What upsets you/What pulls your buttons

wow i think everyone has vented their anger! lol what makes me made is when my computer when i'm looking on this forum starts going crazy because t is a little wet with a tiny bit of sweat! And then it starts going crazy clicking threads and peoples profiles!
I agree with everything said about cell phones...when I used to work a till, people would be at my till, and when I tried to tell them their total, many would hold up a hand to shut me up as they continued their conversation. Didn't work, I would tell them that there is a line behind them and that I would be happy to void their order so they can come back through the line when they are off the phone.
Actually did that a couple times when they wouldn't answer or pay.

BAM! That is epic rudeness from customers! Hard to believe folks can't summon a bit of courtesy and engage with the person at the till!
Okay, some pet peeves here :)...

One thing that I've noticed has gotten REALLY bad out here in the city or suburbs of the heavily populated areas of Southern California, is that not only are the roads way too over crowded (congested traffic is normal), but everyone is in a hurry and trying to cut corners to save time, even if it means doing dangerous maneuvers on the road. Besides not getting common courtesy out there, there seems to also be no laws or rules on the road anymore. People's attitude seems to be anything goes as long as you don't get caught! So many people are trying to race home or to wherever they're going, and they are so desperate to cut off maybe 10 seconds of their commute, that they're willing to put themselves in a potentially dangerous situation cutting other cars off, etc. They don't care if they accidentally push your car off a cliff, as long as they get to their destination in record speed. Of course it's been happening for decades, but I mean in recent years it has gotten NOTICEABLY much more common, especially since it has gotten very over crowded in many parts of SoCal. I've lived out here all my life, and nowdays I feel the general vibe is that people are in a huge rush, and generally speaking everyone is only looking out for themselves (or their loved ones, not YOU), like a 'dog eat dog' mentality.

Another thing that bugs me to no end is pedestrians (I know they have the right of way) who walk super slow in front of your car like you're not even there. When "I" am a pedestrian, I am conscious of cars waiting for me to pass, and I will walk a bit faster out of their way just out of courtesy. Sure I have the right of way, but I am not going to be that self absorbed out in public... sometimes if I'm in a bitter mood I tell myself I should since everyone else seems to lol!

Also about pedestrians, it kills me when I am in a car and people walking will dart out here and there without even looking back and forth first to see that I, as a driver, am paying attention and not going to mow them down accidentally. Especially the way drivers are these days as I mentioned, I wouldn't just "trust" that a driver is paying attention "just because" I have the right of way as a pedestrian!

Okay... I have a quick story here while we're on the subject of driving. So I think we all know we're "supposed to" keep eyes on the road ahead while behind the wheel... but I saw someone yesterday who was apparently exempt from this. :eek:

While driving home in heavy traffic, I had to do a double take to make sure it was what I was seeing. Now the traffic was not so bad that it was stop and go, it was moving along at maybe 30-40 mph on the freeway, but there were enough cars on the road that you'd better be paying attention as well as have quick reflexes to stop if you needed to. I actually saw a woman in a car next to me............ READING A BOOK. I thought 'nooo, couldn't be'. So to be fair, I caught up to her and looked again to be sure that she wasn't maybe just glancing quickly at a map or a paper with directions or something like that. No, her interior light was on (it was after dark) and she had a paperback novel sized book in her hand pressed against the steering wheel, and she was without a doubt reading it! Apparently she couldn't have cared less if anyone saw her do it either. I'd loved it if highway patrol saw her! I just hope she had good peripheral vision :52:! I made a point to not drive in front of her in that lane... just to be safe, you know?
Those drivers that wait till the last minute to get over. Yeah irritating. If im in a particularly nasty mood or hurry (sick kid,sick mom,late for work) I just simply take half of each lane. Ive seen other ppl do it too.

Jeez and rude people dont get me started. Once I was at the store. It was on a long one way isle and I had come in from one end to the other. A lady entered in front of me. I had 2 choices back up 10 feet with my cart or ask the lady to please let me by. She would have only had to move the lenght of her cart.

She told me no. Go around. I politely told her that I wasnt sure I could back up that far with a cart. She told me to move or she would move me.

Today at HEB I accidentally used the wrong pin with my card which slightly held up the line. I apologized and in an attempt to hurry I stuffed my card and change in my purse as I was walking away. The lady behind me hit me with her cart. Accident or not I dont know. I do know when I turned to look she was bagging her own groceries.

Lastly being sent to the same store more than once in a day...especially when I announce im going to the store and ask if anyone needs anything or if we need anything. Then I get home only to find out we needed milk or mom needs her medicine. Ive started trying to make it a habit to check with the pharmacy every time I go to the store.
You know what I hate? INSTAGRAM! I'm in the age were instagram is "cool" and everyone uses it. First off I HATE it when people always share what there eating. NO ONE CARES! Unless someone ASKS you don't post it on instagram! Second off I feel like people edit, filter, etc there selfies so they look better. You should feel good about yourself no matter what. :)

I also hate the phone problem this generation has. There is a really cool video about it but I don't think I can send off site links (it has no bad words it's a cute short film about how paying attention to the things around you and not your phone can change your life) but I hate it when people need phones for entertainment all of the time. I can look out a window for hours in a car with no complaining. Once I was waiting at the dentist and I was the only child there. Everyone else were adult. EVERY single person there were on their phones. And I was reading a book... just wow. :(

I also hate is ANIMAL ABUSE. This is a HUGE subject to talk about but I will try to go though most of it. First of DO YOUR OWN FREAKING RESERCH BEFOR BUYING AN ANIMAL!! ITS SO SIMPLE!! Animals out there are suffering because some idiot decided to buy animal with no research. Their are poor birds suffering. Losing the person that they love. And because of him her the bird has to suffers and the bird can't do anything about it. Because of all this stress and depression they pluck their feathers (which I believe is painful) it's like a human cutting their arm if they are depressed. :( It's NOT cool! I see a lot kids going to petco and randomly picking out animals. I saw a 6 year old saying "mommy can we get that thing" SHE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS IT! And her mom bought it. This is why I dint support petco or petsmart. And the breeding is crazy! It's REALLY bad with dogs and birds!

Any who if I think of something else I will post it. Thank you for posting this I think it might be fun to see what other people think and agree with them! And sorry if I have bad grammar. I am using a kindle and it's hard to use proper grammar on it. And I'm so used to my Mac it's hard to type and see and think on my kindle lol! :)
The thing that gets me really mad right now is how bad companies have started treating their staff. How the whole greed thing is so much more important than peoples lives. My company told another staffmember that our company comes before her 80 year old dying mother, she must get her priorities straight. Told another he must come to work while booked off sick for one day if he wants to keep his job. Made a staffmember come to work the day after her sister passed away, phoned another to ask how long she needs to grieve when her husband passed away, the day after he did....the list goes on and on, and this is not isolated to one company, I hear this type of thing more and more.

I was called in for being 5 minutes late in the morning, when consistently working half an hour late every afternoon. When pointing this out I was told not to be a clock watcher......wait, what? So you, company, are allowed to be a clock watcher, but I am not? You win half an hour every day but want to hold a meeting over 5 minutes? Stuff you.

Unfairness, people in a position of power reacting without finding out what the facts are first. And after they do, nothing....no sorry, no apology.

I could go on for hours more....but I have to get ready for work. Sigh.
Oh Yha! The driving drives me crazy! ( Lol get it... nope ok. xD) but anyways people can be so ignorant! And rude! People ALL the time will cut in fount of you and drive VERY fast only to slam on their breaks at the spotlight. I mean seriously. And I also hate the people that just act like they own the place. And being Hippocrates. And getting way to mad of someone cuts discount if them. I also hate some of the pedestrians. They just walk in fount of a car and act like they own the place and will not get hit. It's REALLY annoying. I don't drive I'm only 11 but I see this ALL the time when I'm in the car with my mom or dad. And soon my sister! :D Can anyone agree with me?
#1. Lying to me in my face!!! Liars!
#2. Can't own up to what you've done or say!!!
#3. Back stabbers!!!

I don't like lying to people period and I own what I've done or say. IF I don't like you or what you've said or done I tell it to you in your face as I don't sugar coat nothing. I tell things just the way they are. Some people find it harsh but I see it as a reality check with simple facts. :)
Those drivers previously posted were out in full-force yesterday in Costco, flitting about with their baskets as though they were the only customer!

Darting around cutting others off - no sense of situational awareness!
Blocking the aisles as they walk a few feet away to study an item.
Grabbing a sample and feeding without moving the cart for others.
And my pet peeve, blocking access to the book tables with their carts while they obliviously read the book for several minutes!
Great thread. Texting and driving is so so stupid . I have a long drive home. I hate to tell you how many people I see in the fast lane driving slow and texting. I have also seen a few wrecks from it. WAKE UP DUMMIE . I swear I am getting this for my car

Left Lane Drivers Unite!

Okay, some pet peeves here :)...

One thing that I've noticed has gotten REALLY bad out here in the city or suburbs of the heavily populated areas of Southern California, is that not only are the roads way too over crowded (congested traffic is normal), but everyone is in a hurry and trying to cut corners to save time, even if it means doing dangerous maneuvers on the road. Besides not getting common courtesy out there, there seems to also be no laws or rules on the road anymore. People's attitude seems to be anything goes as long as you don't get caught! So many people are trying to race home or to wherever they're going, and they are so desperate to cut off maybe 10 seconds of their commute, that they're willing to put themselves in a potentially dangerous situation cutting other cars off, etc. They don't care if they accidentally push your car off a cliff, as long as they get to their destination in record speed.

Earlier this month a guy (1st driver) in Massachusetts pushed another driver (2nd driver) off the road.
When the police caught up with the 1st driver they asked him about driving off and why didn't he stop, etc. The 1st drivers response was..."Well, it's not like I killed him (2nd driver) or anything." WELL, the 2nd driver did die as a result of the accident AND what difference does that make? You aren't supposed to leave the scene of an accident. Since when is an accident okay as long as someone doesn't die?
Ok - honestly I probably have a lot of pet peeves so this one is bothering me today. Pants that hang down so that I can see six inches (more or less) of your underwear.
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Ok - honestly I probably have a lot of pet peeves so this one is bothering me today. Pants that hang down so that I can see six inches (more or less) of your underwear.

ROFLMAO! I hear you there, loud and clear!!! What's worse though if the butt crack is hanging out.

In my neck of the woods, I deal with TONS of defensive drivers. Absolutely HATE it! Everyone always seems to be in such a rush. Drives me mad! And yes, I sputter out unpleasantries when someone puts my life in danger. I've also resorted to sign language in certain circumstances. :54: Then one day, after someone just hopped out of a shopping center without even looking, and me having to hit the brakes so hard I started skidding (on a dry road), I honked my horn, shaking like a leaf. What did the offending driver do? She waved at me, smiled, and blew me a kiss. :11: I was so shocked, I laughed. And THAT is what I do nowadays when in 'bad' situations. :D
ok, one thing that brings out the worst in me is what I consider total self centered thoughtlessness with regard to driving or any situation where I am trapped in groups of people (supermarket). People pull out on a highway and immediately pull to the passing lane, for no particular reason, then go slow and hold up the road. It is not legal to pass them on the right, yet people are all forced to do so. These same type of drivers who hold everyone up will then invariably run red lights (I guess they are 'too good' to have to stop too). Very frustrating. I do tend to be a little quick when driving, but safe, reasonable and WATCHING the road (not in my self absorbed bubble).

I also wait my turn. My exit I drive each day on my trip home from work is one of them that backs up so much that we all line up on the shoulder so the highway can keep moving. As much as we are all in a hurry, we wait in an orderly manner. There will always be at least one or two people who cut everyone off. I hate myself for how I sit in my car and call them names under my breath. LOL

And in supermarkets, the equivalent to the 'driving in the passing lane without passing' thing gets me. Yeah, go ahead and block the aisle with your cart. You are the only person who matters anyway right? GRRR I tend to be more tuned in my environment than most people, but the flip side of that is that it irritates the crap out of me that people seem SO clueless and thoughtless.
Oh!! Speaking of grocery stores, when you have 3 items to pay for, get into the express lane where the maximum amount of items is 12 or 15, and the person in front of you has a full cart. I am one of those people who count people's items when in that lane..lol
Oh!! Speaking of grocery stores, when you have 3 items to pay for, get into the express lane where the maximum amount of items is 12 or 15, and the person in front of you has a full cart. I am one of those people who count people's items when in that lane..lol
Yep - I count too. Argh!
Yes! The same person with the cart load will also pay cash or cash/check split. Seriously?! Do you want us to polish your shoes too? Haha
Yes! The same person with the cart load will also pay cash or cash/check split. Seriously?! Do you want us to polish your shoes too? Haha
And they have dozens of coupons to sort through, and want price checks on half their stuff.
Well, I think my number one pet peeve is - people who count how many items I have in the express lane... :D (That's right. I did it just to piss you off! I take grocery shopping personally.) :D

And that was just to push someone's buttons... cuz it's what I do...

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