my baby parrot identification (update)

Hello Flyer and welcome back :) It looks like your Baby is thriving:)

My first thought was it looked like an Amazon, but I am not so sure now! Someone else may be able to identify it for you though!
to me it looks a conure of some sort, my vote is a white eyed conure. hes adorable :D good luck!
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How old is he? If he's pretty big for his age, he's probably a White Eyed Conure. If not, he may be a Finch's Conure. :) He also COULD be a Blue-Crowned Conure, but I can't tell in that light. He's so cute! I do believe he's a conure, though!
He's more then several weeks old. Looks like he's past a month. I would say he's a Blue crown conure. Where did you find him from? Missed your previous posting about it....
I'd say he looks like a conure of some sort too.
A conure was also my first guess.... of some sort... lol
I am not sure as I've never raised conure chicks before. I couldn't handle their Once he matures a bit more, we could identify him a lot better. He was lucky you were there jogging!!!! Babies are cute, even conures!
Definitely a conure.

Mikey, you can't handle a conure scream but you can handle macaw and cockatoo screams? That's seams a little backwards.
Yes, most do talk :)
I always think it is amazing how such a small bird can make so much noise lol, although I think Jendays and Suns are the noisiest of the Conures!
I've had all types of cockatoos and a macaw, but the pitch of most conures is more than I can handle. He is super cute, It will be fun to watch him develop. Will you be keeping this little guy? I have never had to hand feed a baby bird, but I know it is taxing. Make sure to research the local and state laws about parrots. Good luck with him.
Cdog, like rescueme says! The constant runs of their pitchy screaming gets to me. My macaw and cockatoo is nothing like it!!!

Conures can talk yes! The ones I used to have talk all the time.
He looks like a mexican green conure(Aratinga holochlora). Super cute! Thank you for saving him, are you sure it's legal to have him?
The liittle guy could be a blue crown conure. Every one says GCC' are quiet for 'conures', not all birds in general, but I got lucky with Bella and Zora. Never make a peep unless my neighbor's SUPER loud motercycle if running, or if the vacuem is on.

EDIT:Now that I looked up mexican green conures that's what he looks like. But I second IcyWolf regarding the laws on keeping him, though I'm not sure if there are any where you live.
Here's a picture of a Mexican Green Conure:

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I agree with Icywolf...
He looks like he is thriving Flyer:) He is adorable:)

I think I agree with icywolf on what species he is.

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