New behavior how do I stop it?


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Clearwater Florida but grew up in Wisconsin
Doolie,Yellow nape amazon(r.i.p.03/10/15)
Sissy,severe macaw(rescued on 03-16-15) chirpy,sparrow(beak less) jack,Jill,chase,fiona,finch, and tiger,sulfer crested(rescued 04/15/20
Went to oldsmar flea market last weekend..bought a used macaw cage for $ loving it but sissy isnt. Her new thing is to climb to the floor and rip up the carpet.i throw down toys and towels. I tell her no.i even lock her back in her cage.nothing is working and im afraid that this will be permanent. My fiance said if she doesn't grow out of this ..he will rehome her.😣 on top of the carpet ripping.she now dive bombs my fiance and bites him as if it was his fault for the new cage. Advice please..the old cage is taken apart and put in storage already . Oh here's the cage 😆


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I would go get that old cage out right away! Changing cages can be extremely traumatic for a parrot. Confusing, scary, and just unpleasant. In my experience it's best to transition slowly at the bird's own pace rather than force such a drastic change all at once. Your bird is demonstrating how stressed out she is; the first step to changing that is to change whatever is tormenting her; in this case the terrible new cage.

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I would already have caved and brought back the old one, yep.
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Thank u..i was afraid of that. ..ill go get the old cage.
I agree with the others - old cage for sure. Besides this new one looks like it might be a little snug for a macaw, if that's your YFA..
You are forgetting rule number one! It is never, never the birds fault! In case you didn't hear me, it is never the birds fault!
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Lol i know its not sissys fault and for you out there that havent met sissy...shes a severe macaw...a tiny 366gram bird so the cage is huge for her..but it was 75$ and couldnt pass it up.i love my sissy aka turkey...ill do whatever I t takes for her happiness
Also, return to the MAC Forum and re-read all the Birdman666 Threads and Posts on living and working with MAC's. I would also, recommend that you have your Fiancé do the same.

FYI-1: I would recommend that you two come to an understand that this new household is either a forever home for the Parrots or it is not! If that clarity is not established before the marriage, it is going to cost a ton of money and being brokenhearted to handle it later!

FYI-2: Parrots tie quickly into our emotions, many times before we even begin picking-up on whats going on around us! Just saying.
I agree about coming to an understanding with the spouse to be. My husband and I had to get this very clear because our ideas didn't line up. Every once in a while it's necessary to go back and re-visit the subject. For example I abide by the agreement that FOSTERS ARE FOSTERS and I don't get to keep them unless he says ok (which he pretty much won't). At the same time, PETS ARE FOREVER. This came up recently when I got pregnant. Someone at work told him cats smother babies. He came home and insisted it was time to get rid of Whiskey, our 3 year old cat. I started with "that's not what we do, and you agreed to this," and followed up with an explanation of how I was aware of the risks, and how we would handle safety and the plans I already had in place. The explanation helped, but in reality it came down to the fact that WE HAD AGREED, and so it was a matter of him breaking his word. Sure, it sucks for me sometimes because I don't get to keep a foster that I'm really attached to or a baby that I really like, but it comes down to having the lines CLEARLY ESTABLISHED and both of us respecting them. I'm honestly not sure where our marriage would be right now if we didn't have that, and if one of us could threaten the other with rehoming.

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Mike and i are forever..l we know this but sissy doesnt like him like she likes me..lit comes frome the begininging of her life with us. ..i was kind he wast not.i took all my freee time to be with her. He did not. She plays rough with me...he feels its to rough. Get it now?
We sing .dancelaugh.shower together
..he occasionally sits with her. Sissy bird will not go.....without me!!! I love mike and i undrrstand he doesnt have the patiece i have...but i have enough for the both of us
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Please take a moment and re-read the above two Posts. Then look at your Post from the eyes of a 'third' party.

We take in very special Amazons with great needs and then, only one at a time. When one is thousands into Vet care and nearing three years into an Amazon that is just beginning to open-up, not having a clear, well define statement of clarity as to what we do and why, we could have a nightmare on our hands. And each of us have come to that point with different Amazons, commonly the one that for whatever reason was not all that into that person.
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Update...old cage was not put back.. It's in pieces and I have no room to put the new cage anywhere.instead...I snap my fingers in her face and say no! For now the carpet is safe. Next step with the dive bombing..clipping wings..back to basics for sissy. She runs this house and it's my fault. She's a lot better with her attitude. In May we will be 2 years with steps for my baby..thank u for the great advice everyone.

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Severe macaw in need of an "attitude adjustment." Stop me if you've heard this before.

In fact, I have a scar on my thumb from that very thing!
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I clipped the wings and put her in time out..its working:) i never knew severes love to rip stuff up. So when she is out and about in the house i make sure there are paper tubes and card board for her..its helping and keeps her happy. And thanks to mark and bite pressure training she is biting my other half alittle less. Its amazing what a little mamma birding can change alittle bird like sissy...shes come along way since we brought her home.

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