Where can I buy some eggs


New member
Jun 4, 2020
Hello Iā€™m trying to purchase some eggs.

But donā€™t know who to trust.

Can someone give me who is good to buy parrot eggs so they hatch.

You shouldn't even consider this. 1. it's a scam 99.99999% of the time. 2. It would be TERRIBLE for the bird. 3. hand-rearing without a parent harms the baby and usually ends badly.4. Your bond will not be better if you hand-rear a chick (it just seems that way initially, but it isn't a long term thing). PARROT EGGS ARE A SCAM, but even if they weren't (which they are) you can't incubate them like a chicken or emu (so much more complicated). Hand-raising an already hatched parrot chick ends tragically for most....that is an already hatched chick....

You should look into buying a fully-weaned parrot if that is what you want. Also, let's say you found a place that had legit eggs that miraculously survived transport, the overhead for monitoring humidity, incubating, caging at would set you back THOUSANDS...LIKE...$5000 at least....and you risk killing the chick after spending thousands of dollars.

Parrot eggs are not like turkey, emu, chicken eggs etc-- they require special conditions and there is no way they would survive shipping/turning/temp changes etc..plus, they need their parents early-on. This is not a smart venture if you are trying to save money....if it ever worked (which it doesn't) you would end up with a messed up parrot and lots of expenses.

Parrots can lay infertile or fertile eggs, so if a scammer wanted, it would be very easy to send an egg and say "well, you must have screwed it up. give me my $200" (even if they knew it wouldn't survive or even if it was never fertile to begin with).
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Wanted if you know any legit places that sell the eggs ?
No, there are no legit places for parrot eggs. Sorry.
You cannot breed parrots on a farm...and you can't start from eggs without parents.
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There is one excellent source for eggs. The grocery store!
Seriously, the scam is so bad, you really stand a better chance buying chicken eggs and getting them to hatch parrots!
I know of one local breeder that claims she legitimately sells fertile eggs! But, so far, they wonā€™t provide me with proof! So I still call, scam!
You cannot buy parrot eggs anywhere in the US, because a breeder stands to make much more money by raising the baby themselves and profiting later with a healthy, fully weaned baby.

If you're interested in poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, quails), now those are eggs that are legitimately sold all around the US and you can get those pretty cheap. But parrot eggs, just never happens!
There is one excellent source for eggs. The grocery store!
Seriously, the scam is so bad, you really stand a better chance buying chicken eggs and getting them to hatch parrots!
I know of one local breeder that claims she legitimately sells fertile eggs! But, so far, they wonā€™t provide me with proof! So I still call, scam!

So very well stated my good friend!
It continues to amaze me just how often this subject repeats and the stone cold belief in how simple buying eggs, hatching them, and raising Parrots must be. I guess the overall difficulty explains why no one has written that copy of "Hatching and Raising Parrots for Dummies."

Sorry to the OP, but as you have likely determined its fertile scam ground and no more. Don't under-estimate the joy in raising chickens.
Dont be surprised if you wind up hatching pigeons or bantam chickens, the eggs are about the same size.

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