Shades of Grey....


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Feb 17, 2014
I was told through a woman I know about a bird desperately needing a home. This was a long process of going over all the issues that could arise, especially the dust.

So after talking it over with my husband, ordering a very expensive air purifier we have brought Harley into our home. She is some where between 18 and 25 yrs old, she lived at least 18 years with her previous male owner who passed away. She was shuffled back and forth between the adult children but because of her truly foul mouth and younger kids in the home no one really wanted her. None of the adult children are bird people and really didn't get that she was grieving their father as well. She spent a lot of the time covered trying to discourage the swearing and at the son's house she began pulling out all her tail feathers. The rest of her feathers are in beautiful condition though and we are hoping that since this was not a previous problem that she will let them grow in now that she is in a home that doesn't hate her for words she was taught!!

Right after the man died she went into a consignment situation but when the store heard the things she said that was no longer an option. So back she went to one of the kids, the daughters didn't want her because of the swearing and the son didn't take care of her properly. Back she went into a store where I was told about her through a friend. Knowing the swearing could become an issue again we decided that we would take her in, my dad was a sailor.... need I say more? We also couldn't and didn't feel comfortable taking this on without a back up plan in case the dust becomes too much for my breathing. My younger son loves parrots and always tried to make friends with my rescue Nape when he was growing up even though Karma never took to anyone but me. He is capable and willing to take Harley if the dander becomes too much for me so with that thought in mind that she would either stay here or go to him we moved forward.

She is very petite for a Congo, I was surprised that there wasn't a weight issue. Since she got here yesterday she is eating well, preening and swearing a blue streak! She will be in quarantine for a full 90 days because of the consignment placement. My heat is not forced air so that helps. She is in my studio which is a very large separate part of the house, with separate access to outside as well as the rest of the house. Being that I have babies that are still hand feeding it was imperative that she be kept very far away from every one else for now. Vet is set for tomorrow first thing.

So here she is..


By the way..I called this post Shades of Grey because she really is X-rated not PG 13.....
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Forgot to add that there is no aggression at all she steps up to either my husband or I and does this Stevie Wonder thing with her head when she likes the music that is playing!:D


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Jul 20, 2012
Many congrats on Harley, Laura!! She's quite the looker!! She has SUCH a gentle and sweet expression on her face. :D You'd never guess she has a potty mouth. :54:

Boy did I crack up laughing at your title..."Shades of Grey". I KNEW it was you without even seeing who had posted it. ;)


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Harley is gorgeous, Laura! I am so thrilled that you have given her a home, and that she is settling in so quickly! Looking forward to hearing what the vet says, and can't wait to hear how your new air purifier works!
Shade of Grey, [URL=] [/URL]


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Feb 26, 2013
Clifton Springs Newyork
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Funny how we all know what shades of grey is :) {good Analogy ]. This should be interesting with her . She looks great [im sure she will like being with your flock]


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The only thing besides her tail that I have some concerns over is that she is readjusting her wings a lot. From what I was able to find out she was not clipped when she lived with the man who passed and was only recently clipped because of the consignment placement and it is NOT a great clip job and was a very hard clip. You can tell that the clipped wings don't always set well against her and that it makes her uncomfortable. I am hoping it won't be long before she starts molting out those cut feathers!

When I see her preen she is going at it gently and not pulling so here is hoping that continues.

Poor many big changes in her life!:(


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Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
This is the best change that has happened to her since her previous parront passed, though. I know she must be breathing a sigh of relief at getting out of the consignment situation. That sounds promising that she isn't pulling out those wing feathers.


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She is a beautiful grey, Laura! It sounds like she has been through an ordeal, but I know that she has now found a wonderful home with you and your flock.

I'm really hoping that the air-purifier does the trick! Have you been okay so far?


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She is a beautiful grey, Laura! It sounds like she has been through an ordeal, but I know that she has now found a wonderful home with you and your flock.

I'm really hoping that the air-purifier does the trick! Have you been okay so far?

Thank you, so far so good. I ordered the Rabbit Air, it has very good reviews. It should be here this coming week.


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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Congratulations again! Harley is a beautiful bird. Sounds like the swearing must be REALLY bad!


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Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Awww, she's so pretty! One can hardly believe that a naughty word could come out of that adorable face ;)

Good luck on the dust/breathing issue. I hope it works out for you all. She deserves a good home after her ordeal, the poor thing!

I'm sure the wing thing is related to the hard cut but possibly also a hard molt in the beginning stages. Percy went through an extreme moult over the past five months or so and in fact STILL has pins in the back of his neck and head which I'm convinced he keeps growing on purpose because he so loooooves his mommy helping with those pins! LOL! Sometimes he literally swoons in delight :) In the midst of his molt, he was constantly shuffling his wings - even in his sleep. I noticed big pins in the wings and gave him a bath every second day at least which seemed to help him over that part of the molt.


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Congratulations again! Harley is a beautiful bird. Sounds like the swearing must be REALLY bad!

Yes she uses the F word in about every way you can and the one that turns most people right off...the C word as well!:eek: That's even one that I hate to hear but it isn't her fault. I actually haven't heard that one yet but was told that was one the family had real issues with, the store as well.

My husband and I both agree it's not the swearing for us because they are just words, it's that they are always used in a reprimanding way! We have yet to hear her say anything sweet, except hello. When we tell her what a good, sweet girl she is she seems to like it so maybe we can add some positive comments to her vocabulary.
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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
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Bronze Winged Pionus /
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Congratulations again! Harley is a beautiful bird. Sounds like the swearing must be REALLY bad!

Yes she uses the F word in about every way you can and the one that turns most people right off...the C word as well!:eek: That's even one that I hate to hear but it isn't her fault. I actually haven't heard that one yet but was told that was one the family had real issues with, the store as well.

My husband and I both agree it's not the swearing for us because they are just words, it's that they are always used in a reprimanding way! We have yet to hear her say anything sweet, except hello. When we tell her what a good, sweet girl she is she seems to like it so maybe we can add some positive comments to her vocabulary.

OMG I was laughing out loud!!! (at a restaurant, everyone looked lol) OH my... That IS really bad. I can definitely see why she was taken off adoption haha. That's a word that can make even the most potty mouthed person cringe! What's funny about that is how CLEAR Greys speak. I bet you can eventually train it out of her. Robin used to say some things I wasn't crazy about that he picked up over the years (though not bad), but I'd ignore it and now he rarely if ever says certain things anymore.


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Feb 26, 2013
Wow! Congrats on Harley! She is very beautiful! And that innocent face!! I'm so glad you took her in- she deserves a chance at a good life, potty mouth or not [emoji5]️


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Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
Laura, congratulations, Harley is beautiful. I so hope you are able to keep her. I have a quaker that speaks clearly and has a shocking vocabulary. It's hard to believe someone would intentionally teach a bird language that can cost them their home or homes later. I agree they are just words, but sometimes the rage behind the words haunt me. Harry uses her words in context and the hardest part is not to laugh. Harry's anger issues have improved tremendously, but the F word is still one of her favorites and she calls me, p__v__t almost daily, but she cusses in a much friendlier way now.

We tried moving our U2 into another room because we were worried about the dust's effect on the other birds. He was so sad, we moved him back to the bird room with his friends and bought an air purifier, we are thrilled with the results. I also use a large mist bottle and spray his cage and wipe it down almost daily, the mist keeps the dust from spreading to the air, it can be wiped away or thrown out with the paper.

I wish you the best with Harley and I'm looking forward to updates.


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Laura, congratulations, Harley is beautiful. I so hope you are able to keep her. I have a quaker that speaks clearly and has a shocking vocabulary. It's hard to believe someone would intentionally teach a bird language that can cost them their home or homes later. I agree they are just words, but sometimes the rage behind the words haunt me. Harry uses her words in context and the hardest part is not to laugh. Harry's anger issues have improved tremendously, but the F word is still one of her favorites and she calls me, p__v__t almost daily, but she cusses in a much friendlier way now.

We tried moving our U2 into another room because we were worried about the dust's effect on the other birds. He was so sad, we moved him back to the bird room with his friends and bought an air purifier, we are thrilled with the results. I also use a large mist bottle and spray his cage and wipe it down almost daily, the mist keeps the dust from spreading to the air, it can be wiped away or thrown out with the paper.

I wish you the best with Harley and I'm looking forward to updates.

It is hard to believe anyone would do it on purpose. I know we haven't heard everything she says yet but most of it is in anger. Though she did make and old fashion phone ringing and answered it last night which was really cute. Mostly she will make really loud beeps and whistles common for Greys and then get after herself for it. Last night she was high pitched whistling and then stopped and said "Why you do that man...F***!" So I think he was after her a lot for those sounds that are common for Greys.

This morning I decided to try out the spray bottle on her, much to my surprise they were truthful about that as well, she didn't seem to mind at all!:D

I am hoping we are happy with the air purifier, it has excellent reviews, it better for the cost!:p Because I am sensitive to even household dust and dirt I always spray water or non-toxic alternative cleaning stuff on any thing I think can go into the air or wet the cloth to keep it down so that is a great tip and one I planned on using to keep her cage clean.;)


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Mar 1, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
Sootie- Yellow-sided GCC
This post is too funny. My aunt has a congo grey and he had a horrendous foul mouth too (as does my aunt). Sometimes he gets all his swears mixed up and calls you a 'twunt' or a 'twasterd' (you get the idea).

Harley sound like she would fit right in in my house! I have a soft spot for swearing parrots XD


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Apr 9, 2013
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Say ANYTHING with enough enthusiasm (or anger) in front of a grey and they'll pick it up VERY quickly!! That's why so many say things like "not yours", shut up", "enough already", "bad bird" etc.


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This post is too funny. My aunt has a congo grey and he had a horrendous foul mouth too (as does my aunt). Sometimes he gets all his swears mixed up and calls you a 'twunt' or a 'twasterd' (you get the idea).

Harley sound like she would fit right in in my house! I have a soft spot for swearing parrots XD

I would never go out of my way to teach a parrot swear words but I must admit that mine have picked up a few choice ones over the years from me. My male Nape would say "oh Sh**!" any time he dropped something, it was hard not to laugh because he always used in in context.

Harley is acclimating well, she spends literally all day on a java stand, I set it close enough that she can go in the cage when she wants to eat or drink and at about 9:30 pm she puts herself to bed. There has been zero growling or aggression she seems quite content to just hang out without anyone yelling or covering her. She gets very excited when I talk to her and fans her wings out from her body, her tail is coming back in and she is ever so gently preening the new feathers so there is hope in a few months she will once again have a beautiful red tail.

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