
  1. MyFeatheredFlock

    Where Can I Buy Macaw Eggs Without Getting Scammed?

    I’m trying to find somewhere that sells Macaw eggs, I recently got an incubator and wanted to hatch my own Macaw. Has anyone here ever bought parrots eggs? And if you have, where? I can’t find anywhere that seems legit online.
  2. S

    Pricing my lovebird chicks?

    Hey guys, I’ve got these chicks that I can’t take care of (I’m not a breeder or professional, but i let my lovebirds have chicks this one time) Anyways I’d like to sell them to earn back most of the money I’ve spent on my lovebirds ($200 cage, $50 food every couple of weeks, toys, etc etc). What...
  3. Raikou

    Brooder setup and routine?

    Hi all, I have a pair of peach faced lovebirds who are currently producing their first clutch with me. Both are displaying the correct nesting and mate feeding behaviours appropriately, and eggs have been laid every other day no issue with there being three so far. The birds have been observed...
  4. madbradjohnson

    My Ecelectus - Loki & Rubi (Guess which ones the female?! :) )

    Hi All, I have an Eclectus pair. They have bonded and have started breeding. I am still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :o Rubi, the hen, always lays a double clutch of eggs. Last year, we had our 1st hatchling which sadly passed away a little after 1 month. Now, recently...
  5. T

    Baby-Making Considerations for Oblivious Owner

    Hi guys! I'm in need of some help. I've had my female 14 y/o Congo for 13 years, but I think she could be happier if she were not in an indoor cage and got more attention (I live in a coop so she lives with my parents). Someone coming over to do house repairs saw her and said he has been...
  6. L

    Please help, need advice

    I have two lovebirds that I've owned since 2012. They live outside in an aviary and in the past few months have built a nest and had chicks. I haven't been interfering because I want to let nature take its course but I really need advice on what to do when the chicks fledge, do I need to...
  7. I

    New CAG Chicks

    i have bought two :grey: chicks a week back will update with the pics of them later on one of them is 29 days old now as far as the breeder says and second one is around 35-40 days old
  8. odge

    The feeding aftermath

    I have made a video of the cockatiels and how they behave AFTER they have been fed. Subtitled again for your enjoyment :)] Hope the link works...
  9. ann

    How to move society finch chicks?

    Hello, my society finches recently had two chicks! This is the first time I have had a clutch of more of than one chick, so I am ecstatic! I always tame one baby at a time, so I never see how chicks interact with each other. Now with two chicks I can see them grow and interact together :). But...
  10. C

    Baby Conure feeding questions.

    Hello. I have begun to hand feed a small sun conure chick (1 3/4 weeks old) since its parents for some reason killed its older 2 week sibling. I do not know why, but its left me heart broken. So I decided to hand feed the remaining chick. Well, I went to visit a friends friend who has been a...