sun conure

The woman that owns the store I got my bird from has vet clinics for $55. She is in MA.
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  • #42
That 55 bucks includes blood test and stool sample test? Sure they will do an exam for 45.00 but that doesn't tell me if anything really wrong with the bird. That's a physical examination only which I can do that myself.
I know it includes a throat culture. Not sure about the rest.
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  • #44
Ok well I feel like we hit the bird lottery again! My wife picked up a vet checked 5 month old sun conure yesterday. He's a big boy, bigger than my 2 yr old and I thought we was good size. His name is froggy as he has a lot of green on him. He's super friendly and you can totally tell he's a baby. He's a bit more clumsy I'd call it. They didn't scream at each other like I'd thought they do.

How do I introduce them together and know what's playing and what's fighting? I have googled it for a bit and came up empty handed. There cages are within 6 ft of each other now facing each other more less. We had them both out at same time I'm just not sure when and how to let them together. We are getting them both sexed and nails trimmed very soon. I'm hoping they become buds and I can buy one big nice new cage. We are going to another bird show Sunday for toys and a portable play top
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  • #45
The great thing is he's on exact diet that my 2 yr old is on as well. I will get pics up later today
If you put them into the same cage you run the risk of them bonding to each other stronger than they bond to you. This happened to me with my Green Cheeks and now I can't hold either of them. They were both hand fed and Sheldon acts like he wants me but always goes for the killer bite.

I don't house any of my other birds together. If they like each other they can play together outside of their cages but they have their own cage.I do have a double stack cage for my Sun and Quaker but they can't see each other when they are in the cages so they haven't over bonded. They are bonded and do preen each other but they also let me hold, play, cuddle etc.
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  • #47
Well I'm ok with separate cages. My wife and I just talked about your post. We have two cuddly loveable smart guys and don't want them to change on that aspect. We are hoping they can at least get along and have separate matching play top cages.

So far it seems like they don't like each other. There cages are about 6 ft apart and when we had them both out they both flew to my wife and were ok for a minute. Then our 2 yr old was kinda lunging and biting him. Then the 5 month old did the same. I'm pretty sure the older one started it all. Our 2 yr old then bit my wife's hand when getting in the middle breaking it up. He's never bit anyone ever.

We put them both away and let them calm down. Now I opened both cage doors and they both are on top of their cages. They both did some screams/sqwaks and looked at each other for. 5-10 min. Now ones eating on his playtop and the other flew to me as I'm typing this.

What's my next move to get these guys to get along? I'm hoping time
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  • #48
well things are not going to well. It seems every time i open both cage doors the older bird wants to fly to the new guy and try and attack him. It doesnt look like playing to me. I break them up with a huge piece of paper crumpled up as the older bird bites us. He has bitten my daughter and wife when trying to break it up.

Any ideas?
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  • #49

heres how i have the two cages currently, sorry for terrible lighting
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  • #51
Well I'm not sure there's two guys will ever get along. The older sun doesn't like the new guy and actually bit my wife's hand today while holding him as the other bird was on her knee.

The other issue I'm having is he won't eat the zupreem pellets. I have even tried pouring apple juice on them. I have even tried the roundly bush and no luck. His previous owner was feeding him seed, zupreem,whipped cream, chips, and French fries. Lol I'm pretty sure he wasn't eating the pellets because he won't touch them here.
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  • #52
still no forward progress with them getting along. should i allow them to touch each other and see what happens. maybe one will bite the other, or both fight, or maybe they will fake each other out. I would of course break it up asap. maybe they need to just get over each other and see each other so to speak.

the other thing were going to do we think is clip their wings on both of them if they dont get along here soon. The problem is when both cages are open one flys to someone then the other follows and they move towards each other then we separate them instantly so no contact cab be made.

still trying to get the little guy to get on a pellet diet. I have been adding zupreems and roudybush with his seed. They both loved the fresh sweet red pepper today my wife gave them. I use two food dishes. the older sun gets one filled with zupreem and a pinch of seed and roudybush. The other bowl i fill with either fresh food or dehydrated fruit and nuts. The 5 month old gets mostly higgins seed mix and 40% zupreem and roudybush. I then fill his other bowl with cheerios, zupreem, and some seed. Both have millet hanging always but dont eat it too much.
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  • #53
it creating some stress and more work by them not getting along I MUST ADD!
Sometimes birds need separate out of cage times. Especially if they are going after each other.
If you have the time... have one bird out for a couple hours, play, cuddle etc. Then put him away and take out the second bird for a couple hours.

There are people who say that the bird that was there first should be the first out. I would be more likely to switch it up. I find birds get a bit neurotic when they have the same schedule all the time. I like to switch it up on them.
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  • #55
So you don't think they will ever get along. Should I get them both out and see if they will actually bite each other, or see if it's posturing?
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  • #56
Well were gonna have a cage match tonite and see what happens! I'm not playing the take me out take you out game with a pair of birds. They will have to get along as it's becoming a real pita
Well were gonna have a cage match tonite and see what happens! I'm not playing the take me out take you out game with a pair of birds. They will have to get along as it's becoming a real pita

You know that a lot of working with birds is working with birds not working against them. The reason it's a PITA is because you are working against them. If they are letting you know that they don't like each other putting them into a "Cage match" is a horrible idea and you may end up with a really injured bird. Are you prepared to take a bird to an emergency avian vet because the other bird bit it really badly? That's a PITA.

You chose to have two birds, people said that they might not ever get along and you want to force them to get along....BAD IDEA.
I must say, all this was an interesting read, during which my eyebrows were raised on more than one occasion.

Of course you are entirely entitled to your own opinion, Thatdude596, I honestly wonder if you took ANY of the feedback that was left throughout this thread seriously, or even remotely to heart.

You begin this thread by telling us numerous times you find Green Cheeks ugly, then ask members to stay on topic when they defend they beloved, GORGEOUS birds. :mad:

Then you go on about wanting to add an additional bird, and when advised (RIGHTFULLY SO) to take EVERY precaution before adding a second one, you make it abundantly clear you won't vet your bird due to the cost? :rolleyes: Parrots are considered EXOTICS, and yes, an avian vet WILL cost lots more money than a vet for your dog.

Lastly, folks told you on numerous occasions that there were NO guarantees that your now 2 Sun Conures would ever get along. And now you are complaining it's a PITA to have them out separately, AND will actually play the "let's wait and see what happens tonight" game by letting them do what? Fight it out? :mad:

I truly question your ethics. Of course they are entirely YOUR choices to make, but rest assured, just as YOU voice your opinion on here, other members are JUST as entitled to theirs. :)
Along with what JerseyWendy said... Keep in mind, before you let them have this "cage match", that if a regular checkup/exam is too expensive for you, then the vet bill for injured birds will completely break your bank. I know someone who'd parrotlets got into a disagreement, one bit the other's foot and the leg ended up being broken, and it took several vet visits and literally THOUSANDS of dollars for that bird to make a recovery. I don't know how you could morally just allow birds to fight, but that's your choice, and its your responsibility to - potentially literally - pick up the pieces when its over.
I must say, all this was an interesting read, during which my eyebrows were raised on more than one occasion.

Of course you are entirely entitled to your own opinion, Thatdude596, I honestly wonder if you took ANY of the feedback that was left throughout this thread seriously, or even remotely to heart.

You begin this thread by telling us numerous times you find Green Cheeks ugly, then ask members to stay on topic when they defend they beloved, GORGEOUS birds. :mad:

Then you go on about wanting to add an additional bird, and when advised (RIGHTFULLY SO) to take EVERY precaution before adding a second one, you make it abundantly clear you won't vet your bird due to the cost? :rolleyes: Parrots are considered EXOTICS, and yes, an avian vet WILL cost lots more money than a vet for your dog.

Lastly, folks told you on numerous occasions that there were NO guarantees that your now 2 Sun Conures would ever get along. And now you are complaining it's a PITA to have them out separately, AND will actually play the "let's wait and see what happens tonight" game by letting them do what? Fight it out? :mad:

I truly question your ethics. Of course they are entirely YOUR choices to make, but rest assured, just as YOU voice your opinion on here, other members are JUST as entitled to theirs. :)

I second every single thing Wendy has stated !!!!!!
You hit the nail on the head more than one time
No need to say more


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