My quaker parrot's feathers look really bad.


New member
Sep 16, 2013
North Carolina
Rocky - Yellow-Faced Quaker Parrot
My quaker parrot's feathers look really bad, but now I think it's feather bronzing.

Are these stress bars? My quaker parrots feathers look black. I've noticed it before but I found this feather today and it looks horrible.

He is on a good diet consisting of Harrison's Adult Lifetime Fine pellets, and fruits and vegetables. Sometimes he eats bread too, for a snack.

I have him out of his cage with me about 4-5 hours a day. He's out with me pretty much all day on the weekends.

I think he is stressed. My parents just split up, so Ive been going to my dad's house on weekends, and my moms on weekdays. I take my bird with me, so he is moving around a lot. Also, I've been trying to let his feathers grow out.. He hasn't been clipped since I bought him. This isn't working out that well.. He trys to fly to me and ends up crashing on the floor or into furniture and breaks his feathers. He keeps breaking his wing feathers and his tail feathers are all messed up. I posted before about how he bent his tail feathers. They fell out and he just looks terrible.

Besides this, he seems happy. He talks a lot and does all kinds of tricks. I don't know what to do. Please help.

I think im just going to get his wings trimmed. But should I bring him to the vet?

This is a picture of the awful looking feather I found today :(



Thanks for your help .. I've been really worried about him.. And I'm always stressed as well due to me having severe anxiety. Hope I'm not rubbin it off on him. I take medicine for my stress, is there a medicine for bird stress too?

I forgot to mention that at my dad's house, he has 2 Doberman pinschers that stay in the kitchen. My bird's cage is in the den. The dogs bark a lot and this probably makes him stressed too. An option is that I might just leave my bird over at my mom's house when I go there.. But my bird hates my mom so she can't really interact with him while I'm gone.

Sigh.. What should I do?

I feel like I'm a terrible parront. I just want him to be healthy and happy

Edit: I just read about feather bronzing. I don't know if that's what it is. Actually I think it is feather bronzing now. He might be over grooming and stripping away the feather pigmentation. It's pretty cold where I live, and we have a heater on all the time. This might be making his skin dry and itchy causing him to preen too much. Upon further evaluation ive found that he has bronze looking feathers as well. It might be best for me to just wait it out and see what happens after he molts. Maybe after that his feathers will look beautiful and shiny like a freshly cut emerald. I've been giving him more baths lately; Im going to try to everyday. I think I just answered my own question. Hmm.. If you're actually reading all of this I'm sorry for writing so much.
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Active member
May 8, 2013
1 green cheek conure (Kumar)
2 male budgies (Charlie and Diego)
That doesn't look bad, just looks like normal wear & tear to me. Moulting season is coming and his new ones will be...well, new. What he's going thru learning to fly is normal. And I would make sure he's with you...dogs or not. Don't leave him where someone doesn't like him or is afraid of him, that's way worse than a few barking dogs. :)


New member
Jan 22, 2014
Mangie- Sun Conure
Pixel- cockatiel
Jasper- bare eyed cockatoo
I don't know the answer to your question but I think this post proves that you are a good bird momma. Sorry you all are going through a tough time:-(.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
Denver, Colorado
Apollo (A bossy YSGCC) Cleo (Sun Conure) Wesley (B&G Macaw)
It looks like normal wear and tear to me. The feathers on the top of my GC's wings are almost black because he rolls on the hardwood floor playing with his toys. I talked to a vet about it and he said he was fine they are just damaged. You are a good parrant.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
Oh yes, that is normal. No need to worry, Lilos are worse! She does lots of wear and tare to hers! Beautiful feathers by the way! :) that feather looks perfect agents to Lilos feathers! And if your worried about him being stressed, just try to be with him as much as possible, talk to him calmly and maybe read a book to him! I know that sounds stupid but it calms them down! Cuddles help too, I don't know if Quakers are cuddly but just try to do what you usually do! And I have stress to, I also take something for my nerves ness and yes Lilo does see that I am nervous but when I'm around her I just try to think of all the good things so I don't send out stressed vibes around her. And what you are going through isn't a easy thing to just put aside but just try to be happy around him. Hope that helps!
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New member
Oct 22, 2013
Vancouver Island
We are looking for a bird for our family. It's very much like we are pregnant and waiting for the day the new addition comes to the family!
Re: My quaker parrot's feathers look really bad, but now I think it's feather bronzin

I've heard misting with water mixed with aloe can help with dry skin :) also adding nuts in his diet would help, just don't add too much

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