely, fitting memorable names, and then of course... Suzie. Yep, a Boy Names Sue, and a Rooster Named Suzie.

Roxy/Rocco. Very fine transition. Good one!

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Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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Rocco was the perfect change from Roxy and it fits him perfectly! He is gorgeous & full of personality!
Which picture would you like to use for your entry?
Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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View attachment 23889

Rocco was the perfect change from Roxy and it fits him perfectly! He is gorgeous & full of personality!
Which picture would you like to use for your entry?

Thanks, I'd like to use the second pic as my entry. It's the one I use as the background on my phone.
Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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Rocco is beautiful! Nothing like that majestic U2 head crest!

And great name shift! Transition was likely seamless.
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Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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View attachment 23889

Rocco was the perfect change from Roxy and it fits him perfectly! He is gorgeous & full of personality!
Which picture would you like to use for your entry?

Thanks, I'd like to use the second pic as my entry. It's the one I use as the background on my phone.

Sounds good! It's an awesome pic:)
My first bird is "Doogie". He was first owned by my family doctor. Doogie is now 24 years old and I got him when he was 5. Back then, there was a TV show called Doogie Howser. This was a doctor's name for a doctor's bird. I affectionatly call him Doog Monster. He is very strong and very smart



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I remember Doogie Howser!!!! Sounds like there's a real story behind his journey to you. I'm so glad you were able to adopt Doog Monster. Thank you for sharing him.
Okay, here's a JFF that's close to my heart. (And fun fact, this pic once won for POTM back in my pre-moderator days.) I named my first eclectus, who was born with a disease and left our lives far too soon, Bixby. As an avid fan of all things superhero, Sci-fi or Fantasy related, it was the obvious choice for me. You know, given his mostly green plumage.

Most in their 20's or even early 30's probably wouldn't know of it, but folks in their early 40's (like me) and older will remember that - before the current age of Marvel superhero movies where such things are available ad infinitum - we had to get our superhero fix from such rare offerings as the Incredible Hulk television series that ran back in the early 80's. The star of that show, as the Hulk's mild-mannered but brilliant alter-ego, Dr. David Banner, was played by the wonderful actor Bill Bixby. (Random and little known tire-screeching/head-scratching/say-what-now?!? type fact: The character from the comics - and current movies - is actually named Dr. Bruce Banner. So why the name change to David? Because TV execs at the time thought the name Bruce was too... wait for it... 'gay-sounding'. Yeah. You read that right. So they insisted on a more appropriately heterosexual and manly sounding name. Like David. Sad, but true. You just can't make this stuff up.)

Anyhow, Bill Bixby's run as the misfortune-plagued Dr. Banner remains my favorite to this day... all due respect to Mark Ruffalo's current and rather exceptional portrayal of the good doctor. And, as such, Bixby was my number one choice for my first green bird.

JFF #2: Jolly's name was actually given to him by his mom from his first home, forum member Labell. But the name was - and is - very much appropriate. Jolly is easily the happiest and most peacefully disposed bird on the planet. (There may be a slight bias here, but I'm just saying!) At a few months shy of his seventh birthday, Jolly has never bitten. Not once. And even at his most furiously hormonal, the closest to rage you'll ever get from him is a single scream of frustration when we (yes, 'we'. He has attempted to mate with me, my wife and Maya during these amorous bouts)politely decline his advances. (Not so politely in Maya's case, but I digress.) But not a bite. Yes, Jolly indeed.

JFF #3: Maya's name was a product of timing over anything else. Her name was Athena in her prior home, but I wanted a new one for her new beginning with us. At the time I was doing a lot of reading on Indigenous cultures in pre-colonization America, including the Incan, the Aztec, and the Mayan. Well, I think you can follow the train from there. Lol! Thus, our resident diva received her new name.

JFF #4: And then there was Suzie, my sweet - and clearly male - cockatiel of around 18 years. (Taken too soon by kidney disease.) I'd originally bought him for my Mom, but after a year of me being the only one interacting with him, he just sorta became mine. Lol! Anyhow, the people who sold him to me said that Suzie was a girl of around 6 months to a year. So my Mom named 'her' Suzie. Well, after reading a few books on cockatiels, I soon came to realize that she... was a he! Sigh... But what could we do. What was done was done. Suzie he would remain. He rocked the name, though. Dude was very secure in his masculinity. Lol!

I knew how Bixby got his name, which is very appropriate. We watched that show regularly as kids. Bill Bixby as Dr. David Bruce Banner, and Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. We were also big fans of The Courtship of Eddie's Father. :)

But, I wasn't aware of the rest. Lovely background history, thanks for sharing! :heart:
Here's Rocco, my U2. When I first got him I thought he was female and named him Roxy. A couple of months later I had a blood test done and found he's a male, hence the name change.




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View attachment 23889

That was a nice transition. Sometimes it's not that easy ... ha :D Rocco is gorgeous and I love his name. You could have easily went with Rocky as well. ;)
My first bird is "Doogie". He was first owned by my family doctor. Doogie is now 24 years old and I got him when he was 5. Back then, there was a TV show called Doogie Howser. This was a doctor's name for a doctor's bird. I affectionatly call him Doog Monster. He is very strong and very smart


I remember that show, that's a really cool name, love it. :cool: He's a beauty! :)
My first bird is "Doogie". He was first owned by my family doctor. Doogie is now 24 years old and I got him when he was 5. Back then, there was a TV show called Doogie Howser. This was a doctor's name for a doctor's bird. I affectionatly call him Doog Monster. He is very strong and very smart

Beautiful face, inspiring story!!
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  • #60
My first bird is "Doogie". He was first owned by my family doctor. Doogie is now 24 years old and I got him when he was 5. Back then, there was a TV show called Doogie Howser. This was a doctor's name for a doctor's bird. I affectionatly call him Doog Monster. He is very strong and very smart


I so remember that show, and love how he got his name! Your family Dr. picked such a perfect name:)
Doogie is stunning!
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