New Cockatiel bird owner, need help taming!


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Rialto, California
2 male cockatiels
2 female and male parakeets
Hello, I just recently got a cockatiel about a week and half ago from a pet store. I always knew that it’s better to get them from a breeder but I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and just had to get him. However, im currently having trouble taming him. He’s very feisty and always looks like he wants to visciously bite me or my family. Since I got him I haven’t let him out of his cage because since he’s not tame I’m not sure how I can get him back without him being scared of me or biting me. I’ve read a lot about how I should bribe him with snacks but that’s also another problem I have. The pet store only fed him seeds and so he refuses to eat pellets, leafy greens, and even millets. He’s such a character that when I hang it from his cage or put it just about anywhere he will avoid going there until I take it off. I really do want to let him out of his cage because I feel horrible that he’s stuck there but I don’t know how I can do it when he refuses anything. I also feel like he might not know how to fly. His wings were already clipped and sometimes I’ve seen/heard him fall in his cage when trying to get to one place to another. Is there any tips you guys you can help me with. Thank you ! :yellow1::)
Hello and welcome from Iowa!

Congratulations on your new cockatiel! You are right, it is usually better (and actually cheaper) to get birds from breeders. Usually they are also hand-fed and are already tame and like people. But that doesn't mean yours will never be tame, it will just, like you say, take training and time. It is not only your job to train him, but also to build a trust bond.

As he is still adjusting, you will want to work slow on this. Open the cage door and allow him to come out on his own. if he chooses to hang out on top of his cage, that's cool, let him hang out at his own pace. If he decides to fly around, be careful that curtains are covering windows and that there are no open doors he could fly out of. He will probably be fearful of you still, so just pick a chair near the cage and wait for him to come out while doing another activity - reading, working on a laptop, etc. To get him back in the cage, you will likely have to use a towel to cover him and gently place him back into the cage so he can't bite you.

For diet, the best option is to cut back on what he is normally used to (seeds) while incorporating new foods mixed in - fresh fruits and veggies, cooked beans and pasta, etc (check out my Chop Chronicles thread here for a list of what I feed my two cockatiels, the pictures don't show up but the recipe is easy to follow), there is so much variety they can enjoy, and sometimes it is just presentation of foods, smaller birds like cockatiels should be fed smaller pieces. My birds also love spray millet as treats. As you decrease the amount of seeds given, then you will likely find better success in giving him seeds as treats (from his old diet) and he will want them. You can offer them through the cage bars, eventually working your way up to offering him treats with your hand inside his cage, and then gradually working to train him to step up. It is a constant battle with the diet, though. Some birds are just seed-junkies! :)

It is likely he may not know how to fly, as you said he is clipped. They will grow back in but until then keep an eye on him whenever he is out of the cage and make sure the ground isn't too hard in case he tries to fly. He should have a good amount of perches in his cage of different types. I have one concrete one (its trims their nails), one soft twisted rope one, and two wooden ones along with three-four toys.

Right now just try to keep every single interaction with him positive. Work at his pace to get him comfortable with you and your family's presence. He's just been through a lot of change and will need some time still to adjust, so just talk softly to him, sit in the same room and work on getting him more comfortable with you in the room, eventually you should be able to approach his cage without aggression and should be able to handle him. It will just take time and patience! GOOD LUCK!
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Welcome to you and your cockatiel! Don't know much about the species, but they are so popular and well suited for companionship.

Some of these popular threads may be of assistance!

Continue to ask questions, lots of cockatiel parronts here!!
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Hello and welcome from Iowa!

Congratulations on your new cockatiel! You are right, it is usually better (and actually cheaper) to get birds from breeders. Usually they are also hand-fed and are already tame and like people. But that doesn't mean yours will never be tame, it will just, like you say, take training and time. It is not only your job to train him, but also to build a trust bond.

As he is still adjusting, you will want to work slow on this. Open the cage door and allow him to come out on his own. if he chooses to hang out on top of his cage, that's cool, let him hang out at his own pace. If he decides to fly around, be careful that curtains are covering windows and that there are no open doors he could fly out of. He will probably be fearful of you still, so just pick a chair near the cage and wait for him to come out while doing another activity - reading, working on a laptop, etc. To get him back in the cage, you will likely have to use a towel to cover him and gently place him back into the cage so he can't bite you.

For diet, the best option is to cut back on what he is normally used to (seeds) while incorporating new foods mixed in - fresh fruits and veggies, cooked beans and pasta, etc (check out my Chop Chronicles thread here for a list of what I feed my two cockatiels, the pictures don't show up but the recipe is easy to follow), there is so much variety they can enjoy, and sometimes it is just presentation of foods, smaller birds like cockatiels should be fed smaller pieces. My birds also love spray millet as treats. As you decrease the amount of seeds given, then you will likely find better success in giving him seeds as treats (from his old diet) and he will want them. You can offer them through the cage bars, eventually working your way up to offering him treats with your hand inside his cage, and then gradually working to train him to step up. It is a constant battle with the diet, though. Some birds are just seed-junkies! :)

It is likely he may not know how to fly, as you said he is clipped. They will grow back in but until then keep an eye on him whenever he is out of the cage and make sure the ground isn't too hard in case he tries to fly. He should have a good amount of perches in his cage of different types. I have one concrete one (its trims their nails), one soft twisted rope one, and two wooden ones along with three-four toys.

Right now just try to keep every single interaction with him positive. Work at his pace to get him comfortable with you and your family's presence. He's just been through a lot of change and will need some time still to adjust, so just talk softly to him, sit in the same room and work on getting him more comfortable with you in the room, eventually you should be able to approach his cage without aggression and should be able to handle him. It will just take time and patience! GOOD LUCK!

Thank you for your advice! I will definitely try these things out :) I’ve also should’ve mention he’s 3-4 months old and he was hand fed but I have a feeling that the pet store owners never really kept on with that and just gave him seeds to not go through the hassle. He never takes anything from my hands when I offer it through the cage. He either runs away or tries to bite me . But as for opening the cage I will do that. A bit scared for us both but hopefully he enjoys it and learns to trust me. :)
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Welcome to you and your cockatiel! Don't know much about the species, but they are so popular and well suited for companionship.

Some of these popular threads may be of assistance!

Continue to ask questions, lots of cockatiel parronts here!!

Thank you! Will look into these and see if anything can help me with my little birdie :yellow1: :)
yep much like the others said just take things slow

and don't get disheartened. The moment I got disheartened in taming my bird is when he decided I was a good pet for him and came fluttering over
I wish you luck with the little fellow, they are lovely birds and can quite often talk. Dont be afraid of that beak, they arent the strongest of biters.

Sit and talk/whistle with him after watching some youtube describing his body language, let him get comfortable with you being a few metres away and try gradually getting closer with him still being comfortable. Build trust.
My cockateil couldnt get enough millet so im surprised he shy's away. This may sound daft but let your bird see you eating pellets, or appear to eat them, make yummy sounds and see if this gets his interest going.
Have you tried the chop or vegetables yet?

If he has been clipped and he is still very young, you will have to teach him to fly id imagine, ive never had to do that as over here in the uk it doesnt seem to be a thing people do. its a bird for christ sake, why take its strongest asset away!
Hi and welcome and congratulations.

If you find a fruit he really likes or a veggie, what I did was mash it into the pellets at first. add some water so the pellets are soggy and mash in the fruit/veg. It worked amazingly and gave him a taste for the pellets.

Week of this and I started adding less of the fruit every day until he was just eating the pellets. He still likes them soggy so that's worth a try.

Don't get discouraged while he settles in, could take weeks lol Its hard not to want to play and pet them I know but he will start coming into character in time and grow in confidence x
One other thing, once your bird is comfortable out of the cage maybe try what I do with my african grey. I eat my main meals during the day at work but when i get home i buy a healthy salad with pasta or cous cous, with a yoghurt and fruit. My grey comes out and we share my meal, she is getting to try many new things and i take note of what she eats or just drops. She will however try everything in the meal so a good varied try offers a lot of intel. This is one of my favourite times with Enzo, a real flock moment. Also try offering a drink to your bird, I always share any sugar free cordial with her and we take turns of piece drinking. We have complete trust in each now and i think meal time has helped enormously. Hope this helps

Disclaimer IMPORTANT
Check out what foods are NOT acceptable for birds and ensure your share meal is free from them!

One more thing, have you let him out of his cage to allow him to expore the cage roof, my cockateil loved spending time up there.
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Everyone above has great advice, only thing I could add is

1) don't act afraid, don't flinch, stay far enough away he can't bite you so you don't have to do that involuntary jerk to avoid danger.

2) always be calm around him, calm and confident. Not aggressive but just certain that he will be your loving pet/owner and you have nothing to fear or worry about.

3) move his cage to an area you spend a lot of time, the den, tv room, computer room etc. And talk to him a lot. Birds are auditory animals, he/she will get used to the sound of your voice and associate it with company and eventually safety. on opening the door. And ignoring him except for the talking. Once he stops with the "Imma gonna bite you" routine you can start to approach, but never put your hands more than say an inch into the cage, offer food outside the cage and just rest your hand by the door. Anyways that's enough for now. Write back soon.
I'll also ad be prepared for him to bite you, I had one who had a death wish for me and yeah he drew blood but to be honest outside of the times he was vocal about it or I saw it I didn't notice.

Over time he should calm down
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I wish you luck with the little fellow, they are lovely birds and can quite often talk. Dont be afraid of that beak, they arent the strongest of biters.

Sit and talk/whistle with him after watching some youtube describing his body language, let him get comfortable with you being a few metres away and try gradually getting closer with him still being comfortable. Build trust.
My cockateil couldnt get enough millet so im surprised he shy's away. This may sound daft but let your bird see you eating pellets, or appear to eat them, make yummy sounds and see if this gets his interest going.
Have you tried the chop or vegetables yet?

If he has been clipped and he is still very young, you will have to teach him to fly id imagine, ive never had to do that as over here in the uk it doesnt seem to be a thing people do. its a bird for christ sake, why take its strongest asset away!

I did read once about trying to eat in front on them to see if they want some so i tried it once with a piece of cucumber and he just moved his head back and then later moved to the back of the cage. I've tried a few times with spinach. Ive put it in a small bowl, hang it on the cage or near his toy and he will avoid going anywhere near it until i take it away :rolleyes: but no, i havent tried the chop because its been so hard for him to eat anything other than his beloved seeds so i feel like he will just complain until i take it out of his cage haha.and i will probably end up wasting it. i also dont know a recipe for it.
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One other thing, once your bird is comfortable out of the cage maybe try what I do with my african grey. I eat my main meals during the day at work but when i get home i buy a healthy salad with pasta or cous cous, with a yoghurt and fruit. My grey comes out and we share my meal, she is getting to try many new things and i take note of what she eats or just drops. She will however try everything in the meal so a good varied try offers a lot of intel. This is one of my favourite times with Enzo, a real flock moment. Also try offering a drink to your bird, I always share any sugar free cordial with her and we take turns of piece drinking. We have complete trust in each now and i think meal time has helped enormously. Hope this helps

Disclaimer IMPORTANT
Check out what foods are NOT acceptable for birds and ensure your share meal is free from them!

One more thing, have you let him out of his cage to allow him to expore the cage roof, my cockateil loved spending time up there.

I have not let him out of the cage because since he's not tamed and still kinda scared of me I wouldnt know how to get him back without freaking out at me even more. I will try this weekend opening his cage when I have more time. I work 10 hrs for 4 days a week so its kinda hard to bond with him unless its the weekends. My mother however helps me a lot all day when im gone as we both are reading into things and trying things to be more comfortable with us. Its about to be 2 weeks now and hes getting a bit comfortable with us both but still has his freakout moments every now and then.:yellow1:
when he gets out try taking one of the perches that's in the cage out and use that to attempt to get him back in. He should be more comfortable climbing on a familiar object like that
Darkening the room, if possible, will also encourage your bird back to his cage or to step on to a perch etc.
I was just reading through this again twice your mom not afraid of him....I'm just putting this out there she might be the bridge... I mean eventually the bird will come around and be fine but if someone is home all day and loves their child (gratuitous manipulation on mom here)... she might just tame the bird for you. Read above to my above post and if she is self confident she might be able to knock it down in the time frame....spending the time talking, opening the door, her talking all day long about what she thinks about this and that, offering some millet or spinach....then ignoring and continue to talk like she's on the phone to her best girl freind....that kind of thing to a bird is kind of like catnip....they love juicy gossip. Actually they don't know what it means, but they like the way it sounds, and they being included....

I'd go with that.
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when he gets out try taking one of the perches that's in the cage out and use that to attempt to get him back in. He should be more comfortable climbing on a familiar object like that

so i tried today opening his cage and he was really scared and just stayed at the very top of his cage. still going to keep trying though. do you know a way I can teach it to step up?
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I was just reading through this again twice your mom not afraid of him....I'm just putting this out there she might be the bridge... I mean eventually the bird will come around and be fine but if someone is home all day and loves their child (gratuitous manipulation on mom here)... she might just tame the bird for you. Read above to my above post and if she is self confident she might be able to knock it down in the time frame....spending the time talking, opening the door, her talking all day long about what she thinks about this and that, offering some millet or spinach....then ignoring and continue to talk like she's on the phone to her best girl freind....that kind of thing to a bird is kind of like catnip....they love juicy gossip. Actually they don't know what it means, but they like the way it sounds, and they being included....

I'd go with that.

funny thing is that despite how much my mom was against me getting a bird because she doesnt want animals she has become so attached and protective of him haha :) he does however act the same towards us both. but my mom does get scared also. she says she doesnt feel comfortable opening the cage for him to be out and touching him. she just talks to him all day, changes his water and feeds him. she's kinda focusing on getting him to eat different foods more and leaving the taming for me.

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