Winston has a mullet :(


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to “Teflon Disaster� 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
Winston crashed into the wall. Again. He is fine (it was several days ago).

He now has a mullet. He shaved off the feathers on the left side of his head and now he has finished off the right side. Just a line of feathers down the middle. Rather embarrassing, I feel like people are going to see me as a birdy beater. It was the same wall in the same location. I guess he will never be the first feathered neurosurgeon. Which actually leads me to a side note.

Winston is my only male and he is so out of control. I mean, he is very well behaved but he is like this beautiful big footed ball of disaster. Are all males like this? He does everything BIGGER than my females. Louder, faster, more intense and one disaster after another. I actually prefer the calm (relative to Winston) of my girls (and the girls want to be with me where Winston wants to be every where. At the same time). Just an observation, I love them all the same. I know the basic personality types are supposed to basically the same but it does make me wonder.
I know it may be a sad thing to do but would a mild wing clip help him from these accidents? He may not be so lucky next time and get hurt even worse.
Pickles, BTW, I also had a YNA names Winston, so thats 2 names we have in common - Winston and Salty.
I'd love to see some pictures of the mullet.

Stephen isn't quite so crazy but he does have a need to be places. ALL OF THE PLACES! He's not quite crazy about getting to them but I have seen him crawl over the basset hound to get somewhere.

Not a huge fan of that but given the fact that he's a basset hound and moving requires effort and he doesn't like effort it's not been an issue.

But pics of the mullet bird!
Perhaps Winston thinks he needs to show off to all the "girls". LOL!
I'm glad Winston is fine! He sounds a little like my Griffin :).

I know they 'say' in most parrot species that male and female are the same, and only vary with indivudal personality. I've had experience with keeping 8+ different species for long enough of a time that I personally saw a pattern of the males being more feisty, or macho, or I hate to use the word 'aggressive', but whatever you call it, just "more" full on than the females in my experience. That's not to say there are exceptions of course, and I'm sure others with large flocks can disagree with me, but that is just what I have observed with my own birds personally over the years.

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