sun conure

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  • #21
Thanks for the help! We are in no rush and if it goes to another home it wasnt meant to be. I have be in contact with the owner but the more questions i ask the more mixed answers i get. Thanks again
Do what your gut tells you. I love every single one of my birds. My U2 goes to bed at 7 and it's playtime for everyone else.
People who have multiple birds, honestly, we just make it work!

Casey, my first cockatiel, was a gift to me, of sorts 12 years ago next month. She is 12 years old!

The bourke parakeet came to me 12 years ago this coming January. She should be 16-18 years old, maybe even 17-19 now.

Also next month, I'll have had Pistachio for 8 years and he is over 15 years old.

As of this month, I have had Charlie for 7 years and he's 19 years old.

I've had Tomi Girl for 6 years, 7 years in April. No clue on age.

Faye came to me 6 years ago this Christmas. Also no clue on her age.

I've had Jayde for nearly 5 months now and she'll be 4 in January, I think?

With the exception of Casey, all of them are second hand plus birds. All have had at least one home prior to mine, and I know one has had at least 3 homes prior to mine. I haven't bought any of them, even though I tried offering Jayde's foster mom an adoption fee, or at least the plane ticket to get her to me, but her foster mom refused. I didn't go looking for free birds!

My most expensive bird, care wise, would be my bourke parakeet. She has cancer (has gone through surgery to try to remove it - was unsuccessful), and this year developed sinus problems. She's also underweight, and I can't seem to put weight on her. (also just got some supplements to try and put weight back on her) Charlie requires beak trims for the rest of his life because he got into a skirmish with a much larger parrot in his foster home (his fault entirely!). It's a two person job that I'm doing alone. The one time I tried to allow the a-vet to do it, it just ended up being more stressful on both of us rather than just me doing it alone... and even after the a-vet trimmed his beak, I still had to take him home and finish it.

My two conures don't get along, nor do they get along with the small birds.... but the bourke parakeet does get along with the cockatiels. I'm perfectly fine with that! Out of 7 birds, only 3 are really tame and demand human interaction. Again, perfectly fine with it!

In the mornings, I go in and open all the cage doors (except the bourkes) and those who want to come out (typically just the tame ones) do come out. After I handle and interact with the conures, then put them up in the cages so they'll eat their breakfast, Casey then flies to me. I interact with her before putting her back in her cage as well. She has realized the conures aren't nice birds, so she typically wont fly to me if I have them on me.

As far as the conures go? I was ok with them not getting along! Charlie was my second conure, and after my first died, it no longer felt right to have only one conure... the first two didn't get along, so I was fine if Charlie didn't get along with a second conure, either. They are currently at a point that if they aren't on me, they can get along - in the sense that they'll avoid each other. If they are on me, Charlie ignores Jayde now, but if Charlie is hanging from my shoulder, Jayde likes to take the opportunity to run to my other shoulder and go after Charlie's tail feathers. She also does it at other times, and then Charlie gets upset and pissed and takes his anger out on me... so I have to play "musical shoulders" sometimes to keep the peace! Doesn't always work... lol

Charlie likes preening other birds, but only if they sit still for him.... even then, he doesn't get along with other birds. Charlie could care less if I have Jayde or not with me, he typically just ignores her as long as she leaves him alone. If I only have him, he'll ignore Jayde's calls.

Jayde is a different story now! She doesn't like Charlie and normally avoids him except occasionally when I have both on my shoulders. This is usually the only time she'll go out of her way to pester him. If I handle only Jayde and I don't take Charlie with me, then she'll scream her head off until I have Charlie with us. Then she's pretty quiet! When she's screaming for him, he will often scream back for us.
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  • #24
geeze monica sounds like you got your hands full! holy smokes that sounds like a full time job so im guessing your at home most of the time. Funny the lady with the hahns macaw now wants to see if she can trade her for a les paul guitar. Im thinking she may be thinking im going to pay her full asking price which isnt going to happen. Im not sure if i even want to deal with someone like that anymore. WTF trades their pets for a guitar? some people......
I know someone who got a mitred conure by trading their laptop for the bird. They didn't have money to out-right buy him, but they did have something that they could trade. The person who was selling the conure wanted either cash or a trade item! The person who got the conure couldn't understand why anyone would want to trade a bird for something else!

Right now, someone is looking to sell their quaker parrot so that they can buy an african grey. They are only allowed one bird, and their dream was an african grey.... so.... bye bye quaker!

A couple of months ago I saw an ad on Craigslist of a professional tattoo artist trading his wares for a sun conure.

People trade animals all the time!!!!

As of the beginning of this month, I am unemployed and looking for a new job. I was laid off, but had worked there for 4 years prior to being laid off. I had a part time job, but was away from home for full time hours, if not longer! I'll admit, I am enjoying the time spent with my birds!!!! (and other pets) So I do dread going back to work, but if I don't find a job, I wont be able to continue caring for them! The joys of job searching.... lol

You may just want to tell the person how much you are willing to pay her for the bird and supplies and if she's interested, to contact you. Until then, you can search for a second bird somewhere else. :)
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  • #26
Well we were on out way to the circus and found a tame 4/5 yr old male sun conure on Craigslist. Lady is never home is reason why selling. We stopped in since it was literally on the way to take a look. I noticed the bird seems to be in ok health smaller than my 2 yr old conure. Beautiful cage and had plenty of toys and a t stand. She feeds it strictly seed and 2 ritz crackers a day. She also has his cage in a spare bedroom off to the living room. Those two things made me a little sad. He didn't freak out and scream like our sunny did. He did step up on command and step down. Supposedly knows nite nite
Cracker and love you. He wouldn't step up for my wife or me which is expected I guess. He didn't lunge or try to bite but rather walk away. Two things concern me a bit so this is why I'm typing this. She stated she doesn't get to spend much time with him and he doesn't like her boyfriend much. Our sun loves everyone equally but we hold him and work with him a lot. After time and interaction with Connor would be more than likely warm up to me. I do half-3/4 of the feeding, cleaning, and interaction. I'm usually the one cutting fresh veggies and fruit and hand feeding them treats. I just don't a bird that hates me cause I'm a male. Also I noticed he has a much longer beak than my sun conure and wasn't for sure if that's normal. I compared them in pics and it looks 1/4" longer than my birds. Is this because he's a male and older, or it needs a good trimming? Fwiw we are not 100 percent sure sunny is a male. We would get him tested before interaction between the two. I just feel sorry for the bird and want to give him a solid heathy life if he would be willing to give back to all of us. I will try to post pics of his beak
I could never imagine thinking my gcc looked plain or ugly.. Wow. He has like 5 different colours.

Lovely photos though he looks very happy.

that was my thought too! lol We have a GCC cinnamon cheek, and he's got that burgundy tail, red and yellow belly, and the blueish purple on the wings along with the greenish yellow all over the body! But I guess seeing them next to a bright yellow and orange bird they look plain-er but I wouldn't say ugly! But I guess I'm a little bias :p Oh, and no offense taken! I don't get offended that easy lol
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  • #29
What's everyone thoughts on above post. The thread wasn't intended to argue what's pretty and what's not and id like it to stay on topic. Thnaks
So what do you people who have several birds do? Cross your fingers and hope for the best? To me it wouldn't be fair to bring in another bird that our sun conure doesn't like. He was here first and has seniority IMO. I would never keep a dog in my home who didn't get along with my other two dogs we have had for 8-9 yrs

When if comes to that, sometimes birds will not like one another. Plus, they could like one another one day and hate each other the next. They are literally like people in that regard.

What you got to do is simply make sure that each bird gets out of cage time with the family, and if they are both out of the cage simply keep an eye out for them hurting one another.

I want a friend for my bird, because I feel it's unfair for my little guy to be in the cage, but gosh he can be so annoying when he is out. :p Sometimes you just need a little "You" time. I put him in the cage and he starts screaming, which I ignore, but he has not learned yet that he does not get what he wants when he screams.

I am going to get a Macaw, a Scarlet Wing Macaw. Someday! I am planing on it, and my wife can tell you. If I plan on it, I will get it. :p Personally I never found bird noises annoying. I do plan on having my Scarlet Wing in my Pet Store I am going to open up as my Store Pet. I am hoping to get my Macaw really socialized so I don't have to worry about my Macaw biting someone. I know they still can bite, but a socialized Macaw is a awesome friend, and gives some peace of mind when out of the cage.

My Pineapple Conure on the other hand is a two person bird and that's it! My wife and I, and that's it! Love him to death, but I wished he would like my whole family. My brother and parents are scared of the little guy, for a small bird he packs a powerful bite. LOL

Getting back on topic. I believe it's a smart Idea to get your guy a friend. If all goes well they can use the same cage and be great buddies. Plus if you keep getting them out of the cage and socializing you won't need to worry too much about them only wanting to be with one another and not being your pet anymore. As long as you give each bird the same amount of attention you give your current bird now, they shouldn't just bound with one another and not want anything to do with your family.
Two things concern me a bit so this is why I'm typing this. She stated she doesn't get to spend much time with him and he doesn't like her boyfriend much. Our sun loves everyone equally but we hold him and work with him a lot. After time and interaction with Connor would be more than likely warm up to me. I do half-3/4 of the feeding, cleaning, and interaction. I'm usually the one cutting fresh veggies and fruit and hand feeding them treats. I just don't a bird that hates me cause I'm a male. Also I noticed he has a much longer beak than my sun conure and wasn't for sure if that's normal.

My mitred conure supposedly liked men and was a mans bird. I'm female! He's stuck to me like glue! I can't get him to stay on anyone else, unless that person takes time to earn his trust and get to know him. He doesn't have a gender preference, he just prefers me and anyone willing to get to know him.

My red throated conure is very social! She loves people talking to her! However, she's also clearly a biter. So far, she likes me and one other person in my bird club. Well, I think she likes the other member better than me, and she's only met this person three times!!! And I've had Jayde for almost 5 months now! LOL Jayde climbed me to get back to the travel cage which was sitting on a table between me and the other member. When the member made no attempt to pick her up, Jayde flew to her! I then became chopped liver... lol Jayde was not happy to go home with me, but she hasn't held a lasting grudge, at least!

I think Jayde likes anyone who can babytalk to her and really get her going... which women are better at doing than men are... and so far, a man hasn't tried doing that with her so she has yet to warm up to a man.

It is possible to get this other conure to warm up to everyone in the family, but he may very well have his preferences!!!!

The overgrown beak could be due to his very poor diet. It could also be due to health related issues (i.e. liver failure - due to a bad diet) but I'm going with just diet first. He will definitely need a check up/blood work and beak groomed.
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  • #33
ok we have decided we are going to give connor a new home tomorrow! we talked it over and realize hes not as outgoing and tame as sunny but may come around with us working with him daily. We are going to have our bird sexed so theres no mating going on. Im also thinking its a good idea to get connors beak and nails trimmed as well as a checkup. Id be heartbroken if he had something and it killed my sunny. My wife says hes been healthy this long and im wasting my time and money. Whats your guys thoughts and opinions. I just hope it workd out and they get along. Im not sure if i should let them be together as i dont want sunny to bond with connor and ditch us. Im freaking out a bit now!!!!
Sometimes, the stress of moving to a new home can be enough to make a bird that appears healthy all of a sudden become sick. Birds can appear healthy but have a lot of internal health problems going on that aren't recognized because they don't show any outward appearances of being sick.

Quarantine Connor away from your current sun, then get him vet checked to ensure he's healthy before introducing them together!
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  • #35
Sometimes, the stress of moving to a new home can be enough to make a bird that appears healthy all of a sudden become sick. Birds can appear healthy but have a lot of internal health problems going on that aren't recognized because they don't show any outward appearances of being sick.

Quarantine Connor away from your current sun, then get him vet checked to ensure he's healthy before introducing them together!

Ok so don't even put him in same room? Do
You think i should wait a week or two before taking him so he's not totally stressed out. I don't want to get him sick by moving to a
New home and then taking him to another foreign place with new people when he barely knows us
There's actually two theories about that.

Some believe it's best to take the bird to an avian vet immediately after you get them home so in the event that something is wrong, treatment can be started immediately.

Others feel it's best to allow the bird to settle in, get the diet change and do a few other things prior to taking the bird to the vet. A healthy diet can "fix" a lot of issues. The only downside to this is that it can take 6 months or more before you can really see if a diet change is effecting the bird in the way that it should and it's recommended to take them to a vet before then!

Either way, if you don't know if Connor is healthy, it's recommended to quarantine him in a separate room, with his own cage, toys, perches, food etc that is not shared with your current conure and keep him in quarantine until you are sure he's healthy.
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  • #37
Ok thank you very much for the replys and advice. I will sleep on it and go from there! I was thinking waiting roughly a couple weeks. Thanks again
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  • #38
Re: sun conures

Well after calling three local vets I'm not going to be getting another bird. The vets want from 289-521 for a full examination with nail and beak trimming. I don't need another bird that's going to cost me hundreds of dollars. I was thinking around 80-100.00 not 300
Examinations do tend to be expensive...
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  • #40
Monica I have two dogs and always had dogs my whole life. Never in my life have I heard of such extremely high exam bills. Heck we just had our little guys teeth cleaned, put under, boarded, nails clipped, and he had a small non cancerous cyst they removed and stiched up on his side. It was only around 450-500. I think the issue is there's only 2-3 bird vets in a 30 mile radius so they
Charge double to three times more.

I can't justify spending that kind of money so we have take our chances. My wife feels if it was sick it wouldn't be still alive. It's also caged next to a canary
And a parakeet they have had for like 8 yrs. confident the long beak is just to a poor diet. I have to agree with her that most sick birds don't last long and show symptoms. We have talked to her mom and she said in all the years owning her birds and two were rehomes that she never had them vet checked. Plus if anyone breeding birds and selling them for under 500.00 and say they are vet checked they would be losing money. I just don't think most people take their birds to the vet. I'm sorry but if that's the national going rate I will bet and stand by my comments.

We are still calling around and getting prices and opinions. Time will tell

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