

New member
Oct 23, 2013
United Kingdom
1 x Quaker
We've owned a Quaker - Chico - for about 15 months, and he's circa 18 months old.

It was a planned purchase with a ton of research in advance - Amazon and eBay certainly did well selling me books - lots of them .

He's a very friendly little soul; follows you round, has a few party tricks that he'll perform if he's in the mood, and perform for a pine nut if he's not in the mood ;) .

He's bi-lingual - Latin American girl friend made sure of that - but talks only occasionally or when he's been left alone - and then chats away to himself and the wall paper till the cows come home.
Whistles tunes - but mix's them up - a woody wood pecker - La Cucuracha combo is certainly unique.

He's certainly my little man (or girl - we've never had him sexed) and the girl friend is his best friend unless I'm around, when he displays aggression towards her if she trys to give me any attention when he's out. A pain in the bum for her, but it saves me having to fake a headache ;)

Have been very happy with the decision to purchase a parrot, having always kept dogs, I've never been overly impressed with the level of interaction you can get with caged pets, generally they pee on you and suffer a human presence rather than showing affection or reacting to commands, let alone talking back to you.
I'm not sure if being pooped on replacing being peed on is an improvement - but pretty much everything else has been good.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
Welcome! He or she sounds like a cutie! Be warned, parrot owners rarely stay with only one bird! You may catch MBS (multiple bird syndrome) ;).

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