out of cage time

  1. DoctorWhoops

    Stopping my Caique from flying across the roam

    four days ago I got my new five year old Caique: Appa. I took him from his previous owner who found out she had two males, and the past few days we've been getting used to each other. He seems increasingly comfortable around me and the environment, and he's at the point where he's starting to...
  2. SleepyLuca

    Am I a bad bird owner?

    This is kind of a vent but I am looking for help if anybody has advice :’) First of all, I of course love my boy with everything I have. He’s my almost three year old sun/dusky headed conure. We hatched and raised him ourselves (that being me and my mom) in 2020 and we have an extremely close...
  3. Z

    Taming a cockatiel

    I got a Cockatiel this past weekend, Hebe. The place I got her form already clipped her wings. They took her out and the guy forced her onto his hand. At this and the fact that she was alone in her cage made me want her. Whenever I put my hands close, she looks like she wants to bite me, and...
  4. S

    My birds dont like spending time outside the cage

    I have two budgies, salt and pepper. I've had them for nearly 2 years and I first took them out of the cage nearly a year ago. Since then, I have been taking them out and training them and giving them seeds almost every day. But they always go back inside after 15-20 minutes. I know they need...
  5. lisazartsi

    Baby Cuddles

    Piña (our pineapple GCC) is now about 14 weeks old and her personality is really coming out. She loves being the center of attention. She plays very well in her cage with her toys and does this adorable cheep when she finds one of the little treats I've hidden in her foraging toys. We have her...
  6. lisazartsi

    Independence Out of Cage

    Hi friends! :) This is my first week with my baby Pineapple GCC and she's a total angel. She plays super well on her own in her cage, eats and drinks comfortably and already knows how to step up and down (we practice for short increments every day). I'd like for her to learn how to play on her...
  7. B

    GCC doesn't like the cage

    Hi everybody, I wrote a thread a while ago regarding my 2 months old baby GCC Cookie. Long story short he was sold to me not completely weaned and I was even lied to on the stage his weaning was at. By the time I realised we were all happily stuck at home - gotta love quarantine. Stepped up the...
  8. African_charlie

    How to take a parrot out of cage

    i recently adopted a one year old African grey charlie:grey: we didn't bond properly i had him for about a month so he can eat from my hand inside the cage but still doesn't like me :( and i love him sooo much. the only thing is his old owners never took him out of the cage witch im really...
  9. Ezekiell

    Noise level and routine for a sun conure?

    Hi everyone. I have been considering adding a sun conure to the family, moreso as my own pet rather than a true family pet (my mum is nervous around birds), and I wanted to get some advice from some experienced bird owners. As I have been told many times that sun conures are noisy, I...