Sherbert is Getting a Couple of New Room Buddies


New member
Mar 29, 2018
UK, North West, Lancashire
Sherbert (Male Cockateil, Grey with Emerald/Olive),
Moth (Female Budgerigar, Pied),
Melia (Female Budgerigar, Dilute)
In the form of a pair of budgies!
I have a second cage in my room which is going to be their new home. Sherbert is a solitary bird at the moment, after his partner died he hasn't had the company of another bird since.
I don't spend a lot of time away from home, I only work part-time, but I thought it would be nice for him to have some friends for the times when I am away.
I don't plan having them out at the same time for safety but I've heard that, with plenty of room, they get along pretty well since they both originate from Australia.

Any tips or information on introducing birds to each other are welcome.
Their new home is already to go, set up and clean. I'm going to get some fresh toys and (impatiently) wait for their arrival. :D

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