So Mad at myself!


Mar 7, 2013
Shreveport, La USA
Porter (Broto); Fuggles(Budgie)
I crushed Porter's cage...

I was just lucky that he was OUTSIDE of the cage at the time; We are remodeling the house and I had him in his carrier in the back room for just his reason. We dropped a chair on it.


The Parakeets are once more housed together and Porter is in the black cage he doesn't like much at least until I get a new cage x.x.

YAY for being stupid yeah?

At least Daffy and Blu can be together again, Blue's hormonal stage has passed and she's not bothering Daffy, also I think the four food bowls are helping... heh.

But with the car crash money is tight; I fear this happenstance after Daffy's normal vet check up for the year and the car wreck it might be a few weeks x.x.
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I ended up getting a new cage exactly like Porter's old one about a week and a half ago xP.

I had a class so I got paid a ittle more than I thought I would ^^.
Sorry to hear about the cage fiasco, but glad your birdy wasn't in it. That's why I'm so against soft-sided kennels and tents or huts used outside of cage -- they are too smashable.
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In some instances I'm clumsy.. so I'm always careful to move the Fids when doing something like moving furniture xP
at least your bird were not in there. but there is this guy on here and his cockatiel might die its head got smashed in his door!
whoa!! its okay, at least your bird is safe. im always doing dumb stuff like that. i put bamboo's cage on the floor, right beside my bed. then i forget i put him there and i get off the bed and bang the cage. its kinda funny you know, its all silent and then i hit the cage, i hear a chirp, and bamboo is knocked off his perch, hes siting on the floor. haha!! i pity bamboo though, its not fun for HIM!

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