new female eclectus


New member
Aug 23, 2011
Southern California
Luna: solomon island eclectus
Evie: red-sided eclectus
Last weekend, my husband and I decided to make a little day trip to a parrot store a bit south of us that we had never been to before. Our intention was to have lunch down there and also visit the store to buy some items for Luna, our female Solomon Island Eclectus.

Of course, we had to visit the "parrot room" inside of the store, so we went in. To my dismay, I discovered a Red-Sided female eclectus in a tiny cage eating cockatiel food. I immediately asked the staff how long she had been there. This was her story: Born in the store and had been there ever since, for THREE YEARS.

It broke my heart. She had already begun to fiddle with her belly feathers, and she was extremely fearful of all human contact.

My husband agreed - we could not leave without her.

We tried to get them down on the price, but in the end, it didn't really matter - we were leaving with her no matter what.

She has been with us for a week and she is doing great.

She's currently on Luna's all-organic mash/fruits/veggies/grains diet and doing well.


Evie - new Red-Sided Eclectus​


Evie (left) and Luna (right)​


Evie (left) and Luna (right)​


Luna (foreground) and Evie​


Evie and Luna in the bath​

Wow she is so vibrant, congrats on ur new addition. She will no doubt have her life become a million times better now that she is with you. Thank you for rescueing this little sweetheart.
How wonderful!!! This is the reason why we don't visit...I run out those type of store before balling cause I want to save them but at the same time I know our limits so I feel horrible.....
She's beautiful! I'm also the one that tries to save every animal so I understand completely. I think you and luna will drastically improve her quality of life.
Good for Evie. She was very lucky you came along to give her a good home. We love our SI Eclectus female too. She was the best thing that ever happened to us. They are such a joy in our lives and always keep us laughing.
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How wonderful!!! This is the reason why we don't visit...I run out those type of store before balling cause I want to save them but at the same time I know our limits so I feel horrible.....

I agree.
I am actually of the opinion that birds should never be kept in stores.
There are too many that are not sold quickly enough to justify the sad living conditions that they are forced to endure while there.
Congrats on your new baby, and thank you for giving her a better life! :)
How wonderful!!! This is the reason why we don't visit...I run out those type of store before balling cause I want to save them but at the same time I know our limits so I feel horrible.....

I agree.
I am actually of the opinion that birds should never be kept in stores.
There are too many that are not sold quickly enough to justify the sad living conditions that they are forced to endure while there.

I agree, store employees don't have the time it takes to spend a little quality time with their animals. Plus with the prices that they charge, they over shoot a breeders price by a couple handred bucks.
Your birds are gorgeous. How are both getting along with each other. I wouldn't think two Ekkie females would get along together.
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Your birds are gorgeous. How are both getting along with each other. I wouldn't think two Ekkie females would get along together.

It was a huge concern of mine that they might not get along.
But it seems as if Evie (the new 3 year-old) recognizes that Luna (9 months) is a baby.
Luna always tries to inch close to Evie when they are on a neutral surface to groom her, play with her tail or to touch her beak, and Evie just "puts up with it" as an older animal would with a baby.
To my relief, Luna's personality has not changed for the worse at all.
In fact, she has become even more affectionate, and I believe it is because she wants to "secure" our favoritism. Haha.

But naturally, they are never left alone.
I could never forgive myself if something terrible happened so it's to the cages when I have to leave the living room.

Only time will tell.

Either way, they have their own spaces and their own parent at any given time.
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One of the major difficulties we have faced with Evie is her extreme fear of "the second hand".
She will "step up", but as soon as the second hand comes up to pet her, she becomes terrified.
We can kiss her on the back all we want, but she is absolutey terrified of hands.

It makes me wonder whether or not this is an effect of being poked and prodded at for years, or if a single, horrible incident was the culprit.
I even wonder if an employee, who might've been bit by her, possibly lashed out at her.

Either way, we are working on this with baby steps.

In the end, I just want her to be comfortable and happy in our home.
Being able to pet her would just be a cherry ontop of my happiness.
Congrats, she as well as Luna are beautiful! They look to be getting along great!
What gorgeous photos. They look like they took a shine to each other quickly! You did a good thing.
They are beautiful. Thank you for going that extra mile and adopting her. It's a shame to see animals in pet shops to be relagated to years if not their whole life in a cage if they don't get purchased quickly.

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