Toys Toys Toys!!!


New member
Aug 30, 2007
a Brown-headed poicephalus parrot named Tucker!
Hi all! It's been SO quiet around here lately I thought this would be a good topic to get us going and maybe save us all a few dollars from shared secrets.

I regularly buy Tucker a couple of new toys which can really add up and he usually plays with them and of course there are a few he absolutely loves but it seems like the "toys" he loves most are the ones that cost absolutely nothing. He loves to play with cardboard paper rolls (especially if I stuff them with papertowel on each end and a treat or toy in the middle) and recently discovered that the Shrimp Pellet container for my fish is the ULTIMATE toy! He loves to rip off the piece you rotate on the top and then drop it in your lap and look at you like "Will you put it back on for me so I can rip this off again??"

Hahaha You gotta love our birds. What are some of your birds favourite "toys" that aren't from the pet store?



New member
Sep 2, 2007
My U2 likes leather strands tied into knots....if I make a "knot bundle" of leather,it will keep him busy for......about 10 minutes, lol. He does enjoy untying it though. Seems like it takes me much longer to tie all the knots than it takes him to untie them...oh well.

He also likes shredding paper, of course, so I recently tried giving him one of those paper rolls like you'd put in a cash register or adding machine.

I also got some mini whiffle balls and strung leather strands through the holes, then put wooden pieces on the ends and knotted the strands to make foot toys. The only problem with that was that he was able to chew through the whiffle balls pretty easily so the toys didn't last too long. Might work better for a slightly smaller bird (?)


New member
Aug 19, 2010
American Yellowface parrotlet "paquito"
Green IRN "Georgey"
2 budgies "lemon" and "sky"
my FID parrotlet, likes playing with Q-tips, so i made her a bundle of Q-tips tied with a rubberband and she loves it


New member
Jun 25, 2010
Quincy - Blue Throated Macaw, Skittles and Dusty - Rose Breasted Too's,
Joey - Yellow Crown Amazon, Ashley - CAG
Holy Cow! another thread almost 4 years old :eek:, you guys really need to get more current


New member
Jul 19, 2010
I will add my two cents. Paco really likes different textured cardboard. I find that cup holders from fast food places are an irrisistable texture. Also, I have small light bulbs at work that come in natural thin cardboard boxes. I take these home and fill them with surprises. Then i cut a hole on top and bottom of box and string it with leather or cotton rope. Some things I put inside are crickle confetti paper, cardboard pieces (from the cup holders) treats, small foot toys, etc. She really likes this. They dont last long but she digs it.

Something I just started giving her are baby food (the little puff cereal stuff) she really seems to like it so I am going to start putting those in her mystery boxes.

I think more people should add to this and give me some ideas!


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Bathurst, NSW
One Eclectus, Scarlett
I recently got a couple of ice cream sticks and tied them round the middle very tightly with string. I then stuck a stick through the corner of the cage so it sticks out above the edge of the couch, tied the ice-cream-stick-star to a piece of string and to the stick so it dangles a bit above the couch. Scarlett loved it, she started off grabbing it with a foot to chew it, then spent ages attempting to carry it up to the top of the cage. Carrying something huge in your beak and managing to use your beak to climb up while also keeping it out of the way of your feet is quite an achievement I think! She managed it after about five tries. She then spent a while turning it around with her feet and chewing it, then dropped it and the cat grabbed her chance and played with it so hard the whole thing came unravelled in three seconds.

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