Rubino Bourke advice needed


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Birmingham. UK
Hi everyone

A Bourke's parakeet has found its way into my life. Here is his story:

I've done some research into the species but I've never had a Bourke before so any advice about housing, toys, treats, food, health and care would be much appreciated!

Do they have a favourite food/treat?
I've read that they shouldn't be fed fruits as they're too acidy but vegetables are fine, which veggies do you recommend?
The Bourke is quite malnourished at the moment are there any supplements ect. I could add to his water?


New member
Dec 22, 2013
i got 1 green cheek cinnamon,a rose crowned,a yellow sided and a hybride from the first 2

I know that they are often kept with bugies.
So i think their diet is almost the same
As for greens ,start with bell pepper and carrots.
Most birds like it,and it contains vitamin a that she is probably lacking in.
I don't know much about these species ,sorry.
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New member
Jan 8, 2014
Melbourne, Australia
Zookeeper who has worked with many bird species, and owner of a cheeky red-tailed black cockatoo (Ash)
Bourkes are grass parrots, which means that they should be fed a balanced diet of pellets, seed (not sunflower) and vegetables such as carrot, corn + spinach. Sprouted seed is always good. Although you should indeed restrict fruit, apple is a favourite of theirs, and a little bit won't hurt. Cuttlebone and a plate of grit should be provided as well. I've heard some people also give them river sand. A sprig of millet is their favourite treat, in my experience. They can be prone to obesity so watch out for the sunflower seeds, but you can feed them to him while he's malnourished to get him back into condition.

The bourkes I've had experience with have all been aviary birds, so they haven't really had access to toys, as they had company and plants to play around with. You could try a range of toy types, I feel they will respond better to beak toys, rather than foot toys.

They can't stand the cold, so make sure you house him somewhere where there are no draughts.

As for his condition - try providing him with some really good food - millet, sprouted seed, corn, breeder pellets, egg/biscuit crumble. If he is not eating, it might be a sign of an underlying issue, and you should take him to the vet.
There aren't really any supplements you can add to his water to get him to gain weight, you could try treating him for worms if you're worried he may be carrying parasites.


New member
Sep 27, 2013
Bourkes are great and generally calm keets, I bred lots in the past
They are fine on good quality budgie seed/aviary mix
Once acclimatised outside during the summer they are very hardy, but as usual need draught free dry accommodation in uk
They are most active at twilight and fly whilst singing until dark.
They do suffer from splay leg in the nest as chicks, and need calcium.
Never had them inside so not sure about behaviour in a cage,
In a flight they are normally quite happy to settle on you if you have something good to eat. Normally very trusting birds
Hope yours gets better, and then you should see their sweet nature

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